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Bidddy Mason


Submitted By AnnmarieMon504
Words 1079
Pages 5
Jerrie Ridley

Bridget "Biddy" Mason
Nurse, mid-wife, successful entrepreneur, and generous contributor, are just a few of the words to describe, Bridget Biddy Mason. Mason’s life story is a portrait of what one woman can accomplish if she strives to better her life. Born to slave parents in Mississippi on August 15, 1818, and eventually raised in Georgia. Mason was given as a wedding present to Robert Smith and his wife, Rebecca to be used as a slave on his plantation. It was during Mason’s years with Smith, that she conceived and delivered three daughters. According to a plethora of sources, the father of the three daughters was in fact her slave owner, Robert Smith.("From slavery to entrepreneur, Biddy Mason") During her years as a slave on the plantation, Mason performed the normal duties that were expected on the plantations. Mostly likely working in both the house and land that the Smith’s owned. However, Despite that she was forbidden to read or write; Mason did acquire many skills that would be beneficial to her and her family in the coming years.
After working on a plantation in Mississippi owned by Robert Marion Smith, Mason migrated to Utah with the Smiths, whom had converted to Mormonism. During the grueling two-thousand-mile journey, Mason herded cattle, prepared meals, and worked as a nurse and midwife.
It was the year 1849 when California drafted a constitution forbidding slavery, and in September 1850 California joined the Union as a free state. In 1851, Smith moved his brood, including his enslaved servants, to San Bernardino, California. Most likely Mr. Smith was not

Jerrie Ridley

aware that California had become a free state. During this grueling trip Mason had to walk behind a 300 wagon caravan, and had countless of tasks for the Smith's.("From slavery to entrepreneur, Biddy Mason") Her duties

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