Free Essay

Coca Cola & Csr


Submitted By mich8411
Words 4703
Pages 19
Studieretningsopgave – Virksomhedsøkonomi/ Markedskommunikation
Studieretningsopgave – Virksomhedsøkonomi/ Markedskommunikation
Januar 2012
Michelle Birk Karlsson
EUC Nordvest
Højere Handels Eksamen
Vejleder: Dennis Jakobsen

Januar 2012
Michelle Birk Karlsson
EUC Nordvest
Højere Handels Eksamen
Vejleder: Dennis Jakobsen


Lav et kort virksomhedsportræt af Coca Cola og redegør for deres CSR politik herunder: * Vision * Mission * Værdier

Lav en analyse af virksomhedens CSR og dens praktiske anvendelse af CSR.

Vurder på baggrund af analysen om der er sammenhold mellem deres CSR politik og deres praktiske anvendelse af CSR, samt Coca Colas fremtidige strategiske muligheder.

This paper investigates how much and in which ways Coca Cola Enterprises uses CSR. The importance of CSR has grown over the last couple of years, and with the major brand Coca Cola has, it is of great importance to Coca Cola Enterprises. With Porter’s Five Forces I have analyzed the competition on the market, and which advantages it gives Coca Cola Enterprises when they use CSR. I have also used Porter’s generic strategies and through analysis I figured out which strategy Coca Cola Enterprises use. Coca Cola Enterprises uses the strategy called differentiation. This strategy is making customers prefer your product, and giving it a special value to the customers. CSR is about taking responsibility, and Coca Cola Enterprises does that. They do that in many ways for example with sustainable bottles and cans. The result shows that Coca Cola Enterprises uses CSR a lot. Through the analysis I have come forward to that Coca Cola Enterprises especially uses CSR in their marketing. This paper also shows that Coca Cola Enterprises has many strategic opportunities in the future, for example they can expand their customer service department.

Indholdsfortegnelse Problemformulering 1 Abstract 2 1. Indledning 5 2. Redegørelse 6
2.1 Virksomhedsportræt 6
2.2 CSR politik 6
2.3 Vision, mission og værdier 8 3. Analyse 8
3.1 Porters five forces 8 3.1.1Leverandører: 9 3.1.2 Kunder: 9 3.1.3 Potentielle indtrængere: 10 3.1.4 Substituerende produkter: 10 3.1.5 Konkurrencesituationen i branchen: 10
3.2 Porters generiske strategier 11 4. Vurdering 12 5. Konklusion 13 Kildeoversigt 15
Bøger 15
Internetsider 15
Illustrationer 15 Bilag 16
Bilag 1 16
Bilag 2 16
Bilag 3 17
Bilag 4 18
Bilag 5 19
Bilag 6 20
Bilag 7 20
Bilag 8 21
Bilag 9 21

1. Indledning Folk er blevet mere bevidste på verden omkring dem, og derfor har CSR i de seneste år fået en voksende betydning, det er for mange blevet vigtigt at producenten af de produkter de køber, gør noget for samfundet, også selvom det ikke giver profit for virksomheden. Det er derfor vigtigt at især store virksomheder anderkender dette, og derefter formår at udnytte den fordel det kan give dem at benytte sig af CSR.
Derfor har jeg valgt at redegøre for Coca Colas CSR politik, og derefter analysere deres praktiske anvendelse af CSR. For at afgrænse opgave vil jeg tage udgangspunkt i Coca Cola Enterprises som er Coca Cola tapperiet i Storbritannien, i stedet for The Coca Cola Company. Da Coca Cola Enterprises er et af de tapperier der især har fokus på CSR er det meget oplagt at vælge at analysere dette tapperi, fremfor det danske tapperi. Da Coca Cola er en af verdens største virksomheder, og har verdens mest kendte brand, kan de få en stor fordel ud af at benytte sig af CSR, da dette ofte kaster et positivt lys på virksomheden.
I forhold til analyse vil jeg benytte mig af Porters Five Forces da denne model giver mig et overblik over konkurrencen på markedet, og ud fra dette vil det være muligt at vurdere om det overhovedet kan betale sig for Coca Cola Enterprises at bruge mange penge på CSR. I analysen vil jeg også kigge på Porters generiske strategier, for at kunne bestemme hvilken Coca Cola Enterprises benytter sig af, og hvilke fordele og ulemper der er ved denne, og om CSR er en del af deres konkurrencestrategi.
Til slut i opgaven vil jeg vurdere om der er sammenhæng mellem Coca Cola Enterprises’ CSR politik og deres praktiske anvendelse af CSR. Jeg vil også vurdere hvilke strategiske muligheder Coca Cola Enterprises har fremover.
2. Redegørelse
2.1 Virksomhedsportræt

Coca Cola bliver grundlagt i 1887 af Asa G. Candler. De har det mest kendte brand i verden. Coca Cola har afdelinger og samarbejdspartenere i stort set alle lande, og tilsammen arbejder der 600.000 for denne store virksomhed. Coca Colas produkter kan købes i mere end 200 lande. Coca Cola Enterprises er den tredje største selvstændige Coca Cola tapperi. Coca Cola Enterprises er også det eneste tapperi der har licens til at tappe Coca Colas produkter i Belgien, kontinentale Frankrig, Storbritannien, Luxembourg, Monaco, Holland, Norge og Sverige. Coca Cola Enterprises beskæftiger omkring 4500 medarbejdere i Storbritannien. Coca Cola Enterprises har besluttet sig for at minimere de miljømæssige konsekvensker af deres produkter og aktiviteter. De har særligt fokus på bæredygtig emballage, og genanvendelse, samt energi og klima beskyttelse. Coca Cola Enterprises’ produktion er ISO 14 001 certificeret.

2.2 CSR politik

Coca Cola Enterprises’ CSR politik hedder ”Commitment 2020”, denne har de lavet ud fra The Coca Cola Companys ”Live Positively”. CSR politikken har syv hovedpunkter, som minder meget om de syv hovedpunkter der er i ”Live Positively”, men Coca Cola Enterprises har valgt at sætte sit eget præg på CSR politikken.
”Energy conservation/climate change: Reduce the overall carbon footprint of our business operations by an absolute 15% by 2020, as compared to our 2007 baseline.

Water stewardship: Establish a water-sustainable operation by protecting our water sources, minimising our water use and replenishing the amount of water used in our beverages.

Sustainable packaging/recycling: Reduce the impact of our packaging: maximise our use of renewable, reusable and recyclable resources and recover the equivalent of 100% of our packaging.

Product portfolio: Provide refreshing beverages for every lifestyle and occasion, while helping consumers make informed beverage choices.

Community: Make a positive social, economic and environmental contribution to the communities in which we operate.

Active healthy living: Support active healthy living through physical activity programmes, nutrition education and by providing a wide choice of products.

Workplace: Create a culture where diversity is valued, every employee is a respected member of the team and our workforce is a reflection of the communities in which we operate.”
Overstående tekst er Coca Cola Enterprises’ CSR politik. I CSR politikken er der især fokus på mennesker og bæredygtighed. Coca Cola Enterprises ønsker at være en endnu mere ansvarlig virksomhed og dette vil de blandt andet gøre ved at gøre en positiv forskel i de samfund de arbejder i. De vil også hjælpe deres kunder med at tage informerede valg når de køber læskedrikke, dette vil de gøre gennem en produktportefølje.

2.3 Vision, mission og værdier
Coca Cola Enterprises har som mange andre virksomheder selvfølgelig en vision, en mission, og nogle værdier. Deres vision er at være den bedste sælger af læskedrikke samt at være det bedste firma indenfor kundeservice. Deres mission er ” To refresh the world, to inspire moments of optimism and happiness, to create value and make a difference.”. Deres værdier er ansvarlighed, at være kundeminded og at være et team.
3. Analyse
3.1 Porters five forces
Porters five forces bruges til at analyse konkurrence på et marked. I forhold til Coca Cola og deres brug af CSR vil jeg bruge Porters five forces til at analyse hvilke fordele det giver Coca Cola at benytte sig af CSR, og hvilke ulemper det giver dem.

Ud fra billedet ovenover kan man se hvilke punkter der indgår i Porters five forces. Jeg vil tage punkterne et efter et og analyse hvordan situation ser ud for Coca Cola Enterprises.

3.1.1Leverandører: Coca Cola Enterprises har mange forskellige leverandører. De søger altid efter de leverandører der har den højeste kvalitet til den laveste pris. Coca Cola Enterprises har generelt mange krav til deres leverandører. For en virksomhed som Coca Cola Enterprises er det af største betydning af de leverandører de har den højeste kvalitet. Deres leverandører skal ikke have kapacitetsbegrænsninger, da Coca Cola Enterprises bruger mange råvarer i løbet af en dag, men samtidig har deres leverandører også en fordel da leverance bliver bestilt i god tid, og ikke en dag før det skal leveres. Da Coca Cola Enterprises er en stor virksomhed, har de også mange muligheder for at udskifte deres leverandører, derfor har deres leverandører en relativt lav forhandlingsstyrke. Men jo større en leverandør er, jo højere forhandlingsstyrke vil de have, da der vil være nogle leverandører hvor det ville være meget vanskeligt for Coca Cola Enterprises hvis de mister dem.

3.1.2 Kunder: Coca Cola Enterprises har mange forskellige slags kunder, alt fra tankstationer, til restauranter. Da Coca Cola er et meget kendt brand er mange butikker villige til at betale ekstra for at have dette mærke i deres butik, fremfor et lidt billigere mærke som for eksempel Pepsi. Også Coca Cola Enterprises små kunder har en relativ lav forhandlingsstyrke, da der er mange kunder for en så stor virksomhed. De større kunder som Coca Cola Enterprises har, har en højere forhandlingsstyrke da det kan have konsekvenser for Coca Cola Enterprises hvis de mister dem, derfor vil de strække sig længere for at beholde dem.
3.1.3 Potentielle indtrængere: Det er meget svært som ny virksomhed at komme ind på markedet for læskedrikke. Mange kunder er meget loyale overfor de eksisterende mærker på markedet, og det skaber vanskeligheder for nye virksomheder. Det ville højst sandsynligt være meget kapitalkrævende at etablere sig på markedet, og man kan drage stor fordel af stordrift, derfor er der alt i alt høje indgangsbarrierer.

3.1.4 Substituerende produkter: Da der er mange forskellige læskedrikke på markedet, er der automatisk også mange substituerende produkter. Men for Coca Cola Enterprises’ kunder kan miste hvis de ikke længere sælge Coca Cola. Derfor har det ikke den store betydning for Coca Cola Enterprises at der er mange substituerende produkter. Men da Coca Cola ligger i den dyre ende af prisskalaen vil mange vælge et billigere mærke som følge af finanskrisen.

3.1.5 Konkurrencesituationen i branchen: Læskedrikke branchen er en branche med få store udbydere. Det er også et marked hvor væksten er minimal. Og et marked hvor Coca Cola har den største markedsandel. Lige efter Coca Cola følger Pepsi.

Leverandørernes forhandlingsstyrke | Lav Middel Høj | Kundernes forhandlingsstyrke | Lav Middel Høj | Trussel fra potentielle indtrængere | Lav Middel Høj | Trussel fra substituerende produkter | Lav Middel Høj | Konkurrenceintensiteten i branchen | Lav Middel Høj | Branchens attraktivitet | Lav Middel Høj |

Man kan ud fra ovenstående diagram se at konkurrencen på markedet ikke er så stor, men det er et meget attraktivt marked for Coca Cola Enterprises. Man kan ud fra dette også se at Coca Cola Enterprises står meget stærkt på markedet. Ved brugen af CSR kan Coca Cola Enterprises styrke deres position på markedet da det vil gøre dem mere attraktiv for kunderne at de gør noget godt for samfundet.

3.2 Porters generiske strategier Porters generiske strategier omfatter 4 konkurrencestrategier. Hver enkelte af dem beskriver en overordnet måde som virksomheden kan bruge til at konkurrere med de andre virksomheder på markedet.
Ud fra Coca Cola Enterprises markedsføring og brug af CSR kan man se at de benytte sig af konkurrencestrategien differentiering. Når en virksomhed ønsker at satse på differentiering forsøger de at få deres produkt til at have mere ”værdi” for kunderne. Dette gør Coca Cola Enterprises blandt andet gennem deres CSR, for eksempel ved at lave bæredygtig emballage. Coca Cola Enterprises forsøger at skabe et unikt produkt for deres kunder ved at vise at de tager ansvar for den forurening de er skyld i, samtidig med at de prøver at forbedre det. Når man benytter sig at differentiering ønsker man samtidig med at man har et unikt produkt at henvende sig til hele markedet. Coca Cola Enterprises forsøger med et meget bredt sortiment at ramme så mange målgrupper som muligt. Deres sortiment indeholder alt fra sodavand til juice og vand. Dette gør det muligt for alle at finde noget de kan lide og ønsker at drikke.
Det er en fordel for Coca Cola Enterprises at benytte sig af differentiering da det kunderne skaber præferencer for deres produkter, og dette gør at de vil vælge deres produkt fremfor et billigere mærke. Det er også en fordel for dem at benytte sig af differentiering fordi man har mulighed for at satse på en meget større målgruppe, og det giver større indtjeningsmuligheder. Det kan være en ulempe for Coca Cola Enterprises at benytte sig af differentiering da man kan satse for bredt og derved ikke ramme nogle overhovedet gennem ens markedsføring.
CSR er en integreret del af deres konkurrencestrategi, da de benytter sig af CSR til at differentiere sig fra konkurrenterne. Det skaber en præference for Coca Colas brand at de benytter sig af CSR, og især Coca Cola Enterprises får udnyttet denne præference til fulde da de benytter sig utroligt meget af CSR, og sørger for at det synligt for deres kunder.
4. Vurdering

Jeg vil mene at der er sammenhæng mellem Coca Cola Enterprises CSR politik og deres praktiske anvendelse af CSR. Blandt andet bruger de bæredygtig emballage som er et af hovedpunkterne i deres CSR politik. Coca Cola Enterprises bruger især CSR til at skabe præferencer for deres produkter. Dette kan man se gennem deres konkurrencestrategi, hvor de benytter sig af differentiering. Gennem CSR styrker de deres brand, og herved skaber de et ”unikt” produkt for deres kunder.
Coca Cola Enterprises har flere forskellige strategiske muligheder fremover. En af dem er at udvide kundeservice afdeling da det er deres vision at være det bedste firma indenfor kundeservice. En anden er at udvide produktudviklingsafdelingen, da det er en del at deres mission at de vil forfriske verden, for at sikre at de rammer alle segmenter er de nødt til at sørger for at der er et bredt udvalg til alle deres kunder, og potentielle kunder. En strategisk mulighed kunne også være at benytte CSR mere i deres markedsføring, da det er en del af deres mission at skabe værdi og gøre en forskel, og det gør en virksomhed som Coca Cola Enterprises gennem CSR, da de gennem CSR kan tage ansvar og gøre en væsentlig forskel i forhold til miljø og samfundet omkring dem.
5. Konklusion

Jeg har gennem min opgave redegjort for Coca Cola Enterprises CSR politik. Coca Cola Enterprises har meget stor fokus på deres anvendelse af CSR, og da Coca Cola har et af verdens mest kendte brands er det en stor fordel for dem at benytte sig så meget af CSR.
Jeg har analyseret konkurrence på markedet med Porters Five Forces, gennem denne analyse er jeg kommet frem til at konkurrence på læskedrikke markedet er middel, og at det kan betale sig for Coca Cola Enterprises at benytte sig af CSR da det skaber en præference for virksomheden i forhold til kunderne. Herefter har jeg analyseret mig frem til at Coca Cola Enterprises benytter sig af konkurrencestrategien differentiering. Dette skaber også præferencer for virksomheden, da de har et ”unikt” produkt. De benytter CSR som en del af deres konkurrencestrategi, da det kan skabe større præferencer for deres produkter, hvis de viser at de tager ansvar for verden omkring dem.
I min vurdering er jeg nået frem til at der er sammenhæng mellem Coca Cola Enterprises CSR politik og deres praktiske anvendelse af CSR. Jeg er også nået frem til at Coca Cola Enterprises har flere forskellige strategriske muligheder i fremtiden. De kan blandt andet udvide kundeserviceafdeling, eller udvide produktudviklingsafdeling, eller benytte sig mere af CSR i deres markedsføring, alle disse ting hjælper virksomheden med at opfylde deres vision, mission eller værdier.
Anslag med mellemrum: 14.968

Bang, Knud Erik, Henrik Frølich, Jeanette Hassing, Marianne Poulsen og Gitte Størup; Virksomhedsøkonomi A2, Systime, 2011
Ukendt,, læst 22/1 2012
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Ukendt, , læst 22/1 2012
Ukendt,, læst 22/1 2012
Ukendt, , læst 22/1 2012
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Ukendt,, fundet 22/1 2012
Ukendt, , fundet 22/1 2012(forsideillustration)

Bilag 1
CocaCola Enterprises Ltd is responsible for manufacturing, selling and distributing a wide range of soft drinks across Great Britain. We do this for brands owned by The CocaCola Company and for other premium brand owners too.

We are proud of our brand portfolio we offer our consumers a complete choice of soft drinks for every occasion. We make 95 per cent of our products in GB, a fact we are proud to put on our cans and bottles.
Our products are grouped into seven sectors, based on consumer need. To explore our product portfolio use the right and left arrows below.

Bilag 2
The coalition government elected in May 2010 brought with it a new approach to public health, and in particular policy on obesity. Rather than seeking to impose changes on the composition of food and drink, the plan is to encourage companies to make their own changes in line with what their businesses can reasonably achieve, through what have been named Responsibility Deals.
This approach has been welcomed by BSDA.
Jill Ardagh, BSDA Director General, said:
“The soft drinks industry has proved over the years that a responsible approach by industry is the right way to deal with issues of public concern. For example, people thinking about the issue of obesity should note how the soft drinks product range has changed radically. The proportion of the market made up of drinks with no added sugar is now 60 per cent, up from only 30 per cent 20 years ago.

“This has been achieved without regulation.
Instead, it was a combination of product innovation, clear nutritional information, and a focus on the needs of the consumer that delivered. A responsible approach by industry works.”
BSDA published a Responsibility Report to illustrate the industry’s wide-ranging actions to improve and extend choice of sustainably produced and responsibly marketed drinks.

Bilag 3
We do everything we can to keep all our customers satisfied.

As a local business, selling global soft drink brands, we know that satified customers are the key to our success.
Our sales teams work hard to look after a wide variety of customers at national and local levels, including:
Retailers from large multiple supermarkets to corner shops, newsagents and petrol forecourts
Other organisations schools, colleges, hospitals, workplaces, pubs, clubs, restaurants, cafes and cinemas
Wholesalers supplying independent stores and other outlets
The Open More Business report looks in more detail at the five most important environments where our customers sell soft drinks: * Superstore foodhall * Neighbourhood * Fuel * Bars, Pubs & Clubs * Canteen
These five key environments (from a total of 16) are estimated to deliver 69% of the £1.4 billion category opportunity identified in Open More Business.
Bilag 4
Prospective suppliers
We are constantly searching for suppliers that meet our highest quality standards.
Our Procurement Division leads the process of seeking eligible suppliers, sharing the business goals and requirements, requesting proposals and awarding business.
What do we look for?
When choosing eligible suppliers, we seek to satisfy a range of criteria, including: * sound business practices * ethical criteria * environmental management
We are committed to increasing opportunities for minority and womenowned firms.
We also look for the best combination of the following business factors: * low total cost of ownership * single point of communication * high quality of goods and services * delivery that exceeds our needs * continuous investment in innovation and growth.
The CocaCola Company has codified our expectations into the Supplier Guiding Principles program, and we are partners in this programme. We fully enforce these principles, which are incorporated into CCE Code of Business Conduct, supplier contracts, as well as training.
Any questions?
Please direct all communication related to supplier selection, as well as discussions about commercial terms such as pricing and terms and conditions, to our Procurement representatives. Before contacting us, please be sure to review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) in this section of the website.

Bilag 5
CocaCola Enterprises recognises the crucial role diversity plays in our relationships with customers, employees, and suppliers, especially in today's global environment.

We provide procurement opportunities to diverse businesses, including those that are owned and operated by minorities, women, veterans, gays and lesbians. We partner with such businesses committed to providing new technology, innovation, and competitively priced, high quality products and services.
CocaCola Enterprises sources and provides equal access to procurement opportunities for businesses that are at least 51% owned, managed and controlled by minorities, women, veteran or gay and lesbian entrepreneurs. Strengthening and utilizing diverse firms contributes to the economic growth and expansion of our local communities, while also providing a competitive business advantage by enhancing our supply chain.
CocaCola Enterprises' strategic priorities are to: grow the value of our existing brands and expand our product portfolio; transform our gotomarket model and improve our efficiency and effectiveness; and attract, develop, and retain a highly-talented and diverse workforce. By identifying diverse businesses and developing meaningful business relationships, we have made and will continue to make significant progress towards achieving these priorities.
Diversity and inclusion are essential components of our corporate strategy and we expect our suppliers and our employees in North America and Europe to exhibit a high level of performance towards achieving this objective. Each and every one of us has the responsibility of supporting Supplier Diversity and creating a winning and inclusive culture at CocaCola Enterprises.
John F. Brock
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Bilag 6
Our Mission
Our Roadmap starts with our mission, which is enduring. It declares our purpose as a company and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions. * To refresh the world... * To inspire moments of optimism and happiness... * To create value and make a difference
Bilag 7
Our Vision and Values
The CocaCola Enterprises vision is to be the best beverage sales and customer service company.
Our operating framework defines what being the best means for CCE, and outlines the strategic priorities that will help us become the best so we can drive consistent, longterm, profitable growth.
Our Strategic Priorities * Grow value of existing brands and expand our product portfolio responsibly * Transform our gotomarket model to improve efficiency and effectiveness * Attract, develop and retain a highly talented and diverse workforce
Our Values
At CCE, we ACT with passion and purpose in everything we do: * Accountable: We do what we say we will do * Customerfocused: We succeed only when we exceed the expectations of our customers * Teamdriven: We win as a team, and do it the right way
Bilag 8
Energy and Climate Protection: We aim to grow our business but not our carbon emissions.
Water Stewardship: To return safely to nature an amount of water equivalent to that which we use in all our beverages and their production.
Sustainable Packaging: At The Coca-Cola Company, we envisage a world in which our packaging is no longer seen as waste, but as a valuable resource for the future.
Beverage Benefi ts: Quenching every thirst and need. Providing and tailoring beverages for every lifestyle, life stage and life occasion – all based on individual needs. Quality you can trust all the time.
Community: We are a global company with local roots in every community where we do business. We are committed to the needs of our communities with a wide range of programmes.
Active Healthy Living: Helping to increase physical activity levels to enhance health. Our goal is to raise the standards of physical fi tness globally, through encouragement, partnership and grassroots programmes.
Workplace: To foster open environments, as diverse as the markets we serve. Where workplace rights are respected and people are inspired to create superior results and make a positive difference.
Energy conservation/climate change: Reduce the overall carbon footprint of our business operations by an absolute 15% by 2020, as compared to our 2007 baseline.
Water stewardship: Establish a water-sustainable operation by protecting our water sources, minimising our water use and replenishing the amount of water used in our beverages.
Sustainable packaging/recycling: Reduce the impact of our packaging: maximise our use of renewable, reusable and recyclable resources and recover the equivalent of 100% of our packaging.
Product portfolio: Provide refreshing beverages for every lifestyle and occasion, while helping consumers make informed beverage choices.
Community: Make a positive social, economic and environmental contribution to the communities in which we operate.
Active healthy living: Support active healthy living through physical activity programmes, nutrition education and by providing a wide choice of products.
Workplace: Create a culture where diversity is valued, every employee is a respected member of the team and our workforce is a refl ection of the communities in which we operate.
Bilag 9
About CocaCola Enterprises
CocaCola Enterprises, Inc. is the world's thirdlargest independent CocaCola bottler. CCE is the sole licensed bottler for products of The Coca-Cola Company (TCCC) in Belgium, continental France, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden.
In Great Britain (GB) CocaCola Enterprises Ltd (CCE) employs around 4,500 people across England, Scotland and Wales at manufacturing sites, regional offices and depots.
CCE is committed to minimising the environmental impact of its products and operations, with a particular focus on sustainable packaging and recycling, water stewardship, and energy and climate protection.
CCE's manufacturing sites meet ISO14001 certification, the highest international standard for environmental management. CCE has reduced its energy usage ratio across manufacturing operations in GB by 21% since 2001 and more than 99% of waste at its sites is now recovered or recycled.
All of CCE's glass bottles are 100% recyclable and contain an average of 30% recycled materials; all plastic bottles are made from PET (polyethylene teraphthalate) and are 100% recyclable; and all CCE cans used in GB are made from 100% recyclable aluminium and contain around 50% recycled aluminium.
CCE calculates and publishes the CO2 emissions resulting from the manufacture and distribution of all its brands, and in 2007 CCE partnered with the Carbon Trust to measure all greenhouse gas emissions embodied within selected products in the portfolio.
CCE makes, sells and delivers the following products in GB for The CocaCola Company (TCCC): CocaCola, diet Coke, Coke Zero, Fanta, Dr Pepper, Sprite, Schweppes, Schweppes Abbey Well, glacéau, Relentless, Powerade, Oasis and 5 Alive. CCE in GB also makes, sells or delivers Monster, Appletiser, Ocean Spray and CapriSun on behalf of other brand owners.
CCE has the largest share of soft drinks in the UK with ongoing brand and product innovation continuing to reinforce this position of leadership within the category. CocaCola is the UK's number one selling soft drink and remains one of the most innovative brands in the world today.

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[ 5 ]. Bang, Frølich, Hassing, Poulsen og Størup, Virksomhedsøkonomi A2 s. 405-412
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[ 11 ]. Bang, Frølich, Hassing, Poulsen og Størup, op.cit, s. 412-417
[ 12 ].

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Coca Cola Csr

...I. Introduction The Coca-Cola Company is the world's largest beverage company, refreshing consumers with more than 500 sparkling and still brands. Led by Coca-Cola, one of the world's most valuable and recognizable brands, our Company's portfolio features 16 billion-dollar brands. Globally, we are the No. 1 provider of sparkling beverages, ready-to-drink coffees, and juices and juice drinks. Through the world's largest beverage distribution system, consumers in more than 200 countries enjoy our beverages at a rate of more than 1.8 billion servings a day. With an enduring commitment to building sustainable communities, our Company is focused on initiatives that reduce our environmental footprint, support active, healthy living, create a safe, inclusive work environment for our associates, and enhance the economic development of the communities where we operate. Together with our bottling partners, we rank among the world's top 10 private employers with more than 700,000 system associates.  This company is confronted with a great deal of challenges and opportunities. Being part of the social order and society expects, we are encouraged to improve our business practices in ways that respect ethical values, people, communities and the environment. II. The CSR of the Company/Business The Coca-Cola Philippines Company announced on November 15, 2013 that the Coca-Cola system is donating millions of dollar in cash and in-kind contributions to support disaster relief and...

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Communication in Business

...or policies of the Coca-Cola Company. It has identified pertinent issues that affect CSR policies and how an organization has to act responsibly. Coca-Cola Company has been a market leader in the soft drinks industry. However, in the recent past they have received negative publicity and unhealthy competition from worthy competitors like Pepsi. This report, therefore, finds out the discrepancies existing between Coca-Cola’s business strategy and their common practice. It, therefore, discusses the CSR projects implemented by the Coca-Cola Company and gives recommendations on how Coca-Cola will continue to operate a sustainable business. Table of Contents 1.0 Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………………..2 2.0 Scope of Engagement………………………………………………………………………...4 3.0 Current Understanding of CSR………………………………………………………………4 4.0 Examining Coca-Cola’s CSR Commitment………………………………………………….5 5.0 Discrepancies between Communicated Intention and Corporate Practice…………………...7 6.0 Recommendations…………………………………………………………………………….7 References………………………………………………………………………………………...9 Communication in Business 2.0 Scope of Engagement Business social responsibility is a core success factor for any organization. While acting to fulfill its mandate, an organization must not infringe on the interest of the community or of the stakeholders. In so doing, an organization works socially responsible (Cragg, 2009). I have been hired to conduct a CSR audit for the Coca-Cola Company. In the recent...

Words: 1693 - Pages: 7

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The Link Between Competitive Advantage & Corporate Social Responsibility

...The Link Between Competitive Advantage & Corporate Social Responsibility | Business and Society | | There is currently growing interest in corporate social responsibility (CSR) among both companies and managers. It has become an important topic of theoretical concentration and one of the most widely accepted business concepts. The major issues in the field of CSR concern stakeholder analysis and corporate strategic management. Numerous attempts have been made to link CSR and financial performance. While the debate over CSR continues, it reveals that some additional research can be done on the link between CSR and competitive advantage (CA). CSR is understood to be the way firms integrate social, environmental, and economic concerns into their values, culture, decision making, strategy, and operations in a transparent and accountable manner (Berger, 2007). Thereby firms establish better practices within, create wealth, and improve society (Berger, 2007). CSR programs go beyond legal and ethical frameworks to include a wide range of issues for the organization (Berger, 2007). Specifically, CSR programs can impact a wide range of issues managed by the organization including: corporate governance and ethics programs; health, safety, and environment programs; attention to human and labor rights; human resource management policies; community involvement; respect for indigenous groups and minorities; corporate philanthropy and employee volunteering; adherence to principles...

Words: 4393 - Pages: 18

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Coca-Cola India Case for Mob

...Coca-Cola India On August 20, 2003 Sanjiv Gupta, President and CEO of Coca-Cola India, sat in his office contemplating the events of the last two weeks and debating his next move. Sales had dropped by 30-40%1 in only two weeks. On August 5th, The Center for Science and Environment (CSE), an activist group in India focused on environmental sustainability issues (specifically the effects of industrialization and economic growth) issued a press release stating: "12 major cold drink brands sold in and around Delhi contain a deadly cocktail of pesticide residues" (See Exhibit 1). According to tests conducted by the Pollution Monitoring Laboratory (PML) of the CSE from April to August, three samples of twelve PepsiCo and Coca-Cola brands from across the city were found to contain pesticide residues surpassing global standards by 30-36 times including lindane, DDT, malathion and chlorpyrifos (See Exhibit 2). These four pesticides were known to cause cancer, damage to the nervous and reproductive systems, birth defects, and severe disruption of the immune system. After this incidence the brand image of Coca Cola was tarnished and people started avoiding coca cola consumption. Since 2003 following the various allegations and issues such as presence of pesticide residues in its beverages and water resource contamination issues that the soft drink giant faced in India, their community-focused initiatives were further accelerated. To address these issues and to rebuild its tarnished...

Words: 379 - Pages: 2

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Communication in Business

...or policies of the Coca-Cola Company. It has identified pertinent issues that affect CSR policies and how an organization has to act responsibly. Coca-Cola Company has been a market leader in the soft drinks industry. However, in the recent past they have received negative publicity and unhealthy competition from worthy competitors like Pepsi. This report, therefore, finds out the discrepancies existing between Coca-Cola’s business strategy and their common practice. It, therefore, discusses the CSR projects implemented by the Coca-Cola Company and gives recommendations on how Coca-Cola will continue to operate a sustainable business. Table of Contents 1.0 Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………………..2 2.0 Scope of Engagement………………………………………………………………………...4 3.0 Current Understanding of CSR………………………………………………………………4 4.0 Examining Coca-Cola’s CSR Commitment………………………………………………….5 5.0 Discrepancies between Communicated Intention and Corporate Practice…………………...7 6.0 Recommendations…………………………………………………………………………….7 References………………………………………………………………………………………...9 Communication in Business 2.0 Scope of Engagement Business social responsibility is a core success factor for any organization. While acting to fulfill its mandate, an organization must not infringe on the interest of the community or of the stakeholders. In so doing, an organization works socially responsible (Cragg, 2009). I have been hired to conduct a CSR audit for the Coca-Cola Company. In the recent...

Words: 1693 - Pages: 7

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Corporate Social Responsibility

...CSR Case Studies: Coca-Cola Prepared by the Kenan Institute Asia October 2010 Lead author John DaSilva, Project Development Manager, Kenan Institute Asia Research, editing, production and translation team Paul Wedel, Christine Davis, Richard Bernhard, Stephanie B. Soderborg, Pham Lam Thuy Quynh, Peeranun Panyavaranant and Kamonphorn Kanchana This case study was developed under the Global Compact Network Vietnam (GCNV). The Vietnamese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) is the national implementing partner of GCNV with financial support provided by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Kenan Institute Asia was selected as the project consultant for the Embedding Corporate Social Responsibility in the Vietnam through Research, Training and Curriculum Development Component. Coca-Cola 1 Coca-Cola Branding and CSR: How Coca-Cola Company protects its multi-billion dollar brand image through community-based water projects. Potable water for communities is a key element of a safe and healthy lifestyle. Access to potable water for drinking, cooking and cleaning is a basic need for everyone, but in many parts of the world, safe water is still a dream. It is predicted that over the course of the next 20 years, the situation will become worse, as more water resources are contaminated or disappear while the water needs of a growing population will only increase. In Vietnam, according to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, an estimated 40%...

Words: 3003 - Pages: 13

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...* Coca cola needs to handle CSR issues globally not just domestically. * Promoting CSR overseas * Empowering Girls and Women Globally through Education * Collaboration between Coca-Cola and the US Government to support a set of school lunch programs Coca Cola is the leading international seller of fruit juice. As the world becomes more health conscious sales of soft drinks have declined (by1 to 2% annually since 2013). Also, the two largest bottled beverage companies of the world, Coca Cola and Pepsi Co are experiencing growth in consumption outside of the United States, where as sales in the USA are falling (this is true for many industries as emerging markets globally in Africa South And Southeast Asia, and South America are now demanding more and more “value added” shelf products, such as bottled or ready juices. Cocoa-cola’s sales overseas are growing at an average of 1% while falling at an average of 2% domestically (Ted Cooper, NYT, 2011.) So why should coca cola just work on CSR issues domestically and not put a big emphasis on emerging markets for their philanthropic work? And as the largest juice producer/bottler in the world, why should Coca-Cola not take steps toward promoting CSR overseas using this particular leadership in the market? We suggest a CSR plan that focuses on one of our own Department of State’s and our President’s primary international initiatives – Empowering Girls and Women Globally through Education – a Program through the Department...

Words: 672 - Pages: 3

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What Is Cocacola

...What is coca cola? People consuming it not knowing what could be in it? But as long as it tastes good it’s a perfectly fine drink right? Wrong. * Coca cola is a soft drink, manufactured by the Coca Cola Company * It was introduced in the late 19th century (1886 to be exact) * It was originally intended as a patent medicine when it was invented by John Pemberton in the United States of America. * Coca Cola is not only sold in South Africa but sold all over the world, in every single country except Cuba and North Korea. * Ingredients; Carbonated water Sugar Caffeine Phosphoric acid Caramel (E150d) Natural flavourings * A can of coke (355ml) has 39grams of carbohydrates all from sugar (approximately 10 teaspoons) and over 140 calories. Coke is enjoyed by any human being, well, it is socially acceptable to start drinking any acid cooldrink after the age of 7 at least because gassy coldrinks aren’t really healthy for anyone, let alone toddlers. Though you will find people who will give their toddlers the drink anyway. Coke is a soft drink that people consume during meals or even just to quench their thirst, there isn’t really a time, place or manner to drinking coke, its available all the time, unlike liquor where liquors stores has to open and close at a certain time and in South Africa liquor is not sold on a Sunday except for restaurants...

Words: 428 - Pages: 2

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Case Study on Coccola

...Coca - Cola: Case study This case is about Coca-Cola's corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives in India. It details the activities taken up by Coca-Cola India's management and employees to contribute to the society and community in which the company operates. Coca-Cola India being one of the largest beverage companies in India, realized that CSR had to be an integral part of its corporate agenda. According to the company, it was aware of the environmental, social, and economic impact caused by a business of its scale and therefore it had decided to implement a wide range of initiatives to improve the quality of life of its customers, the workforce, and society at large. However, the company came in for severe criticism from activists and environmental experts who charged it with depleting groundwater resources in the areas in which its bottling plants were located, thereby affecting the livelihood of poor farmers, dumping toxic and hazardous waste materials near its bottling facilities, and discharging waste water into the agricultural lands of farmers. Moreover, its allegedly unethical business practices in developing countries led to its becoming one of the most boycotted companies in the world.  Not with standing the criticisms, the company continued to champion various initiatives such as rainwater harvesting, restoring groundwater resources, and going in for sustainable packaging and recycling, and serving the communities where it operated. Coca-Cola planned...

Words: 1136 - Pages: 5

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Case Analysis: Cola Wars in China: the Future Is Here

...Case Analysis: Cola Wars in China: The Future Is Here Prepared by Kulthida Vongtrakool MAN 787: Business Policy & Strategy Spring 2015 Prepared for: Professor Rimi Zakaria Date of Submission: March 19, 2015 1. Resources, capabilities, and core competencies Resources: Tangible resources and intangible resources are the factors that Wahaha incorporated to achieve the competitive advantage over the two giants, Coca-Cola and Pepsi. For tangible assets, the company had high volume in capital gain with billions in revenue and profits not including the land and building. Wahaha had more than 42 subsidiaries across the nation in 2002 with many production lines. It also had a valuable marketing team including R&D as well as a technology adopted from Danone group for bottling production. Moreover, its distribution system was ahead of the two competitors. For intangible resources, the firm used its name as a reputation that had sustained profit in the market for many years. Wahaha had been participating in many CSR programs so that it had become well-known among the Chinese. The firm’s founder had a strong drive to push the firm to adopt knowledge by learning over time in order to understand the market. In addition, the firm trademark was the idea of making drinks to make children happy. Capabilities: Firstly, the firm had focused knowledge that was accomplished by the market studying for an in-depth level of understanding and obtaining knowledge of a market. Wahaha’s...

Words: 1358 - Pages: 6

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Cocacola in India

...Transcript of Coca-Cola photo credit Nasa / Goddard Space Flight Center / Reto Stöckli PRESENTATION OUTLINE COCA-COLA HERITAGE TIMELINE 1886 -2013 How might Coca-Cola have responded differently when this situation first occured, specially in terms of responsibility to negative perceptions among Indians of Coke and other MNCs? If Coca-Cola wants to obtain more of India's soft drink market, what change does it need to take? Companies like Coca-Cola and PepsiCo in demonstrating their commitment to working with different countries and r especting the cultural and natural environments of those societies. WONG KIM MAY ESHA CHOWDHURY KHO XIAN WEI 3.1% of all beverages consumed around the world are Coca-Cola products. DO YOU KNOW? Coke make so many different beverages that if you drank one per day, it would take up 9 years to try them all. Coca-cola's $35.1 billion in revenue makes it the 84th largest economy in the world, just ahead of Costa Rica. The Coca-cola brand is worth an estimated $74 billion : more than Budweiser, Pepsi, Starbucks and Redbull combined. If every drop of Coke ever produced were put in 8-ounce bottles and laid end-to-end, they would reach the moon and back over 2000 times. DO YOU KNOW The red & white Coca-cola logo is recognized by 94% of the World's population. There are 33 non-alcoholic brands that generate over $1 billion in revenue. Coca-cola owns a whopping 15 of them. Around the world, the average person...

Words: 3393 - Pages: 14

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Coca Cola in India

...Coca-Cola in India Coca-Cola is a brand name known throughout the entire world. It covers 60 percent of the $1.6 billion soft drink market. In 2006–2007, Coca-Cola faced some difficult challenges in the region of Kerala, India. The company was accused of using water that contained pesticides in its bottling plants in Kerala. An environmental group, the Center for Science and Environment (CSE), found 57 bottles of Coke and Pepsi products from 12 Indian states that contained unsafe levels of pesticides. The Kerala minister of health, Karnataka R. Ashok, imposed a ban on the manufacture and sale of Coca-Cola products in the region. Coca-Cola then arranged to have its drinks tested in a British lab, and the report found that the amount of pesticides found in Pepsi and Coca-Cola drinks was harmless to the body. Coca-Cola then ran numerous ads to regain consumers’ confidence in its products and brand. However, these efforts did not satisfy the environmental groups or the minister of health. India’s Changing Marketplace During the 1960s and 1970s, India’s economy faced many challenges, growing only an average of 3–3.5 percent per year. Numerous obstacles hindered foreign companies from investing in India, and many restrictions on eco-nomic activity caused huge difficulties for Indian firms and a lack of interest among foreign investors. For many years the government had problems with implementing reform and overcoming bureaucratic and political divi-sions. Business...

Words: 3912 - Pages: 16

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...Coca-Cola: A journey over 120 years old 04 Feb 2009 By Sarimul Islam Choudhury  ‘Little drops of joy’ as they call it, soft drink and beverages brand Coca-Cola came into existence in 1886 in Atlanta, New York, USA. From selling only nine glasses of drinks a day initially, after a successful stint of operation for over 120 years, the company currently produces more than 10 billion gallons of drink a day and sells its products across 200 countries worldwide. With more than 450 brands, the company is one of the largest beverage companies in the world keeping the language of refreshment universal across the globe.  The product comes into existence: It was1886 in New York Harbor when the construction of the Statue of Liberty was in progress, John Pemberton, a pharmacist in Atlanta, was intrigued by a fragrant caramel-coloured liquid. He carried it a few doors down to Jacobs' Pharmacy where the mixture was combined with carbonated water and sampled by customers who all agreed — that this new drink was something special. Jacobs' Pharmacy then put it on sale for five cents a glass. Later, Pemberton's bookkeeper, Frank Robinson, named the mixture Coca-Cola and wrote it out in a distinct script, the same way it is in use these days. According to the company: “Quality is more than what we taste or see or measure. It shows in our every action. We relentlessly strive to exceed the world's ever-changing expectations because keeping our quality promise in the marketplace is our highest...

Words: 1362 - Pages: 6

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Coca Cola Company

...The Coca Cola Company Market Audit. Table of Contents. Executive summary | 1 | Table of Contents | 2 | Introduction | 3 | 1-History of the company | 5 | 2- SWOT analysis | 7 | 2-1-Strengths | 8 | 2-2 Weaknesses | 9 | 2-3Opportunities | 10 | 2-4Threats | 10 | 3-Corporate Social Responsibility | 11 | 4- PESTEL Analysis | 14 | 4-1 Political analysis | 14 | 4-1-1 Coca Cola Company is an American symbol of imperialism | 15 | 4-1-2 Coca Cola in MENA Region | 15 | 4-2Economic analysis | 16 | 4-3 Social analysis | 19 | 4-4 Environmental analysis | 19 | 4-5 Legal analysis | 19 | 5- marketing mix | 19 | 5-1 product line and range | 19 | 5-2 pricing | 19 | 5-3 promotion | 19 | 5-4 place | 21 | 6 – the bottling company | 21 | 7 - conclusion | 22 | Executive Summary Coca cola company market audit should be wider than the range of this report. With a pioneer company holding the biggest market share in its industry, there are lots of parameters to analyze and study to find out the secrets and factors of this huge success. A SWOT analysis was done, explaining strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing the company. And that is followed by a SELPET Analysis explaining Social, Economical, Legal, Political, Environmental and Technological factors. In the sustainability report, the current CEO Muhtar Kent announced a company expansion target of the double by 2020, and the ways to reach their. He explained the main areas which...

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