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Black Mecca


Submitted By alex2012111
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Black Mecca

Thesis: West African Muslims immigrants fit into the fabric of Harlem, New York, and how they have challenged established notions of Islam, race, and cultural difference in one of the centers of black culture, thought, and politics.

Alain LeRoy Locke, The New Negro, 1925.

This book provides a great look at the history of West African Muslims in Harlem. Also it talks about how those African were treated and referred as the new Negros among other black. This book supports my research by mainly talking about challenges that West African Muslims face in the U.S in general and in Harlem in particular. It also explains the culture difference between the new black arrivals and the African American who have already assimilated to the American culture. It also gives my thesis a clear sense of the prejudice and racism that was against those Western African Muslims. Zain abduallah, Black Mecca: The African Muslims of Harlem.

This book talks about how West African immigrants were adapting to the new American culture and trying to reach the American dream. It also goes on talking about how many Americans ignored those West African Muslims’s identity because they were black, because they have always viewed Islam as an Arab religion.

This books helps my thesis by providing information about the West African Muslims immigrants’s background and how they came to America. Also gives my research more understanding about how they faced the challenges that were against them. The book is the perfect source for my research because it goes deeper into how those west Africans Immigrants built their own community in Harlem.

Interviewing Imam Al-Hajj Talib Abdur-Rashid who is Imam Talib is the leader of the Majlis Ash-Shura (Islamic Leadership Council) of Metropolitan New York and he is the Imam of The Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood.

(I have an appointment for interviewing Imam Al-Hajj Talib in November, 25th)

Imam Talib would be a great source for my research since he has been Imam for the biggest mosque in New York that was founded by followers of Malcolm X.

Sharifa Rhodes-Pitts, Harlem Is Nowhere: A Journey to the Mecca of Black America – January 22, 2013.

This book mainly talks about how people see Harlem as the capital of black America, including West African Immigrants. Also talks about how important Harlem is as the center of cultural achievement and political action.

This books gives my research details about the old Harlem before West African Muslims came and after. Also, gives more analytical view of Black Mecca in many perspectives.

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