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Board Games Relation Essay

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To help illustrate the listed terms, I chose to do a relation of tabletop board games. I included a table of the relation to help clarify my definitions. For simplicity, we’ll pretend that this is representative of a complete collection of data on board games. The ID numbers were just arbitrarily chosen to be a representation of a possible primary key.

Board Games Relation
Pandemic Matt Leacock 31 Z-Man Games 39.99 2 4
Dixit Jean Louis-Roubira 2145 Asmodee 34.99 3 6
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game Christian T. Peterson 1147 Fantasy Flight Games 59.95 3 6
Letters from Whitechapel Gabriele Mari, Gianluca Santopietro 789 Fantasy Flight Games 49.95 2 6
Forbidden Island Matt Leacock 2455 Gamewright 19.99 2 4 …show more content…
The relation includes a number of attributes for the subject with values (data), often representative of real-life confirmable information, assigned to them for each of the attributes of the individual elements in the relation.
•Heading – The heading is the list of attributes, or characteristics, that have values assigned for each of the elements. In this case, the heading includes all of the bolded items are the top of the above table: Name, Designer, ID, US Publisher, MSRP Dollars, Min Players, Max Players.
•Relation degree – A relation degree is the number of attributes in the relation. Observing the heading, this relations relation degree would be 7.
•Tuple – A tuple is a list of all of the assigned values of attributes for a single element. For instance, the first tuple you come across on the above table is the following: Pandemic, Matt Leacock, 31, Z-Man Games, 39.99, 2, 4. This collection of data from the selected tuple isn’t particularly helpful without the heading, or associated attributes. Without that the data is just data. Upon knowing the attribute for each value, that data becomes information. A tuple must, in total, be unique from any other tuple in the

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