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Submitted By Camkori
Words 799
Pages 4
Juvenile Justice Process and Corrections
Camerin Hillman
January 5, 2014
Suzanne Martinez

Juvenile Justice Process and Corrections
This paper is about a known 17 year old black gang member with multiple previous juvenile adjudications that consist of crimes such as purse snatching, breaking and entering, and drug possession. This young man, who goes by Xander L, not only has a long history of law breaking and bad behavior starting at the age of 13, but also has already served a year in a juvenile corrections facility along with serving two probation terms. While it is believed he has a strong relationship with his mother, Xander reports no contact at all with his father. With Xander’s latest guilty plea for possession of a concealed weapon, this paper will explain the state of California’s process in handling Xander’s case.
California has a simple outlook on handling all criminal acts. The most important goal is the safety of the public for both adult and juvenile systems. Like most states, California then separates the two systems making it a priority for the punishment of offenders when it pertains to adults compared to juveniles, where the emphasis is on treatment and rehabilitation. The juvenile system has a lengthy process. `The first act is the crime and at this point it is solely up to the officer to determine the next step. The officer can make the determination to release the juvenile to the parents or take them to juvenile hall. This usually all depends on the offense of the juvenile. In cases such as out past curfew, petty shop lifting, and graffiti the officer might make the ecision to release the juvenile to the parent’s custody and warn them of possible outcomes if the action continues. Other more serious offenses such as assaults, underage drinking, and use of illegal substances, the officer might consider taking the

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