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Cfa Test Experience


Submitted By wfy581
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Pages 5
经被骗入了 CFA 这个沼泽中,既然你已经做好了人财两空的准备,既然你已经 @# ¥ %& ,
低盛总裁王小三: “ 看过 3.5 的《 CFA 一级那些事》,那绝对是屋漏偏逢不下雨,船迟 只
觉背来风。 ”
摩根 . 华伦天奴全球高级副总裁迈克尔 . 贝克汉姆: “ 闹事呢?这不是砸 CFA 场子么? ”
—— 张三点五丰

1 、 全文适用于准备 CFA1 的在校学生不限专业。
2 、 全文适用于准备 CFA1 有 3 个月以上准备时间的在职人员。
3 、 部分适用于准备 CFA1 不符合以上两条的考生
4 、 CFA2 、 3 级考生请绕道。
1. 学历:低于北京 TP 二校的理工科本科
2. 复习时间: 2 个月左右的脱产复习
3. 复习方式:在南京某知名高校内与两名 candidate 一起复习
4. 复习遍数:大概 notes2.5 遍。习题 3 遍
5. 考试成绩:除 alternative investment B ,其余 A
6. 考试用时:上午 1 小时 20 分钟,下午 1 小时 30 分钟
3.1 复习资料、习题
a) Schweser Notes 5 本(课本部分) 5 星推荐必看
b) Schweser Notes 5 本(习题部分) 5 星推荐必做
c) 某机构中文翻译(广告位招租) 5 星推荐必购
d) 官方 Reading (课本部分) 负 5 星推荐(学术型人才推荐)
e) 官方 Reading (习题部分) 6 星推荐必做
f) 近两年官方 mock (俗称模拟题) 5 星推荐必做
g) 近两年官方 sample (俗称样题) 6 星推荐必做
h) 某机构百题预测(广告位招租) 4 星推荐选作
i) N otes 练习(也就是 6 、 7 两本) 1 星推荐蛋疼者做之
j) 官方 道德手册 3 星推荐选看
k) 辅导班视频(广告位招租) 3 星推荐选看
l) 老婆一只 自己看着办吧
m) 辅导班(广告位招租) 本 3.5 没上
n) 其他 本 3.5 没看
3.1.1 阅读资料
说到考试资料,那官方的 Reading 就是纯 TM 扯淡,如果在今年能够收到电子版的情况下,还去花着 N 百刀买那自己用着都心疼的铜版纸教材,绝对是烧包的表现,一来不 支
持低碳生活,二来过于支持 CFA 的宗旨 —— 骗钱第一,考试第二。
在官网注册完,直奔万能的 Taobao ,在搜索栏 baidu 一下 “ CFA Notes ” 你就能看到 一
同时某些机构的中文翻译教材,绝对是上佳之选,不要和我 zhuangbility 说兄弟你的
英文能力多么销魂,就是再 TM 销魂,你告诉我什么是 qualified 和 unqualified ,如果告诉
我是 “ 合格 ” 和 “ 不合格 ” 的,本 3.5 告诉你, S+B 离你已经不是太远了。
此外有许多朋友会推荐官方的道德手册(网购 notes 的时候一般会送你),这个问题 下
作为补充,辅导班的 “ 免费 ” 视频同样是可以用来借鉴的, 3000 多块钱白给,不要 白
另外某机构的百题预测也是可以用来把玩的,相当于在最后,对知识点做一个大致 的
温习,不过里面有些题目的答案并不完全正确,当然已经通读 notes 的你肯定能够判断出
3.1.2 习题
大家经常会烦恼要做哪些题,要么说 notes 题少而简单,要么问书后的问答题到底要
不要做。本 3.5 郑重的告诉你,官方 Reading 后面的习题是一定要做的,无论选择还是问
答,因为其中有些干脆就会在考试中重现,比如在看定量分析( quantitative )的时候,你
会发现,为什么书中大篇幅出现的 T-value 和 F-value 的题目数量和只有一句话提及的 P- value 一样多的时候,作者已经内牛满面的在告诉你要考什么了。有人问 Reading 这么厚,
自习时候拿着多烦躁, 3.5 偷偷地告诉你, Reading 是胶装的,所以题就 是用来撕的嘛 .......
另外官方的免费 mock 和付费 sample (每年考试前一个月)是完全接近于 CFA 考试 难
度的题目,付费 sample 也不要操心要不要花钱,因为这些都会在论坛中放出,如果不做 你
就完了。当然 notes 后面的习题应该是你在看 notes 的同时已经完成的,更加不要计较了。
至于其他的练习,如果以上的题目都做完的话,君已经到了无题可做,无可征服的 境
3.1.3 复习组合
驾驭考试组合: abc,efgh,jk( 为复习资料代号 )
轻松通关组合: abc,efg,k
低水飘过组合: abc,fg ( 考试有风险,请谨慎使用 )
3.2 考试难度
于狗一般的 GRE ,猪一般的考研就更是去到了另一个世界,但请不要进入一个曾经本 3.5
曾经达到的误区,那就是千万别把 CFA 当作选拔性考试来准备,毕竟时间就是生命,用你
CFA 是一个通过性考试,题目难度分配基本是 8.5:1:0.5 ,暨 85% 的简单题, 10% 的中 等
难度, 5% 的难题(多在 Alternative 和 ethics )。难度基本和 sample 类似,也就是说你拿到 s ample
一气呵成,能达到 75% 的正确率,那就完全可以说是和通过划等号了。不要和我说 sample
延税的复杂算法,其他类投资中的复合题。浪费时间,这种题目在考试中的 240 题里,最 多
只有 5 题左右,除非你是蛋疼的时间过剩否则直接放弃之。此外假如考试中碰到了 3 分钟 还没有思路的计算题,那就请直接放弃,因为如果不是脱产复习,可能时间并不会非常充裕,
毕竟 360 分钟 240 道题并不清闲。
3.3 复习顺序
这也是很多人关心的话题,按 3.5 的复习经验,无论如何复习请把道德放到最后,因 为
道德是一种集大成的题目,他会涉及到很多后面章节出现的专业名词,所以放到最后,哥 不
这里讲一下其他类投资可以说是权重约等于 0 ,而题目又最难的,很多 9A8A 的朋友都是 在
这项上死掉的,但无伤大雅,就是成绩低于 50% 也不会伤到你任何一根毫毛,所以说没时
间没心情,这一块可以只看一遍甚至不看,因为你复习了对 4-5 题和你不复习对 8*0.33=3
题没有任何区别,甚至许多人品帝能够楞蒙到 50% 。
其他的就按着 3.5 给你的次序复习就好了。
另外说一下道德,这块可以说是 CFA 的重点也是难点,初来乍到连蒙带猜也很难保证
达到 60% 以上,但是其实黄毛的白毛的黑毛的也都是人类,道德的判断方式也大致相同,
只要你把 notes 上的例子搞懂并且做题数量达到 200 道以上,基本对于 CFA 的道德范畴你 就
作为鼠目寸光的本 3.5 ,没有选择去看,因为做练习时虽然没看也轻松 70% 以上,而且甚 至
保证能够达到 80% ,但是长远来看,因为考 2 、 3 级时道德同样有不小的比重,假如有时 间
3.4 通过分数
这是大家经常会探讨的话题,有空的话大家可以翻翻官网,上面明确写到小于 50% 的
等级是 low , 50% — 70% 是 from low to average ,而 70% 以上才是 from average to above the average 。所以说 70% 才是及格线,虽说理论上这 70% 是世界前 1% 的 70% ,但实际上你可 以
理解为总分的 70% ,因为考试是 3 选 1 。如果你自己能确定有 50% 的答案是正确的,你的 期
望就会达到 67% ,基本上可以通过,所以说考场上只要你能确定自己 55% 的答案是正确的 ,
外加考试前不太败 rp 的花, 你的通过就基本上是板上钉钉的事情。 3.5 考试时可以确定正 确
的题目上午在 80% ,下午可以在 70% ,所以 9A1B 到 10A 是合理的水平。
4.1 宏观上
书的内容从章节大到小看有 subject 、 session 、 reading 三个大小等级,个人建议以 readi ng
为单位,一定定好计划,比如大的 reading 一天一节,小的一天两节,给自己一个流程表,
课程名称 数量(题) 难度( 5 最高) 推荐顺序
道德 36 4 10
定量分析 28 理工 2 文科 4 1
经济学 24 3 9
财务报表分析 48 5 2
公司理财 20 3.5 3
组合管理 12 3 4
证券投资 24 3.5 5
固定收益证券 28 3.5 6
衍生品 12 3.5 7
其他类投资 8 5 8
总计 240每当复习完一个 session ,立刻花一天把本 session 内的内容再过一遍,否则和没看没有任何
区别。每结束一门 subject ,就可以开始做相应的真题,做到真题与书同步进行,因为其实 CFA
各个章节间除了 2-3 章其余的并没有十足的联系,如果你决定一气看完,而且又是在职的 话 ,
那无异于给 CFA 协会捐款。
4.2 微观上
比如有一种说法叫 “ free rider ” ,按中文叫搭便车,作为一个大陆的学生你会一带而过,只
“ public goods ” 的,同样出题人也会有等价的思维,所以我建议大家做一下笔记,把这些
细节的内容充分记住,其他的还有比如每种指数使用的何种计算方法(代数平均值还是几 何
平均值啦),这些细节都会在考试中出现,而且会占题目的 40% 左右。细节的笔记是本 3.5
在考试前 1 0 天才开始做的,起步有些晚,尽管不完备,但在考试中, 3.5 觉得这项工作给 了
自己非常大的帮助,所以才能造成考试总用时不到 3 小时的奇迹。
4.3 时间安排
很多朋友问过我这个问题,因为首先基础不同,英语水平不同,全职兼职不同,所以 我
4.3.1 本人复习情况:
4 月初 - 约 5 月 1 日,只看书做 notes 后面的题(当时没做细节笔记,感觉很吃亏),每
天有效学习时间 6-8 个小时不等。
5 月 1 日 - 约 5 月 15 日,看书第二遍,同时做 reading 后面的题目。每天 8 小时
5 月 16 日 -5 月 28 日,下载了近两次考试的 mock 和 sample ,加上 jc 的百题预测。每 天
早晨 8:30- 晚上 11 点(但是期间把《明朝那些事 1-5 》看完了。。。罪孽罪孽)
5 月 29 日至考试,细节笔记和重温 mock 和 sample 上的题。
4.3.2 脱产推荐复习进度:
总时间: 60 日,平均每天 6-8 小时即可
基础阶段: 1-27 日过完除道德的第一遍 notes 加 notes 后的习题 其中定量 4 天,财务 6.5 天 ,
固定收益 3.5 天,衍生品 2.5 天 , 其他类投资 1 天,经济学 3.5 天,公司理财 2 天,组合管理 1
天,证券投资 3 天。
熟悉阶段: 28-29 日做前一次考试的 mock 和 sample ,了解下考什么,好知道哪些细节是需
升华阶段: 29-44 日过完第二遍,做细节笔记,同时做 reading 后面习题。
总结阶段: 45-50 日看道德同时做当年的 mock 和 sample 。
51-55 日看看百题,再把之前所有的 mock 、 sample 的题目和 reading 上不会的 题
存留时间: 56-60 日每个人的执行力恐怕不同,加上中间要陪家属看电影买衣服吃大餐等 等
静默时间成本,留下 5 天没啥坏处。
4.3.3 全职复习进度:
前提如果你有 4 个月准备时间,那么和脱产的准备阶段可以是一样的。
如果只有两个月的话,那你其实就只有一遍的复习时间,因为 mock 和 sample 上的题 目
都是分块的,所以推荐你在看完每一个 subject 之后立即做题!同时做细节笔记。
从我个人经验来讲这可能是唯一通过的方法,当然版里有个猛女说是 2 周 4A5B1C,pass 的 ,
但我觉得实在太危险了,而且人家同时人家有个前提就是雅思 8 ,在国外一年金融硕士速 成
了下 ......五、考场注意事项
5.1 必带的物品:
a) 身份证或护照、准考证 ( 网上打印的,可折叠,别弄脏 )
b) 橡皮(先在家试一试好不好用,别买 4B 以上的橡皮)
c) 2B 铅笔 2 支(门口会有各个机构发的考试专用笔,非常好用)
d) TI 计算器、手表(别太复杂,否则会被认为是作弊工具)。
e) 许多 CFA 考生都会有一个担心,计算器会不会没电呢,负责任的讲如果你的计算器屏
幕没有明显变暗,那么就不会没电,请相信德州仪器。 CFA 考试的计算题很少(不到 15
5.2 推荐带的物品
a) 自己做的笔记
b) 做过笔记的 quick sheet
5.3 不建议带的物品:
a) 手机及其他贵重物品(考场有存包处,但东西极其容易丢失,好东西千万别带)
b) 水。 ( 考场内有水喝,考试时可以上厕所 )
c) N otes (曾经有人推荐过,按我的经验你根本没时间看,所以 … )
5.4 考前准备
a) 考试当天早上吃早饭是一个明智的选择,不建议喝处子红牛,因为红牛在你第一次喝 的
时候会把你变得烦躁而冲动 …… 当然如果有长期饮用的经验在下午考试前来一罐还是
b) 几点到考场比较何适也是一个常见的问题。我说说北京, CFA 协会说是 8 点前要到,
其实是扯淡,只要你 9 点前能进入考场就 ok 了,否则只能在座位上百无聊赖的等待。
我个人的建议是:提前一天踩考点,第二天保证 8 : 20 左右到就完全够用了。
c) 到达考场之后,根据准考证找到你的座位,然后立即去上洗手间。你懂的。
5.5 考试中的秘密
a) 考试时考场会用英语提示你何时开始填写姓名,何时开始答卷,如果英语听力并不灵 光
的你又更很不幸你坐在了考场中央,满儿回声,那就等着大家什么时候动笔你就什么 时
b) 草稿纸:考试没有草稿纸发,尽管纸卷中给你留下了最后几页的草稿纸,你也千万不 能
撕下来,否则无异于撕张一千大洋的刀刀。当然请放心,对绝大多数中国考生来说, 考
c) 准考证:千万!!!千万!!!不要在准考证上写任何东西。否则就能提供给你一个锻炼 英
d) 答题卡最下方签名处一定要签名。当时主考官说一定要签英文名,但有朋友说画乌龟 也
没啥大问题 …… 但是一定!一定!要签!
a) 住宿:我是在北京国家会议中心考试的,围着这个鸟中心的一周除了五星级酒店就是 准
五星级的,当然还有一个家叫盘古的七星级, orz ,想要住会实惠一点的就只剩 1.2 公 里
外的如家,但是一定要提前预定,否则你只能寄望于北京那 1w 考生都是帝都人民了。
b) 休息:不要以为中午 12 点就能收卷走人, CFA 可是很标准化的,基本上都要到 12 : 4 0
才能把卷子收完,统一放人,所以说想休息,给你 20 分钟的机会,睡得着睡不着就是
兄弟你的事情了。幸运的是考场内提供午饭,至少不用到求爷爷告奶奶,所以说,带 一

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Cfa Level 1 Study Guide

...Ethical and Professional Standards The candidate should be able to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, familiarity with the Global Investment Performance Standards, and familiarity with corporate governance issues and risks affecting companies. Study Session 1 Ethical and Professional Standards Reading Assignments 1.* “Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct” Standards of Practice Handbook, 9th edition (CFA Institute, 2005) * 2. “Guidance” for Standards I – VII, Standards of Practice Handbook, 9th edition (CFA Institute, 2005) * 3. Introduction to the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®), pp. i–iii and 1–9, (CFA Institute, 4.* 2005) A. Preface: Background of the GIPS Standards B. I. Introduction C. II.0. Provisions of the Global Investment Performance Standards – Fundamentals of Compliance * 5. The Corporate Governance of Listed Companies: A Manual for Investors (CFA Institute, 2005) Learning Outcomes 1. “Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct” The Code of Ethics establishes the framework for ethical decision making in the investment profession. The candidate should be able to state the six components of the Code of Ethics. The Standards of Professional Conduct are organized into seven standards: I. Professionalism II. Integrity of Capital Markets III. Duties to Clients and Prospective...

Words: 16671 - Pages: 67

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...emotional intelligence and occupational commitment have a moderating effect on the relationship between emotional labour and its potential outcomes. Two acting strategies reflect emotional labour, namely surface and deep acting, with burnout and performance as the prospective outcomes. Burnout is operationalized into emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and diminished personal achievement; whereas performance is operationalized into task performance and organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB). The study investigates employee responses from several tourism and hospitality organizations in Florida, USA. The results show that emotional labour relates most positively to task performance and to burnout in the case of surface acting. Tests of moderation show that occupational commitment enhances performance outcomes by facilitating emotional labour strategies, and the prevalence of higher emotional intelligence amongst employees reduces burnout. These findings contribute to the literature on emotional labour by...

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Univ Analyst is 37.79 per hour, $78,600 per year. Its projected growth faster than average during 2012 and 2022 SMART Goals Networking * Complete 12 informational interviews, during the winter of 2014, participating in Drexel Career Fair and network with many company HRs, such as Johnson & Johnson, EY, Pwc, Chase, and ECT. * Get chances to know HRs from different company * Viable career paths and entry level position * To know descriptions about positions * Position requirements Industry / Technical Skills * Participate projects from Drexel Finance association, and team up to come up with completion topics in order to gain expertise experiences. Advanced Education/ Professional Licensure * Preparing GRE test for graduate school, documenting...

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Branch Banking

...Banking - Satwik Misra, CFA A s a student of business and a banker by profession, I continue to be intrigued by the powerful economic and customer centric argument made by the ongoing Fintech revolution. After all what is the deal about Fintechs? Fintech startups have essentially created a business model which avoids structural formalities of being an institution, while providing a more efficient means of serving clients. This is exactly what makes the move to digital extremely attractive for banks, and ones who seek to reduce cost and change with changing times, in other words modernize. The question that I seek to answer through this post is that in doing so, are Canadian (and more broadly North American) banks in danger of deserting one of finest ways of engaging with customers – i.e. branches? Over last 12 months, I have had the opportunity to speak with few bank executives. Through my conversations I observed that some of them tended to view digital transformation as a phased process. To illustrate this, I’ll use a personal example. I recently took a bank loan online. Here my journey began on the bank’s website, followed by a phone call to the bank and ended with a trip inside the branch. In other words, digital experience constituted only 30% of the entire process. Leaders however do acknowledge that this phased digital experience/ approach will eventually move to automating almost every aspect of the customer experience, creating efficiencies ...

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...satisfaction with online banking in China: The effects of experience Cheolho Yoon * Dept. of Business Administration, Mokpo National University, Republic of Korea a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t This study investigates the antecedents of customer satisfaction with online banking in China, and explores the effects of experience on the relationships between the antecedents and customer satisfaction. Based on prior research, the six antecedents of customer satisfaction – ease of use, design, speed, security, information content, and customer support service – are proposed, and the effects of experience on the relationships between these and customer satisfaction are analyzed using a structural multi-group (a high-experience group and a low-experience group) model. The results show that design, speed, security, information content, and customer support service have a significant influence on customer satisfaction in the high-experience group or the low-experience group, but ease of use does not have a significant influence on customer satisfaction in either of the groups. Also, the results relating to the influence of the level of customer experience reveal that the effects of design, security, speed, and information content on customer satisfaction were significantly higher in the highexperience group, whereas the effect of customer support service on customer satisfaction was significantly higher in the low-experience group. Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Article...

Words: 3932 - Pages: 16

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Securities Company

...Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales Agents Significant Points • Most positions require a bachelor’s degree in busi- • Applicants face keen competition for jobs, especially • Turnover is high for newcomers, but those who are successful have a very strong attachment to their occupation because of high earnings and considerable investment in training. in investment banks. ness, finance, accounting, or economics; a master’s degree in business or professional certification is helpful for advancement. Nature of the Work Each day, hundreds of billions of dollars change hands on the major United States securities exchanges. This money is used to invest in securities, such as stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, which are bought and sold by large institutional investors, mutual funds, pension plans, and the general public. Most securities trades are arranged through securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents, whether they are between individuals with a few hundred dollars or large institutions with hundreds of millions of dollars. The duties of sales agents vary greatly depending on their specialty. The most common type of securities sales agent is called a broker or stock broker. Stock brokers advise everyday people, or retail investors, on appropriate investments based on their needs and financial ability. Once the client and broker agree on the best investment, the broker electronically...

Words: 3421 - Pages: 14

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Kenya Report

...Programme With a focus on KWFT Otto Hospes Muli Musinga Milcah Ong’ayo November 2002 Study commissioned by: Steering Committee for the Evaluation of the Netherlands’ Co-financing Programme 3 Contents List of contributors List of abbreviations Acknowledgements 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2 Introduction Background and objectives Legitimization and overall objective of Dutch CFAs to support micro-finance programmes Partners of Dutch CFAs operating in the micro-finance market of Kenya Central questions Organization and methodology Process implementation and limitations of the study Structure of the report A brief description of micro-finance in Kenya and agencies as supported by Dutch CFAs Micro-finance in Kenya 2.1.1 The emergence of micro-finance as an industry 2.1.2 Types of micro-finance agencies in Kenya 2.1.3 Service delivery approaches Savings services Loan products 2.1.4 Outreach Banks NGO-MFAs Savings and Credit Co-operatives (SACCOs) ROSCAs and ASCRAs A profile of micro-finance agencies and schemes as supported by Dutch CFAs 2.2.1 General profile 2.2.2 Specific profiles K-REP Development Agency (KDA) Kenya Women Finance Trust (KWFT) Jitegemea Credit Scheme (JCS) PRIDE Africa – Sunlink Some conclusions 7 9 11 13 13 15 16 17 17 18 19 21 21 21 23 25 26 28 28 31 33 35 35 36 36 37 37 39 42 43 44 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 3.1 Who are the clients of KWFT? The official targeting...

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...Q:What are the factors which led you to pursue PGP at ISB ? Looking for challenging opportunities, accelerate learning and Industry (Fin-Tech Consulting to Infrastructure) /Function (Consulting to Operations) /Market change (USA to India). Q: Briefly share the role you were playing in your erstwhile organization prior to joining PGP at ISB. Fin-Tech Consultant responsible to provide innovative technology-based solution to business problems with an objective to improve business process by increasing revenue, reducing cost and/or improve return on assets.  Q: Which B-schools did you apply for and why did you select ISB? I applied only Indian School of Business for the following 3 reasons: One, Short duration hence lower opportunity cost. Two, Strong global Alumni Network. Finally, Strong brand recognition in Indian market.   Q: Please share in detail the application and final selection procedure at your B-School. Application process was fair and simple. In general, there are total two rounds of application with dates in Mid-Oct and Mid-Jan for Class of 2018 with decisions admissions offer being rolled out a month later. After the applications are submitted, admissions team short-lists the candidates for Personal Interviews at college campus and are conducted by Alumni. Where personal interview is not possible, interviews are conducted over video call. There is only one round of interviews and they typically last 20-45 minutes. Q: The programme at your B-School is...

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Fina 411

...Instructor: Dr. Abraham I. Brodt Office: MB 12.215 Tel: 848-2424-2997 Fax: 848-4500 E-mail: [SUBJECT: FINA 411 …….] Classes: FINA 411/2A Mondays 11:45 - 14:30 [MB1.437] FINA 411/2C Wednesdays 11:45 - 14:30 [MB5.255] Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 15:30 -- 16:30 [Please e-mail me first to confirm] and by appointment COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course focuses on modern investment theory and its application to the management of entire portfolios. It will consist of lectures, discussions of cases and articles, and video presentations. Topics include: a) construction of optimal asset portfolios using techniques such as the single index model, b) extensions of the capital asset pricing model: theory and tests; example, the zero-beta model, c) criteria for evaluation of investment performance, d) active vs. passive portfolio management, e) investment strategies. The Formula Growth Investment Centre Lab will be used to demonstrate the use of specialized investment software. Computer exercises are assigned to illustrate the application of the theory. Prerequisites: FINA 380 or 385; FINA 390 or 395. LEARNING OBJECTIVES To understand the theory and practice of Portfolio Management for Individuals and Institutions, e.g. Endowments, Mutual Funds, Pension Plans, etc. To learn about the key Asset Pricing Models. REQUIRED: Text: Bodie, Zvi, Alex Kane, Allan J. Marcus, Stylianos Perrakis, Peter J. Ryan and Lorne Switzer...

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...Unit Name: Business & Finance Ethics Unit Code: BBC1001 Year: 2015 Semester: 2 Location: City Flinders Prepared by: Dr Michelle Fong Welcome Welcome to this unit of study. This Unit Guide provides important information and should be kept as a reference to assist with your studies. This Guide includes information about your reading and resources, independent learning, class activities and assessment tasks. It is recommended that you read this Guide carefully: you will be expected to manage your learning as you work towards successful study. Detailed information and learning resources for this unit have also been provided on the Unit website on WebCT/VU Collaborate which can be reached via the Student Portal at It is important that you access your Unit website regularly. Please also refer to information provided on the Student Portal that supports studying at VU. Acknowledgement of Country We respectfully acknowledge and recognise the traditional owners, their Elders past and present, their descendants and kin as the custodians of this land. Contents Welcome Acknowledgement of Country Introduction to the unit ............................................................................................................................................3 Key staff ............................................................................................................................................................3 Required readings...

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Intercultral in Business and Management

...Table of Contents Abstracts…………………………………………………………………………….…………….3 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………….4 Consumer Purchase of Organic Products……………………………………………….………..5 Methodology:………………………………………………………………………….………….7 * Procedure ………………………………………………………………………..……7 * Samples Description…………………………………………………………………..8 Results:………………………………………………………………………………….…………8 * Identification of Groups……………………………………………………………….9 * Preliminary Results…………………………………………………………………..10 * Invariance Testing……………………………………………………………………12 * Structural Modeling…………………………………………...……………………..14 Discussion………………………………………………………………………………….…….16 Conclusions………………………………………………………………………………………18 References……………………………………………………………………………………..…20 Abstracts In this paper, I analyze the market for organic products in eight European countries, based on differences in their respective value systems. With a significant sample of 8014 consumers, I first identify international segments in the European organic products market using the Values Theory. Then I apply the Theory of Planned Behavior to examine how European consumers use attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control to form their purchase intention for organic products. Results show that subjective norms are the main underlying factor driving consumer behavior concerning these products. This effect is higher for the group of countries whose citizens score higher on Schwartz's value scale. In this segment of countries...

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