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Charles Behavior

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The participant for this study, Charles, is a 10 year-old student who attends a low socioeconomic school in the town of Gallatin, Tennessee. The participant is an African American male. During the time of the study, Charles was in the fourth grade and had attended the same school since beginning pre-kindergarten. Charles is diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Optional Defiant Disorder, Speech Impairments, and a learning disability. The Stanford Binet Intelligence Scales-Fifth Edition (2003) was used to measure Charles’ functioning range. This test has a mean of 100 and standard deviation of 16. Charles’ full-scale intelligence was last assessed in 2010 and determined to fall within the average range with …show more content…
On occasion, Charles’ work avoidance behavior would escalate to the point of self-injurious thereby an effective intervention was needed. Along with the self-harm and lack of academic progress, the participant’s behavior would often distract peers around him and interrupt instruction within the classroom.
The research was conducted in Charles’ behavior classroom. Charles was placed in a behavior classroom in pre-kindergarten due to aggressive behaviors. The leveling system, within the behavior program, allows students outside of the self-contained classroom when progress has been made as measured with data collection each day. During baseline and intervention phases, Charles was on level two in the behavior program meaning Charles received instruction in his regular education classroom then received reinforcement instruction and completed assignments in the behavioral classroom.
The school Charles was attending at the time of the study, Benny Bills Elementary, already implemented a school-wide PBIS program promoting the proactive approach to (positive) behavior. Strategies such as a token economy and end of the term celebrations were implemented throughout the school. Charles had the opportunity to engage in these …show more content…
Charles also informed the interviewer that he enjoyed attending school each day and completing academic assignments. On the contrary, numerous occasions throughout the study Charles informed primary observer and second observer that he hated school and working. This caused some confusion on the true feelings of the intervention from the participant’s point of view. During an interview with Charles’ behavior teacher, she expressed that the intervention would be continuously used with the participants and attempted with other students. In addition, the teacher discussed the possible need of changing the structured break activities from coloring to other preferred activities to maintain engagement. Although the intervention was not implemented in the general education classroom, an interview with Charles’ general education was conducted to discuss the implementation of the intervention in that setting. The general education teacher expressed some concerns with the length of the break and how it was effect the learning other peers. These areas of concern are something to be considered for future

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