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Between The Town And The Mountain Summary

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Royall also exemplifies the idea of shame as a motive. Though he easily slides back into a shame cycle, his shame drives him to better his life. He views a personal betterment as marrying Charity and continuing to care for her and also receive a comfort and companion to his loneliness. His possessive and protective nature easily brings him to anger regarding Charity and her passion for Harney, but he does work to speak his mind to Charity out of a desire for her wellbeing (Wharton 75.) Royall’s eventual “saving” of Charity both removes her of personal agency, just as his first “saving” of her did, and also allows her a freedom of comfort that she would not have had otherwise (Wharton 177.) He humbles himself to tie himself to Charity even in her pregnancy and the reader is left to easily assume that he intends to care for the both of them (Wharton 194.) This is where a distinction between Harney and the other two characters can be …show more content…
She writes, “The moment she is pregnant, she can no longer exist between town, where human life is seen as intelligible because it exists within the confines of law and sovereignty, and the Mountain, where life is stripped to the barest of essentials because the law seemingly ceases to encircle it” (Weingarten 353.) As Charity is stuck between the Mountain and North Dormer, she is left with few options in her pregnancy. Weingarten focuses on abortion and how the view of abortion, and the view of a “shot gun wedding” are both negative in the current society. In addition, she introduces an idea that if Charity gets an abortion she is also erasing her love affair with Harney and can’t bring herself to do that. This idea, as well as North Dormer’s view of out of wedlock pregnancies and abortions, reinforces shame in Charity’s life and her decision making is driven by that

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