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Chapter 3 Procrastination


Submitted By cathleen07
Words 689
Pages 3

The descriptive method of research was used in this study. Descriptive method is a fact-finding study with adequate and accurate interpretation of the results. It describe with emphasis on what actually exist, or any practices that is involved on our study habits. Since this study focuses with the comparison between the performances of Third Year Students of Divine Light Academy who study in advance and those who procrastinate, the descriptive method of research was the most appropriate method to use.

The Respondents The subjects were selected through a survey among the Third year high school students of Divine Light Academy for the academic year 2011-2012. The respondents of the study were 28 Third Year high school students of Divine Light Academy who engaged with procrastination and those who study in advance.

Sampling Designs
There are forty (40) respondents coming from the Third Year students of Divine Light Academy, Molino. There are 10 respondents for each of the sections of the Third Year level. For each section; we gave 5 questionnaires for boys and 5 questionnaires for girls, a total of 20 questionnaires for the boys and 20 questionnaires for the girls.

Research Instrument
Questionnaire is the most frequently used research instrument to gather needed data from respondents pertinent to the purpose of the study. The questionnaire was composed of three parts. The first part was a set of questions found in the Procrastination Scale created by Professor Clarry Lay of York University, Canada, to determine if a person is a procrastinator or not. The second part is for the input of the third quarter grades of the respondents, which will serve as the basis for the

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