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Submitted By rhowet
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Pages 4

Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper describing the changing role of HR management in response to trends in globalization, technology, diversity, e-business, and ethics.

Use at least five references from the reading assignment, Internet articles, Electronic Reserve Readings articles, or HR journal articles to support your paper

Format your report according to APA standards


The globalization of Human Resource is characterized and challenged by increasing levels of decentralization. Most international and domestic organizations address this challenge by maintaining one primary Human Resource department with independent regional departments. The primary HR department (particularly in international organizations) faces the challenge of consistency across all locations and offices. The top three challenges include:

1. Variations in social, political, and economic circumstances.

2. Different locations/offices have their own way of doing things and are resistant to change.

3. The perceived value of the HR function varies across locations/offices


The increasing complexity of the Human Resource role has prompted managers to find modern solutions to new challenges. Software vendors have stepped up to the plate with software that will streamline information, saving countless hours HR workers previously spent compiling information. New software programs allow employees to have access to personal information in their files so they can assume the responsibility of updating files. This shift in responsibility enables HR staff to spend more time on higher level tasks.


Diversity has become one of the most important business and employment issues of modern times. Diversity includes issues related to race, gender, age, disabilities, religion, job title, physical appearance, sexual orientation, nationality, multiculturism, competency, training, experience, and personal habits. It is important for organizations to consider the ethical and legal implications of decisions in relation to the HRM policies they enact to protect employees from discrimination and bias. Those who work in human services are well aware of conflicts that can be created due to a misunderstanding or lack of awareness of differences in others. Those who have the knowledge and ability to work within an increasingly diverse society will be in the best position to gain employment. However, a new trend in thinking is that diversity must be seen as a critical part of mainstream business, rather than a purely Human Resource responsibility.


In today's e-business environment, Human Resource must become a leader in identifying new business opportunities, defining business strategy and company priorities, and preparing the organization for change.

Job requirements as well as the regulatory environment change at such a rapid pace that the staff needs of tomorrow are very different to those of today. .In order to fulfill this fast expanding role, the HR department will have to become more focused on the company's external environment. HR leaders can no longer sit back and wait for someone in another department to interpret change for them. Instead, it is imperative HR leaders become proactive in future business opportunities and ventures. HR will also have to play a more integral role in mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures and strategic alliances since success often hinges on issues related to competencies, capabilities, and compatibility or fit.


The fundamental nature of business creates ethical conflicts. Managers must continuously and consciously balance the needs of the organization and its stockholders with the needs of other stakeholders, including workers, customers, and the larger community. Managers must also balance their personal needs and desires against those of their organizations. Customers want to purchase goods at low cost while businesses want to maximize profits. Society wants to decrease environmental pollution while businesses want to minimize costs related to the environment.

In order to not only keep up with, but stay on top of ethical shifts and conflicts, HR has four main responsibilities: 1. HR professionals must help ensure that ethics is a top organizational priority. 2. HR must ensure that the leadership selection and development processes include an ethics component. Leaders at all levels of the organization need to both model ethical behavior and communicate ethical standards to employees. 3. HR is responsible for ensuring that the right programs and policies are in place In this new era, the U.S. government is developing a stricter set of sentencing guidelines for ethical crimes. 4. HR must stay abreast of ethics issues. This means HR will have to be proactive rather than reactive regarding hot issues.

(The Globalization of Human Resource Practices)

By Sheila M. Rioux, Ph.D., Paul R. Bernthal, Ph.D., and Richard S. Wellins, Ph.D)

(Technology Addresses HR's Increasingly More Strategic Role By Art Brooks) Working in a Diverse Society Elizabeth R. Mitchell, MSW, LCSW

Strategic Human Resource Advisors 2005, The HR Role in a Changing Economy by Wayne Perrett,

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