Premium Essay

Benjamin Banneker Letter To Thomas Jefferson

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Benjamin Banneker, an extremely accomplished man with a wide range of positions (i.e. farmer, astronomer, mathematician, surveyor and author), built his reputation among these posts. While Thomas Jefferson was a notable government counterpart in the writing of the Declaration of Independence as well as Secretary of State under George Washington, it was also known that Jefferson was a slave owner. In a letter from Banneker to Jefferson, Banneker argues for his slavery bound “brethren” in a way that can be deemed politely combative with an accusatory tone. Religion in the colonial time was something that everyone and anyone had in common, sure no one had the same beliefs but they knew that there was something otherworldly. Banneker’s use of religion points out a sense of dissimilarity White America has with being blessed to the harshness that is Black America. Although as Banneker stated that even with the “benevolence of the Father” the equal distribution of “rights and privileges” his “brethren” are being held under “captivity …show more content…
In each paragraph of the letter he started with the word “sir” to show respect, the underlying point of the usage was to show how unequal the two gentlemen really were, through the color of their skin to their job descriptions. Even with the respectful banter that was going on, he can’t help but take a dig at Jefferson about being a slave owner. Banneker states that Jefferson should be “found guilty” of doing the “criminal act” that Jefferson himself “professedly detested.” If that isn’t calling Jefferson a hypocrite then I don’t know what is. Banneker applied a quote from Job, “put your souls in their souls stead,” the equivalent to, “take a walk in my shoes,” in which he compares Job to slaves. There has not been a time where anyone would’ve ever had to think about what was going on in the mind of a

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