Premium Essay

Catarino Acosta Rhetorical Analysis

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Pages 1
What also captures my attention is how there is the sympathetic tone the narrator’s displays toward Catarino Acosta. Campobello informs, “No one was permitted to approach him or use a bullet to put him out of his misery” (17). Words like “misery” clearly show that the narrator feels strongly that something unjust has been done to Catarino Acosta. This is reasonable because she knows Catarino Acosta. He came by the house every afternoon. She says, Catarino Acosta “dressed in black and wore his ten-gallon hat pushed back on his head. He greeted Mama by tilting his hat with his left hand, and gave a little smile that under his black mustache, seemed timid” (17). Therefore, she projected a sympathetic tone towards the “execution” without

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