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Submitted By wary740
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Outline process
 It gives you a definite sense of direction
 Organized list of the information you will use for the main part with support
 It is the “master plan” for your paper
 It is a useful tool to organize facts is a specific and timely manner so your reader can gain a quick view of your topic’s focus
Guidelines for writing a good/successful outline
 State only the facts you will cover in the paper
 If a fact is expressed in your paper, it must be stated in your outline or vice-versa
 The paper should be written in the order of you outline – general to specific
 Stick to your topic at all times
 Avoid statements in your opening (introduction/exposition) as well as the closing ( conclusion/resolution)
Principles of outlining
 All parts are systematically indented and labeled:
 Roman numeral (I,II) as primary divisions/headings come from your thesis statement (i.e. I. Introduction)
 Indented capital letters (A,B) for secondary divisions/subheadings (actually your supports)
 Further indented Arabic numerals/letters (1,2) for supporting example
 If you have a I (one), you must have at least a II (two)
 If you have an A, you must have a B and so on…
 Must state all ideas/supports in phrases (2 or more words per line)
 Use capital letters at the beginning of each word and for proper nouns
 No periods at the end of each phrase
 Double-spaced throughout (no extra spaces)
 Title is centered (do not bold, use CAPS, underline, or italicize)

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Market Danone

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Mendelian Genetics

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Hate Crimes

...Asian Pacific Americans are portrayed in the media in a variety of contradictory stereotypes, ranging from the "model minority" at the head of his or her class in school, to the non-English-speaking welfare recipient who is a "drain on the system." Asians are also characterized in film as unscrupulous businessmen and cruel mobsters, or as compliant, submissive and exotic. One-dimensional portrayals, coupled with the absence of accurate images and positive role models, obstruct public understanding of the Asian American community, which can contribute to an anti-Asian climate. Despite the diversity among Asian Pacific Americans, they are often misperceived as a monolithic group. Thus, even though an act of anti-Asian sentiment might be perpetrated with a particular ethnic group in mind (e.g., Indian, Filipino or Korean), a failure to make distinctions between Asian Pacific American ethnic groups causes members of all groups to become potential victims of hate crimes. Hate incidents are expressions of hostility based on race, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or disability. Hate incidents are not illegal. They may take the form of name-calling or using racial slurs, hate speech, the distribution of racist leaflets or other disrespectful behavior. Hate crimes are defined by federal or state statutes. A hate crime occurs when a person commits an act such as assault, battery, criminal damage to property, criminal trespass to property or mob action because of the victim's...

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...Knock knock motherfucks it's me Mr. Clusterfuck What, when, where, how, like who gives a fuck Golf Wang M-O-B, mopping niggers ante up Ain't been this fucking sick since brain cancer ate my Granny up Rest in peace allign it, life ain't got no light in it Darker than that closet that nigger Frankie was hiding in Open it, dope in it, Bobby where's my fucking pipe? Trust my little dick is a'ight, twenty says I hit your wife This is life, truthfully I just want to fly some kites Grab Salem and Slater and go around, ride bikes Get some ice cream, Golf Wang rascals for the night Skate around and do annoying shit that older peeps despise Nigger fuck it though, going hard as riggalo Got a nigger dollars and a couple crackers hit the show Cracked a couple kids in the head with this cast Had a blast out Europe, had a Swedish bitch nigger hoes That's how it goes; designing clothes, cats on everything, cats on everything You think all this money will make a happy me? But I'm about as lonely as crackers that supermodels eat Everybody's sparking with me I keep coughing Can't keep calm in this spot hot box and I'm getting nauseous Hop in the car and write a song as I'm heading straight to the office Pissed at Jasper because that's some faggot shit called "Pink Dolphin" See,I roll here on a mean unicorn Green hat,Vans, Golf top with the team uniform Tighten the kupris so I'm tying my bandana up Sunk them like the Reds I forget it like Dan Manners cause I am the cowboy...

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Rain of Gold

...A Mother’s Hand The Rain of Gold written by Victor Villasenor, is a strong tale of two Hispanic families who escape the Mexican Revolution, only to have their life’s intertwined. Contrary to the customs of the times, both families are run by two strong and independent women. The mothers are left by both of their husbands during the revolution— left to take care of their families. Focusing on one mother, Dona Margarita is the best example of a powerful and influential matriarch. She is left to take care of her family during their trip out of Mexico, and throughout their time in America. Dona Margarita has the strongest impact on her children’s lives. Juan Villasenor is born from a proud family, led by an even prouder mother. Dona Margarita’s main strength to keep on going is the fact that she is a descendant of the great Don Pio. This great sense of pride is passed to her kids, as shown by Juan’s recklessness when he was competing with the other boys. “Juan was full of the devil; he just knew this was one event he was sure to win. After all, he was a Villasenor with Castro blood…”(117). Even though Juan misses the train his sheer determination to go and run after it is truly amazing. Juan’s mother left such an impression on him that when he sees the jaguar, he can hear his mother’s words “Attack, mi hijito! Dont run! Attack! Or he’ll kill you” (125)! Throughout the book, Dona Margarita seems to have this sixth sense about her kids, in which she can tell if her kids are in...

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Disney Channel La

...Data Hora Título da Série / Filme (PORT) Título do episódio (PORT) Episódio número Diretor Ano de Produção Sinopse Classificação indicativa País de Origem Classificação do conteúdo 18/09/2015 06:00:00 As Aventuras de Brandy e Sr. Bigodes Teste de Estresse/Um Probleminha 35 Russell Marcus 2006 As aventuras de Brandy e o Sr. Bigodes é uma comédia animada que conta as aventuras de dois amigos pouco comuns, uma cachorrinha mimada e um coelho maluco, em sua nova e atípica casa no Amazonas. LIVRE ESTADOS UN 04 18/09/2015 06:30:00 PHINEAS E FERB Só Sobremesas 208 Zac Moncrief 2013 Phineas e Ferb, dois médio irmãos de 10 anos de idade, decidirão que cada dia se volte mais emocionante do que o anterior através de fabulosas aventuras, como construir uma montanha russa que desafie todos os limites em seu próprio pátio traseiro. LIVRE ESTADOS UN 04 2013 "A Xerife Callie no Oeste", o primeiro desenho para crianças situado no velho oeste, conta a história de Callie, uma amável gatinha xerife que, ao lado dos seus amigos, o delegado pica-pau Bico e o divertido parceiro Toby, um cacto, cuida de Recanto Amigável Feliz, uma simpática cidadezinha na fronteira. Juntos, eles garantem que todos sigam o "Código de Cowboy", que incentiva a justiça, honestidade, hospitalidade, cooperação e trabalho duro. LIVRE ESTADOS UN 04 2014 Art Attack, uma produção nova, original e exclusiva...

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