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Submitted By ppreysler93
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Pages 2
With this letter, I would like to express my interest in studying at the Rotterdam University as an Exchange student.
I am currently studying a Degree programme in Business at University Carlos III of Madrid. Having looked through the materials of the Foreign Department of my university, I was very delighted to find the opportunity to finish my degree at the Rotterdam University. I have decided to apply for this programme because I am sure it would strongly enrich my future studies and help me in my prospective career. Moreover I consider this programme as a great opportunity to get in touch with Netherlands culture and educational system. Last but not least, I am very curious about different approaches to the business at the foreign university.
I have chosen to apply for Rotterdam University, because I really like its module system of study. I specially appreciate the wide range of offered modules and the freedom in making your study plan. Many of the modules offered are unique for me, because there is no equivalent at my home university. Very important for me is also an “Excellent” rating for teaching of the business department and the overall friendly atmosphere at both the university as well as the city.
During my prior studies I have found out, that I would like to specialize in Consulting. The University of Rotterdam gives me a chance to get in touch with these subjects through modules from Department of International Business Administration .
I would very much like to finished at the University of Rotterdam.Furthermore I could improve my English and increase my confidence in passing the TOEFL examinations after I return. Moreover, I am confident that my experience in Netherlands would be extremely exciting, fun, and valuable for both my studies and overall general development.
Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.
Patricia Preysler

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