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Christopher Columbus Heros Journey

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It was a stormy night and the waters rocked violently. As the thunder booms Captain Columbus yells at his crew from the head of the ship. Chaos is among the crew as they see an upcoming wave that could capsize the ship. The wave crashes into the hull of the ship and many men go flying out. The boat capsizes and As the sun rises over the horizon, Christopher wakes up to find himself on a piece of the ship with Jeff, his first mate. Jeff tells him that he's been out for two days, with no end in sight. As those words leaked out of his mouth, the captain Columbus pointed behind him to an island in the distance. Five minutes later they hit shore and clumsily pull themselves onto shore to find a half naked child staring at them through the bushes at the edge of the jungle. The captain shouted out to the child for help, when he began to retreat into the jungle,they both got up and proceeded to pursue the child. …show more content…
After ten minutes of running through the jungle the start hearing distant thuds and claps. To the right of them was a faintly painted tree, which clearly shown signs of life. They had stumbled upon civilization on this island. The tribe leader confronted them first, he was tall and wore wolf’s hide on his head. He greets them with a friendly bow followed by a aggressive shout. He signs to them that in order to to stay they must complete a test of will and courage. They had to hunt a large bear before the chief could. Christopher and Jeff were given a shelter for the night, food and water, a set of dry tribe clothes, and were told that at sunrise they had to hunt a large bear before the chief could. “Failing this test will result in death”, the chief

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