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Becoming a Parent


Submitted By hellothere01
Words 1280
Pages 6
Becoming a Parent
Becoming a parent can be one of the biggest changes in our lives. There are many different views on what being a parent would be like. We see others as parents and adopt all sorts of thoughts, good and bad. In reality everyone is different and there isn’t much that can prepare you for what parenthood actually has to offer. Many people plan on becoming parents, usually when a relationship is strong and a couple is ready to settle down and start a family. Some become parents strictly by chance. It may be an unwanted scenario that was unplanned and what some would even call an “accident.” As for myself, I have always wanted to be a parent at some point in my life, but when it happened, it was definitely a surprise to me. I expected to be much further along in my life before parenthood was ever considered. When I heard the words, “I’m pregnant,” I didn’t know what to think. To me, it was too early and I wasn’t ready. I had to cope with the fact that my life was about to change. I tried to picture myself as a father and what I would have to do to get ready. I knew it was going to be hard but didn’t really think that it was going to be as hard as it actually was. I came up with all these ideas on what being a parent was going to be like. I was for certain I had everything planned out. The reality is, I was wrong. Everything changed, and all those thoughts and ideas that I had became useless from the moment my first child was born.
In the beginning when my son was born, I figured I knew what to do. At first in my mind it was going to be nothing but feeding, bathing and changing dirty diapers. I thought it would be a piece of cake. I was very wrong. Yes there was feeding but not like I had originally thought. Every three to six hours he needed a bottle no matter what time of the day or night it was. I was soon very exhausted from all of the waking up

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