Premium Essay



Submitted By wangchoongzhen
Words 791
Pages 4
Monash University Sunway Campus
AFW2401 Commercial Banking and Finance
Sample Mid-Semester Test

This test consists of 15 questions. Select the best answer by circling them. If you change your mind, you may change your previous selection by crossing it out.
a. correct answer
b. incorrect answer

ID Number:
Tutorial (Day, Time):
1. Bank “runs” occur
a. when a large number of depositors speculate on rising interest rates
b. if depositors shift funds from bank deposits to mutual funds
c. because of the collapse of bank loan markets
d. none of the above
2. Under RAROC, if the required loan rate is calculated to be 10%, the loan must earn at least this rate in order to earn the target:
a. ROA
b. ROE
c. loan loss rate
d. capital ratio
3. How is the ROE related to the ROA?
a. multiply ROE by the leverage ratio (equity/assets) to find ROA
b. multiply ROA by the leverage ratio to find ROE
c. the rate of ROE is higher than ROA
d. the rate of ROA is higher than ROE
4. Interest rate risk and liquidity risk are:
a. unrelated to one another
b. closely related to one another
c. only related to one another when interest rate levels are high
d. only related to one another when interest rate levels are low
5. The primary advantage(s) of liability management include:
a. assets can be shifted from lower earning money market instruments to higher earning loans and longer-term securities
b. increased risk
c. greater asset diversification is possible
d. a and c
e. a, b, and c

AFW 2401 Dr Mohammed Shaiban

Page 1 of 4

6. Which of the following factor(s) can affect banks' debt-equity mix decision from the viewpoint of shareholders? a.

dividend policy ownership control financial risk all of the above

7. Tier 1 capital does NOT include which of the following?
a. common stock
b. perpetual preferred stock
c. surplus

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