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Business Behavior


Submitted By tpe201
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Needs Satisfaction and ERG Theory
If managers satisfy employees’ needs, they will be productive. Clayton Alderfer’s ERG theory defines the needs of human-being into three categories: existence needs, relatedness needs, and growth needs. These three categories of needs contain the comprehensive internal and external demand of employees.
Understanding what the employee’s needs are is the first step of motivation. Maslow’s needs hierarchy is the foundation of the ERG theory. Aldefer aligned the needs hierarchy into three groups, namely Existence, Relatedness and Growth needs. The existence needs include the human basic needs necessary for existence, which are the physiological and material well-being. The relatedness needs refer to human-beings’ desire to maintain important interpersonal relationships. The last group of needs is the growth needs, which represent human-beings’ desire for personal development, self-fulfillment and self-actualization. In practice, the three categories of needs is a valid version for managers to apply to management. It develops in three dimensions: internal, external, and time. It focuses on the needs of employees in organization, but not an independent individual. The benefit of this theory is it is helpful for managers to go back to the motivation theory in face of various issues and encourage the employees to be productive.
In the statement of person B, it is said that the employees are good about coming to work, but not very good about working really hard. In this particular situation, a reasonable inference could be certain needs of the employee are satisfied, but certain needs are not satisfied. For example, the employees’ existence needs may be satisfied because he is being paid, but his growth needs is not satisfied because he lost his will of hard working and making contributions to his job in the current job. The assumption of what B said is wrong, because he cannot satisfy the entire needs of the employees. In the example, the manager only satisfies one of the total three needs.
The frustration-regression component of ERG theory is practical in explaining why what person A said is more reasonable. The frustration regression demonstrates that an already satisfied lower-level need can become activated when a higher-level need cannot be satisfied. In the case of why person B said could be true, the frustration regression provides an academic reason. Employees may still want to go to work in the case that their higher-level need, like growth needs is not satisfied, but their lower-level needs is being activated and being satisfied. It also supports that what B said is wrong because the needs that being satisfied is only part of the entire needs. This is the reason why employees are not productive.
In conclusion, I agree with what A said. If the workers’ needs are satisfied, they’ll be productive. The ERG theory is helpful in understanding why the simple causal relationship is true in rational cases.

Reference CA. Arnolds, Christo Boshoff(2002). Compensation, esteem valence and job performance: an empirical assessment of Alderfer's ERG theory. Int. J. of Human Resource Management 13(4), 697-719

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