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Bussiness Management


Submitted By tmonn
Words 696
Pages 3
Chapter 1

1.) There are many different marketers that work in a variety of locations, there are marketers that work in consumer goods companies, retail organizations, as well as different companies that manufacture other products or goods for other companies to use. There also is very many social media agencies in the marketing world. It may be just one person in a small business that handles all the marketing within that business, or it could be a larger business with several marketers for that company. As the marketing role within the firm simply depends on the organization. However, no matter what the firm marketers work in, all the decisions are affected by the operation for that firm. 2.) Marketing is about the functions and communications to deliver value to its customers. Marketing helps to manage customers relationships in which benefits the organization and its stakeholders, by bringing deliverance of value to the firm, and to everyone who may be affected by a transaction. 3.) The needs in marketing is highly important to me. Marketers in a firm have to look at what the consumer/customer’s needs are, then provide products that meet those needs. This way the company will succeed in having a long term profit. The wants in marketing is pretty much the consumer wanting specific products, or prefers a specific item. Therefore, the marketers have to make sure to keep an eye out on what consumers are buying, so that they can make sure that they keep that product for them. Demands in marketing is making sure that everyone who wants the marketers product has all the resources to buy the product wanted. 4.) Utility is the benefit customers get when they have good service and product. There are several different kinds of utility that the marketing creates that gives value to customers; such as, form utility, place utility, time utility, and

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