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Bo Jackson: A Hero's Story

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Bo Jackson, a man who truly is the definition of a rags to riches story, a man who is a legend both in athletics and personality. He is undoubtedly one of the greatest to play both baseball and football, yet is not too recognized in either sport. He is a hero who has a fantastic story, one with lows and highs. His feats could be compared with that of even Beowulf. As a child, Bo grew up in a rough place, Bessemer, Alabama. His town was riddled with poverty, and his family was poor as well. He would play with the neighbor kids, and throw crabapples at each other, which taught him how to throw quickly in a way. When he got to high school, even then he astounded starting legends around the nation, such as when he jumped out of waist high water and did a backflip. …show more content…
He chose Auburn for one reason only; a starting position his freshman year. Bo Jackson set all kinds of records for Auburn, and even ended Alabama’s nine year streak of beating Auburn. During the baseball season, Bo was confronted by recruiters from the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. He was asked to come down and visit, and Bo was assured that this was legitimate and legal. Although, when he returned, he was informed that he had to be disqualified, because he was not able to visit Tampa for football legally. He was heartbroken, and informed Tampa that he would not play football, especially with

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