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Successful Factors of Exporting The Coconut from Indonesia to Zaimin Industry, Malaysia
“Kita sepakat ekspor kelapa 1 juta butir setiap bulannya melalui Pelabuhan Krueng Geukueh dan Langsa,” kata Safwan.

NEGARA Malaysia siap menampung satu juta butir kelapa tiap bulannya dari Provinsi Aceh. Kesepakatan ini tercapai dari kunjungan Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani Malaysia, Dato’ Sri Ismail Sabri bin Yakoob, Minggu 2 Maret 2014.
Hal ini diungkapkan oleh Kepala Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan (Kadisperindag) Aceh, Safwan SE MSi.
“Kita sepakat ekspor kelapa 1 juta butir setiap bulannya melalui Pelabuhan Krueng Geukueh dan Langsa,” kata Safwan.
Sebenarnya, kata dia, ekspor kelapa dari Aceh ke Malaysia ini sudah berlangsung lama.
“Banyak pengusaha yang mengambil kelapa dari Aceh, tetapi ekspor dari Batam.Ada yang melalui Krueng Geukueh, tapi hanya sedikit,” kata Safwan lagi.
Namun kata Safwan, di bawah Pemerintahan Aceh saat ini, segala bentuk ekspor komoditas dari Aceh, juga akan difokuskan pada pelabuhan yang ada di Aceh. Salah satunya seperti Krueng Geukueh.
Sebelumnya diberitakan, Dato’ Sri Ismail Sabri bin Yakoob, mengaku terkejut ketika mengetahui kalau kelapa yang mereka impor (Malaysia-red) selama ini ternyata berasal dari Provinsi Aceh.
Padahal, kata dia, Malaysia menerima impor kelapa dari Indonesia melalui Pelabuhan Batam.
“Saya heran, kelapa Aceh diimpor dari Batam,” ujarnya dalam sambutan pada acara jamuan makan malam di Pendopo Gubernur Aceh, Sabtu malam, 1 Maret 2014.Acara ini juga turut dihadiri Wali Nanggroe Aceh, Malik Mahmud Al-Haytar serta sejumlah jajaran Pemerintahan Aceh lainnya.
Menurutnya, kebutuhan impor kelapa untuk Malaysia awalnya berjumlah seribu butir. Kini kebutuhannya mencapai 1 juta butir kelapa tiap bulan.
Pihaknya, kata dia, menerima kiriman kelapa ini melalui Pelabuhan Batam. “Tidak tahu ya, karena di Batam sendiri tidak memiliki lahan untuk kebun kelapa,” kata dia.
Peluang komoditi kelapa masih cukup besar. Hal ini karena negara produsen kelapa, seperti Filipina mengalami penurunan produktivitas. Tentu pasar ekspor terbuka lebar bagi Indonesia.
Ketua Umum Dewan Kelapa Indonesia, Irawadi Jamara mengatakan, Indonesia berpeluang besar memanfaatkan pasar ekspor kelapa itu. Karena komoditi kelapa dari Filipina saat ini mengalami penurunan setelah lahan perkebunannya banyak dikonversi menjadi lahan pemukiman.
Dari sisi produktivitas, kelapa saat ini mencapai 16 miliar butir kelapa. Tentu hal ini masih dapat terus digenjot. Selama ini produksinya mencapai 3,8 juta ton, 99,5 persen adalah milik rakyat.
Hanya saja, Irawadi menyayangkan komoditi kelapa saat ini belum optimal. Kendalanya lantaran pohon kelapa sudah banyak yang tua. Hal ini tentu sangat tidak menguntungkan sehingga perlu dilakukan peremajaan.
Meski begitu, lanjut Irawadi, untuk melakukan peremajaan pohon kelapa juga menemui kendala. Karena sebagian besar kebun kelapa dimiliki rakyat yang tidak mudah untuk diadakan peremajaan.
Apalagi perkembangan pasar di dalam negeri juga mengalami stagnasi. “Kalau mau diproduksi lebih besar lagi, pasar juga stagnan. Jadi kalau digenjot juga akan percuma. Ini menjadi dilematis,” ujar Irawadi.

Produktivitas tanaman kelapa di Indonesia, saat ini baru sekitar 50% dari potensinya atau hanya 1,1 ton/ha. Selain rendahnya produktivitas tanaman, persoalan lain pada pengembangan kelapa di Indonesia yakni pemanfaatan produk hilir maupun hasil sampingan belum banyak dilakukan. Selama ini komoditas kelapa baru sebatas dimanfaatkan pada produk primernya saja dalam bentuk kelapa segar maupun kopra untuk bahan baku minyak goreng.
Dalam program diversifikasi kelapa, Indonesia baru mampu menghasilkan 22 ragam produk turunan kelapa. Angka ini masih di bawah Filipina yang telah memproduksi lebih dari 100 jenis diversifikasi produk berbasis kelapa. Indonesia pernah mengalami kejayaan pada era 1960-1970 an, utamanya dalam bentuk kopra.
Namun semenjak periode 1980-an, peran kelapa sebagai sumber bahan baku minyak goreng makin ditinggalkan dan tergeser oleh komoditas lain seperti kelapa sawit. Oleh karena itu untuk meningkatkan kembali kontribusi komoditas kelapa maka pemerintah kini tengah melakukan berbagai upaya seperti pengembangan industri hilir dan peningkatan nilai tambah kelapa.
Kementan memprediksi produksi kopra jauh lebih rendah dari perkiraan. Diprediksi produksi kelapa nasional tahun ini hanya mencapai 3,29 juta ton. Target tersebut mengalami kenaikkan tipis, 0,9% ketimbang produksi tahun 2010 yang sebanyak 3,26 juta ton setara kopra. Produksi kelapa berasal dari lahan kebun kelapa seluas 3,8 juta hektar. Areal tanam ini tersebar di sentra produksi kelapa di Riau, Jambi, Lampung, Sulawesi Utara, Sulawesi Tengah, Jawa Barat, Jawa Timur, Banten, dan Maluku.
Tanaman kelapa bisa berproduksi hingga tanaman berumur 60 tahun. Bahkan, jika berada di lahan yang bagus, tanamankelapa dapat berproduksi dengan baik hingga berusia 70 tahun.

Sedangkan kelapa jenis hibrida, usia produktifnya lebih pendek, yakni hanya sampai 50 tahun-55 tahun. Tak heran, tanamankelapa hibrida memiliki tingkat produktivitas 5 ton per ha. Tingkat produktivitas ini lebih tinggi daripada jenis kelapa biasa yang hanya bisa menghasilkan 1 ton per ha. (YR)

1.1. Ruang lingkup Industri Pengolahan Kelapa

Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki lahan tanaman kelapa terbesar di dunia dengan luas areal 3,88 juta hektar (97% merupakan perkebunan rakyat), memproduksi kelapa 3,2 juta ton setara kopra.Selama 34 tahun, luas tanaman kelapa meningkat dari 1,66 juta hektar pada tahun 1969 menjadi 3,89 juta hektar pada tahun 2005. Meskipun luas areal meningkat, namun produktivitas pertanaman denderung semakin menurun (tahun 2001 rata-rata 1,3 ton /Ha, tahun 2005 rata-rata 0,7 ton/Ha). Produktivitas lahan kelapa Indonesia masih rendah di bandingkan dengan India dan Srilangka.Perkebunan kelapa rakyat dicirikan memiliki lahan yang sempit, pemeliharaan seadanya atau tidak sama sekali dan tidak pada skala komersial.Permintaan produk-produk berbasis kelapa masih terus meningkat baik untuk ekspor maupun pasar dalam negeri.Industri turunan kelapa masih dapat dikembangkan dengan melakukan diversifikasi produk olahan antara lain : oleo kimia, desiccated coconut, virgin oil, nata de coco, dan lain-lain1.2. Pengelompokan Industri Pengembangan Industri Pengolahan KelapaSebagaimana diketahui, kelapa adalah tanaman yang dari semua bagiannya dapat dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan manusia. Gambaran dari pemanfaatan bagian-bagian tanaman kelapa dimaksud adalah sebagaimana tercantum sebagai berikut :Industri Hulu: Industri kelapa hulu merupakan industri kelapa paling hulu dalam rangkaian industri kelapa, seperti kelapa segar, kopra (kopra hitam dan putih)Industri Antara : Industri kelapa antara merupakan industri kelapa yang memproses bahan baku menjadi produk-produk turunan, seperti tempurung kelapa, Copra Meal, Desiccated Coconut.Industri Hilir : Industri kelapa Hilir adalah industri kelapa yang mengolah bahan yang dihasilkan oleh industri kelapa antara menjadi berbagai produk akhir yang digunakan oleh industri . seperti Karbon aktif, Minyak kelapa, Coconut cream/milk dan lain-lain.Meskipun seluruh bagian tanaman kelapa dapat dimanfaatkan untuk peningktan kesejahteraan manusia, namun perkembangan industri pengolahan berbasis kelapa di Indonesia dimulai dengan pengembangan industri kopra sebagai bahan baku industri minyak kelapa.1.3. Kecenderungan Global industri Pengolahan KelapaKecenderungan yang telah terjadi:Beberapa negara penghasil kelapa telah mengembangkan olahan kelapa kearah hilir diantaranya Philipina yang telah mengembangkan coconut methyl ester, tepung kelapa dan produk minuman baik dalam bentuk minuman segar maupun olahan lainnya. Pada tahun 2006 Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki lahan tanaman kelapa terluas didunia dengan luas areal sekitar 3,82 juta ha dimana 97% nya merupakan perkebunan rakyat dengan produksi 15,9 milyar butir atau setara dengan 3,2 juta ton kopra. Total nilai ekspor kelapa sekitar US$ 364,575 ribu.Kecenderungan yang akan terjadi :Indonesia merupakan produsen kelapa terbesar didunia tetapi sebagian besar digunakan untuk memenuhi permintaan di dalamnegeri. Hal ini mengakibatkan pangsa pasar terutama minyak kelapa di pasar internasional relatif kecil.Hal ini berbeda dengan Philiphina yang merupakan negara penghasil kelapa no.3 dunia setelah Indonesia dan India, namun 80% produksinya untuk ekspor. Permintaan dunia akan produk turunan kelapa masih cukup baiki terutama untuk pemakaian organic foods, functional drink, cosmo centicals, oleo chemicals, biofuel dan bio lubricants dan lain-lain.Analisis terhadap kecenderungan yang telah dan akan terjadi :Bahwa kondisi tersebut menggambarkan bahwa masih banyak peluang dalam meningkatkan pengembangan industri pengolahan kelapa untuk mengisi pangsa pasar dunia, yaitu dengan mengupayakan antara lain :Melakukan penguatan struktur industri berbasis kelapa dengan menciptakan iklim investasi dan usaha melalui insentif fiskal dan jaminan keamanan berusaha.Meningkatkan lapangan usaha industri yang telah adaPenciptaan lapangan usaha industri pengolahan kelapa melalui promosi investasi disentra bahan baku dan pengembangan pasar domestik dan ekspor.Permasalahan Yang Dihadapi Industri Pengolahan Kelapa1.4. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh Industri Pengolahan Kelapa, antara lain:a. Bahan bakuTingginya tingkat pertanaman kelapa yang tidak produktif (sudah tua dan rusak) mencapai 30 – 40 persen dari areal perkebunan rakyat;Produktivitas tanaman kelapa masih sangat rendah, yaitu sekitar 4.200 butir/ha atau setara dengan 0,83 ton kopra/ha;Pasokan bahan baku terbatas baik dari segi jumlah maupun mutu.b. ProduksiTerbatasnya R & D untuk diversifikasi poduk kelapa olahan;Industri pengolahan kelapa saat ini masih didominasi oleh produk setengah jadi berupa kopra dan coconut crude oil (CCO);Harga nominal kopra relatif makin menurun, sehingga pertambahan input tidak akan meningkatkan nilai tambah;Utilitasi kapasitas produksi industri olahan kelapa masih rendah sekitar 40 persen.Produk kelapa yang dihasilkan hanya belasan jenis, sedangkan di Philipina telah mencapai 100 jenis produk.c. PemasaranKontribusi minyak goreng kelapa sebesar 0,4 juta ton atau 12 persen dari konsumsi minyak goreng nasional yang jumlahnya mencapai 3,3 juta ton sebagai akibat pesatnya perkembangan industri minyak goreng sawit;Ekspor produk kelapa tahun 2006 sebesar USD 364.575 sebagian besar masih dalam bentuk primer;Adanya isu kandungan aflatoxin yang tinggi pada kopra dan minyak kelapa yang menggunakan bahan baku kopra hitam dari UE dapat menghambat ekspor minyak kelapa ke pasar tradisional USA dan UE. d. Infrastruktur Terbatasnya pasokan listrik, sarana jalan, transportasi, telekomunikasi, pelabuhan dan lainnya di wilayah pengembangan (Maluku Utara, Sulut, Riau, Kalbar, Lampung). .II. FAKTOR DAYA SAING2.1. Permintaan dan Penawarana. Permintaan Dunia dan RegionalTotal nilai ekspor dunia produk turunan kelapa pada tahun2005 sekitar US$ 1,2 Milyar, dengan eksportir utama Philipina yaitu sekitar 65%, sedang Indonesia hanya US$. 228,68 juta atau sekitar 19%. Pada tahun 2005, nilai ekspor produk kelapa Indonesia meningkat menjadi US$ 305 juta atau naik 33,4% dibanding tahun 2004.Dari 17 jenis minyak dan lemak yang diperdagangkan di pasar internasional tahun 2005, minyak kelapa memberikan kontribusi sebesar 4,34% atau menduduki peringkat ke-6 setelah minyak kedele (30,45%), minyak sawit (30,34%), rapeseed oil (9,54%), minyak bunga matahari (8,16%) dan minyak/lemak hewani (4,40%).Pasar utama kopra tahun 2005 adalah : Philippina (27,81%), Malaysia (12,39%), Jerman (34,91%), dan lain-lain negara di bawah 9%.Pasar utama minyak kelapa tahun 2005 : Uni Eropa (50,98%), USA (21,78%), Malaysia (8,25%), China (5,95%) dan Singapura (1,46%).Pasar utama bungkil kelapa tahun 2005 : Korea Selatan (49,77%), Vietnam (12,81%), India (9,94%), Netherland (6,85%), Australia (2,82%) dan Jerman (1,61%).Permintaan dunia akan beberapa produk turunan kelapa untuk beberapa pemakaian berikut ini cukup baik, antara lain: organicfoods, coconut based functional foods, functional drink, cosmoceuticals, oleo chemicals, bio fuel and bio lubricants, premium grade monolaurin for HIV/AIDS, high value coir products, virgin oil.Jaringan pemasaran kopra dan minyak goreng kelapa dikuasai olehbroker.Pasar produk-produk turunan kelapa dunia dikuasai olehPhilipina.Pasar oleokimia dan turunannya dikuasai MNC seperti : KAO (Jepang), P&G (USA) dan Henkle (Jerman). • Kenaikan produksi minyak dan lemak berbasis kelapa dunia relatif kecil yaitu rata-rata kurang dari 2% selama tahun 1985-2005.Sementara kenaikan permintaan minyak dan lemak dunia selama periode 1985-2005 relatif tinggi, namun sebagian besar kenaikan tersebut dipenuhi dari produksi dari minyak kelapa sawit , minyak kedele, rapeseed dan bunga matahari. Diproyeksikan sampai tahun 2012 kecenderungan ini masih akan tetap berlangsung.Faktor yang mendorong kenaikan permintaan produk minyak kelapa dunia disebabkan karena kandungan asam laurat yang tinggi, terutama untuk keperluan industri detergen dan kosmetik serta kecenderungan akan produk-produk ramah lingkungan.Indonesia merupakan produsen kelapa No. 1 dunia, namun karena sebagian besar dimanfaatkan untuk memenuhi permintaan dalam negeri, mengakibatkan pangsa pasar minyak kelapa Indonesia di pasar internasional relatif kecil. Berbeda dengan Pilipina yang merupakan produsen kelapa No. 3 dunia setelah Indonesia dan India, namun 80% produknya diekspor. Kebutuhan dunia akan minyak kelapa dan kopra pada tahun 2005 sebesar 2,1 juta ton, 55% dipasok oleh Philipina.Produk-produk berbasis kelapa yang memiliki prospek pasar global : coconut milk powder, coconut jam, liquid coconut milk, coco chips, desiccated coconut, coconut pith, coconut vinegar, frozen coconut meat, nata de coco, virgin oil, fresh coconut dan coconut water concentrate. Adapun produk- produk berbasis kelapa lainnya yaitu minyak goreng dan coco chemicals harus bersaing dengan produk yang sama berbasis kelapa sawit dan minyak kedele.b. Permintaan dan penawaran Domestik Potensi bahan bakuLuas areal perkebunan kelapa : 3,89 juta ha.Produksi rata-rata sekitar 3,1 juta ton/tahun setara kopra.Kapasitas terpasangIndustri minyak goreng kl: 1.095.976 t/thIndustri kelapa parut : 41.287 ton/thIndustri karbon aktif : 25.000 ton Penyerapan tenaga kerjaIndustri minyak goreng kl: 5.525 orangIndustri kelapa parut : 7.121 orangIndustri karbon aktif : 5.528 orang InvestasiIndustri minyak goreng kl:Rp.329,6 MIndustri kelapa parut :Rp.83,9 MIndustri karbon aktif : Rp.1.118,7 M Ekspor (tahun 2005)Minyak kelapa : US$ 458,63 JtMinyak goreng kelapa : US$ 60,83 JtDesiccated coconut : US$ 23,63 Jt2.2. Faktor Kondisi (Input)a. Sumber Daya AlamKetersediaan lahan masih luas.Produktivitas kelapa masih rendah 1,2 ton setara kopra per hektar per tahun.Kepemilkan lahan usaha tani sangat sempit, rata-rata 0.5 ha per keluarga petani dan tersebar dengan pola usaha mono kultur.b. Sumber Daya ModalTerbatasnya dukungan dana dari perbankanSuku bunga yang kurang kompetitifc .Sumber Daya Manusia Tersedia tenaga terampil, terutama di sektor perkebunan.Terbatasnya tenaga trampil di industri oleokimia, bioteknologi dan biomasa.d.Infrastruktur Kurang memadainya kondisi pelabuhan, sarana dan prasarana transportasi.Biaya logistik kurang kompetitif Rantai perdagangan relatif panjang.2.3. Industri Inti, Pendukung dan Terkait a. Industri inti, meliputi : Industri berbasis daging kelapa, terutama Industri minyak kelapa.b. Industri terkait, meliputi Industri minuman, Industri berbasis sabut dan tempurung kelapa, industri furniture.c. Industri pendukung, meliputi : Industri mesin-mesin dan peralatan, perbengkelan, pengemasan.2.4. Strategi Pengusahaan dan PerusahaanSeiring dengan perkembangan waktu, saat ini Indonesia telah dihasilkan aneka produk berbasis kelapa seperti Tepung Kelapa, Kelapa parut, Santan dalam Kemasan, VCO, Nata de Coco, Konsentrat Air Kelapa, Arang Batok, Carbon Active, Sabut dan lain-lain. Berdasarkan data yang ada, pada tahun 2005 tercatat 564 perusahaan pengolahan berbasis kelapa (umumnya industri minyak kelapa) di Indonesia. Jumlah tersebut diperhitungakan meningkat pada tahun 2007 karena adanya krisis minyak goreng sawit di dalam negeri.Adapun Persebaran industri pengolahan berbasis kelapa tahun 2005 adalah sebagai berikut :
3.1. Kekuatan * Indonesia merupakan produsen kelapa terbesar di dunia, dengan areal tanaman sekitar 3,88 juta ha dan produksi tahun 2005 sekitar 3,2 juta ton setara kopra * Kelapa dapat tumbuh hampir diseluruh wilayah Indonesia, karena tidak membutuhkan persyaratan khusus untuk tumbuhnya * Banyak produk industri yang dapat dihasilkan dari pengolahan kelapa, antara lain : cocochemical, cocofiber, minyak goreng kelapa, desiccated coconut, nata decoco, arang aktif, dll. * Tersedianya banyak tenaga kerja, baik untuk sektor perkebunan maupun sektor industrinya
3.2. Kelemahan * Perkebunan kelapa sebagian besar merupakan perkebunan rakyat dengan penguasaan lahan relatif kecil rata-rata 0,5 hektar per keluarga petani, dengan produktivitas sangat rendah * Sepertiga tanaman kelapa di Indonesia dalam kondisi tua dan tidak produktif • Diversifikasi produk dengan nilai tambah tinggi kurang berkembang 3.3. Peluang * Permintaan thd produk-produk berbasis kelapa, baik di pasar domestik maupun dunia masih cukup prospektif * Permintaan (demand) thd produk-produk kelapa olahan dengan nilai tambah tinggi terus meningkat * Adanya upaya yang terus menerus untuk melakukan penelitian dalam rangka diversifikasi dan pengembangan produk-produk berbasis kelapa
3.4. Tantangan * Persaingan dengan produk vegetable oil lainnya, terutama minyak kelapa sawit. * Banyak pohon kelapa sudah berusia tua (tidak produktif), tetapi replantasi berjalan tersendat/lamban, bahkan banyak perkebunan kelapa yang beralih fungsi. * Saingan dengan Philipina yang lebih dahulu mengembangkan industri berbasis kelapa. * Penguasaan pasar oleh MNC menyulitkan pemasaran turunan kelapa.
4.1. Jangka Menengah (2010 – 2014) * Diprosesnya kelapa menjadi produk olahan kelapa yang mempunyai nilai tambah tinggi * Produk sudah mengacu pada standardisasi seperti SNI, CODEX dll. * Pengembangan (modifikasi) teknologi pengolahan kelapa * Pencegahan ekspor kelapa bulat (belum diolah) * Peningkatan utilitas kapasitas produksi pengolahan kelapa rata-rata 5% per tahun * Terjaminnya ketersediaan bahan baku dan penolong * Penyerapan tenaga kerja * Peningkatan ekspor produk pengolahan kelapa rata-rata 5% per tahun * Terbangunnya citra merk Indonesia di pasar internasional * Penyebaran sentra produksi di luar Sulawesi Utara dan Riau * Terjaminnya infrastruktur seperti peti kemas, energi listrik dan trasportasi * Peningkatan iklim investasi * Deregulasi kebijakan Pemerintah Pusat
4.2. Jangka Panjang (2015 – 2025) * Terbangunnya sentra produksi baru di luar Riau dan Sulawesi Utara yaitu antara lain di Kalimantan Barat dan Lampung * Dicapainya diversifikasi produk olahan kelapa * Berkembangnya industri pengolahan kelapa secara terpadu di Indonesia
5.1. Visi dan Arah Pengembangan Industri Pengolahan Kelapa
Visi untuk mewujudkan industri minyak kelapa yang berdaya saing Strategi dan kebijakan penegmbangan industri perkelapaan antara lain : * Peningkatan pengelolaan permintaan (penetrasi pasar, diversifikasi produk, pengembangan jalur distribusi, quick response kepada konsumen). * Peningkatan produksi dan teknologi (supply chain management, manajemen sumber daya) * Teknologi informasi * Peningkatan ketrampilan, profesionalisme dan kompetensi (pengembangan dan perencanaan SDM) * Strategi pemasaran melalui promosi yang intensif
5.2. Indikator Pencapaian
Posisi industri minyak goreng pada tahun 2004 berjumlah 60 unit usaha, tenaga kerja yang terserap sebanyak 2.525 orang, nilai investasi Rp. 129.332 juta, kapasitas 857.235 ton, produksi 415.759 ton sedangkan posisi industri minyak goreng pada tahun 2008 berjumlah 72 unit usaha, tenaga kerja yang terserap sebanyak 2.725 orang, nilai investasi Rp. 187.622 juta, kapasitas 1.049.683 ton dan produksi mencapai 545.835 ton.
5.3. Tahapan Implementasi * Melakukan workshop pengembangan klaster pengebangan industri pengolahan kelapa di Propinsi Sulawesi Utara tahun 2006, 2007, 2008 dan 2009 * Pelaksanaan Workshop melibatkan stakeholder yang terkait dalam rangka sosialisasi klater industri kelapa * Pembinaan industri pengolahan kelapa meliputi peningkatan mutu dan standardisasi
6.1. Jangka Menengah (2010 – 2014) * Mengintegrasikan hasil kebun kelapa rakyat untuk bahan baku industri yang dapat diandalkan. * Optimalisasi pemanfaatan bahan baku. * Promosi investasi. * Meningkatkan mutu kopra dan minyak kelapa. * Meningkatkan kerjasama multilateral melalui forum Asian and Pacific Coconut Community (APPC) * Membangun Balai Besar Industri Pengolahan Kelapa (indikasi di Sulawesi Utara, Maluku Utara, Maluku dan Papua)
6.2. Jangka Panjang (2015 – 2025) * Pengembangan produk-produk coco-chemical * Berkembangnya industri hilir/turunan dari produk coco-chemical

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Coconut Charcoal

...THE USE OF BIOMASS WASTES TO FABRICATE CHARCOAL SUBSTITUTES IN KENYA Feasibility Study forming part of the Shell Foundation-supported project on charcoal briquetting in Kenya March 2004 Chardust Ltd. P.O. Box 24371 Nairobi and Spectrum Technical Services P.O. Box 69993 Nairobi Executive Summary This study was designed by Chardust Ltd. and implemented jointly by Chardust and Spectrum Technical Services, a Nairobi-consulting firm. The aim was to determine the viability of producing briquetted charcoal fuel from biomass wastes in Kenya. The study was funded by the Shell Foundation and conducted over a two month period in late 2003. The viability of producing fuel commercially from biomass wastes was assessed from four perspectives: (a) Availability: Existence and accessibility of biomass in bulk, preferably with no competing uses. The study began with a list of 28 potential wastes, which was narrowed down to 20 and then to just ten, according to a ranking system based upon basic availability and accessibility. (b) Conversion Potential: Physical suitability for drying, carbonisation and briquetting. Samples of the ten short-listed wastes were sourced and delivered to Chardust in Nairobi, where production trials were carried out. Based on these trials, a ranking system was devised for comparing the wastes in terms of their suitability for fuel production. (c) Fuel Quality: Energy value and general performance of fabricated fuel. The third part of the study comprised...

Words: 14061 - Pages: 57

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Coconut Variety

...SWOT MATRIX The coconut industry is a resilient one, full of potential but has manyweaknesses. While it hosts many opportunities, it also faces many threats.These are considerations in formulating policy directions for the industry. Coconut Industry: SWOT AnalysisADVANTAGES CONSTRAINTS STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Inputs 1. Availability of good clones 1. Only 1% of the areas are plantedwith good clones2. No irrigation system in coconut areas Farm Production 2. Favorable climate in most areas 3. Senile trees (30% of stands)3. Availability of technologies 4. Only 1% of the farms apply fertilizers5. Plantings in marginal lands6. Intercropping in only 30% of the land Logistics 4. Established marketing system 7. High assembly costs due to poorroads and fragmented, small holdings5. Export facilities 8. Multi-layered marketing channels Milling 6. Presence of many mills 9. Underutilized mills7. Presence of refiners 10. Underutilized refineries11. Shortage of raw materials12. High assembly costs13. Low quality copra Other Value Adding 8. Many product possibilities 14. Cost of raw materials Institutions 9. Multi-stakeholders 15. Frequent changes in PCA leadership16. Lack of program support; toodependent on coco levy resolution OPPORTUNITIES THREATS 1. Stable and growing export anddomestic markets1. Poor global image in supply reliability2. Good prospects for value addedproducts (VCO, geotextiles, etc.)2. Perception of government inaction3. Alternative fuel (coconut methylester- biodiesel)...

Words: 3533 - Pages: 15

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Coconut Charcoal

...for a range of purposes including art and medicine, but by far its most important use has been as a metallurgical fuel. Prior to the industrial revolution charcoal was occasionally used as a cooking fuel. Philippines is the Top 1 among the coconut producing countries. For coconut is abundant in our country, it is popular for its culinary purposes, commercial, industrial, and household uses, and medical applications. Coconut shells with husks are used to buff wooden floors, making it clean and shiny (free from dusts). Here in the Philippines, it is known as “bunot”. The husk and shells can be used for fuel and are a source of charcoal. Coconut shells/husks are usually left around and are considered wastes besides making them into husks. To get benefits from them, by a primitive process, they can be produced to charcoal which can be an alternative fuel especially for cooking. B. Statement of the Problem The study aims to produce charcoal using coconut (Cocos nucifera) fibers. Specifically, it seeks to find answers for the following questions: 1. How much charcoal can be produced from the coconut fibers? 2. How long is the coal ember of the Coconut Fibers Charcoal? 3. Is there a significant difference between the Coconut Fibers Charcoal and the commercially made charcoal in terms of the duration of coal ember and cost analysis? C. Significance of the Study Charcoal is already being used by people nowadays for...

Words: 2054 - Pages: 9

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Coconut Oil Benefits

...Benefits of coconut oil for dogs As the word suggests, coconut oil an oil extracted from the flesh of coconuts taken from mature coconut palms tropical. But after the purchase of coconut oil to your dog, do not expect to be fluent. It pretty solid, kept under 75 degrees, just like your average lard or butter. But unlike that may soon become rancid butter, coconut oil last up to two years, courtesy of its high levels of saturated fat which makes it slow to oxidize. Coconut oil has had a bad reputation because of this, though. Several health organizations have warned people about the risks of consuming large amounts of coconut oils because of their levels of saturated fat. In 1980 and coconut oil in 1990 was seen less and less because of its...

Words: 876 - Pages: 4

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Coconut Shell Charcoal

...gather all the coconuts ( ready to harvest) in one place...It's easy to do the job when they are gathered together... Second - Husk all the coconut; separate the husk and the whole coconut shell unbroken. Third - Break the whole coconut shell in the middle ( put it all together in one place)..Take out the white thing or the meat (Copra) using some tools.....(There is water inside the coconut when you break it...Find a place far from fruits it makes the fruit wither when it absorbs too much water from the coconut) Forth - Let the empty coconut shell under the sun from 1 to 2 days....( To make it dry - the drier the coconut shell is the better result of charcoal). MAKING THE CHARCOAL ( 5 to 6 hours or let the charcoal inside the Drum overnight) Things Needed: - Empty 55 gallon Metal Gasoline Drum ( without top lid) - Coconut shells - Match - Covering ( Fresh banana bark - flattaned (10 -15 pieces) - Heavy things ( Rock, pile of woods, etc) Step 1 - Put the Drum in a flat surface or to make it safer you can make a round hole, 1 ft deep, bury the bottom part of the drum with lid and cover it with soil. Step 2 - File the coconut shells ( one is on the top of anotther) in circle form up to the brim of the drum leaving a small space in the middle of the circle. Step 3 - Take a piece of a coconut shell and make a fire and put it in the middle of the circle on the file.Wait for how many minutes till the fire kindled the other coconut shells below....

Words: 680 - Pages: 3

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Coconut Wine

...Charles M. Madriaga BS-Biology III-A Area of Interest : Coconut water (Cocos nucifera) State of the Art: Coconut is one of the most common plant can be found in the country, one product that can be utilize out of it is its juice (coconut water), this natural beverage is consumed worldwide because of its nutritional and health effects justified by its unique chemical composition of sugars, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and phytohormones it is the most accessible ready-made product which contains electrolytes, a good alternative for energy loss and hydration property. Coconut water can also be used as plant growth enhancer, which is safer and less expensive than fertilizers. Because of the lack of an effective and locally available fertilizer and pesticides technologies, the Philippines resorted to the importation of 85% of the total inorganic fertilizer and more than 90% of pesticide requirements ( Javier et. al , 2009) Coconut water also can be used for preservation purposes, coconut water can preserve animal and plant tissues ( Cesar et. al, 2014 ). Research gap: Coconut Water - Properties, Uses, Nutritional Benefits in Health and Wealth and in Health and Disease by: E Prabhakar Reddy and T.Mohana Lakshmi * Study did not specify the diseases can possibly be cured by coconut water. * Lack of results shown on how coconut water could possibly cure diseases. Comparison of coconut water and a carbohydrate-electrolyte sport drink on measures of hydration...

Words: 684 - Pages: 3

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Coconut , Ilk

...BIO1-BIOTECHNOLOGY AND HEALTH SCIENCE COCONUT MILK MACHINE (COMBINATION BETWEEN EXTRACTING AND GRATER COCONUT MACHINE) H. Azmi, M. S. Mohd Nasir &A. B. Mohd Kahirul Fadzli School of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Kampus Tetap Ulu Pauh, Jalan Arau-Changlun, 02600 Arau, Perlis, Malaysia. Abstract The purpose of this research was to design, construct, and evaluate a prototype ot Coconut Milk Machine which combined those two existing machines to produce the coconut milk. In current practices on the market today, to produce the coconut milk must be used two separate machines such as coconut grater machine to get the small pieces of coconut and then use the coconut extracting machine to get the coconut milk. Have two works must be done before getting the coconut milk. One big problem occurred during the grater the coconut kernel in the existing machine is not constant in order to produce the small pieces of coconut. In this project, first the research needs to focus on the design of the knife mill inside the existing coconut grater machine. It is important to get the small pieces of coconut in constant operation. Second the mechanism used to operate this machine such as mechanical and electrical devices and lastly how to automate that machine in order to reduce the operating time and to increase the productivity. Therefore, the proposed research is aimed to study the existing coconut machines available and investigated the problem occurred during...

Words: 342 - Pages: 2

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Acceptability of Avocado and Coconut as a Healthy Smoothie

...ACCEPTABILITY OF AVOCADO AND YOUNG COCONUT MEAT AS HEALTHY SMOOTHIE Jo V. Ambat Annie Grace A. Bustamante Nico Braselle Casaña Raymond M. de Taza Manche P. Pere A research study presented to the faculty of Home Economics, Vocational and Technical, Education Department, College of Education, Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite in partial fulfilment of the requirements in HRML 24- Research I. Prepared under the supervision of Dr. Editha G. Reyes 1. INTRODUCTION The avocado is colloquially known as the Alligator Pear, reflecting its shape and the leather-like appearance of its skin. Avocado is derived from the Aztec word "ahuacatl". Avocados are the fruit from Persea americana, a tall evergreen tree that can grow up to 65 feet in height. Avocados vary in weight from 8 ounces to 3 pounds depending upon the variety. There are dozens of varieties of avocadoes. The rich and creamy Hass variety is the most popular type of avocado in the United States, and 95% of all avocados grown in the United States are produced in California, original home of the Hass variety. They are generally available throughout the year, they are the most abundant and at their best during the spring and summer in California and in October in Florida. While avocados are technically fruits, we have categorized them here as vegetables since this is how they are usually considered from a culinary perspective. Avocados can make a great base for a high-energy smoothie that will satisfy you and...

Words: 9835 - Pages: 40

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Tendo Coconut Water

...INTRODUCTION: TENDO COCONUT WATER First deliverable IIFT Delhi Ashwani Pasricha, Sanjeev Kumar, Mudrika Chandnani Agenda I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. The Product The variants Characteristics Marketing potential Market survey Target customers Positioning Recommendations Final word The Product Coconut water – a world of opportunity Coconut water is technically a fruit juice, extracted from unripe (green) coconuts. It is a popular refreshing beverage widely consumed in tropical countries, commonly sold fresh by street vendors still in its green shell, and drunk through a straw. For centuries, people living in coconut producing countries have been quenching their thirst by drinking fresh coconut water. It has been considered so healthy that various qualities were ascribed to it. In Hindu religious culture, coconuts are the best of all fruits and coconut water can cure all the illnesses of the world. The coconut is a holy fruit and those going to temples have to offer it as a gift. There is nothing like fresh tender coconut water off the tree, consumed immediately, it has an unbelievable taste and flavor and few drinks can compare on grounds of health. Around 10 billion coconuts per annum are consumed as tender coconut water in coconut producing countries. The fresher the better. Age can vary to taste but 7.5 months is probably ideal. Moreover, the drink comes in its own natural aseptic packaging. Amongst the reckoned names in the industry, product is hygienically...

Words: 2246 - Pages: 9

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Coconut Oil and Calamansi for Hair

...Coconut Oil and Calamansi Peelings As Agent for Hair Oil Chapter I. Introduction A. Background Of the Study The hair is our crowning glory that holds true for most people since it is one of the things that leave a lasting impression when we first meet someone. The way that we carry our hair, our haircut, our hairstyle and even hair texture are all visible traits that can greatly affect the way that other people look at you. This is the reason why we need to take extra care of our hair. Our hair and scalp, just like our skin needs special care and attention. One way of caring our hair is by using hair oil. This research is about the possibility of oil extracted from calamansi peeling as preservative for hair oil. Hair oil is commonly used by people who have dry hair especially girls. Hair oil moisturizes the scalp, it provides hair into the sebaceous glands and promotes hair growth. The calamansi peelings we need in this study is abundant in the Philippines. We can directly find them in our kitchen, etc. Calamansi peelings contain a preservative called Pectin that is generally used in preserving jams and jellies. In this study, we commonly use the extract of calamansi peelings which has pectin to preserve the fragrance of the coconut oil and which at the same time gives an additional fragrance to the oil. This study employs the importance of this experiment to our economy in the country. B. Statement of the Problem This study will determine the feasibility...

Words: 943 - Pages: 4

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Pure Liquid Coconut Oil

...URL: Pure liquid coconut oil Pure liquid coconut oil is a new product from that will be available to you via Pure liquid coconut oil as the name suggests is derived from coconuts. This product is organic and has no chemical additives thus it presents no dangers to the consumers. Pure liquid coconut oil is made for people who care about the well-being of the skin texture. Pure liquid coconut oil is specifically made to improve the skin health. This product is targeted for both sexes. The benefits offered by this product are immense. First, it is purely natural. Secondly, this product can be used in cooking and applying on your skin. Thirdly, this product is packed in clean containers that are labeled with directions, quantity, and benefits for use. Fourth pure liquid coconut oil is available online through Amazon website. It is thus available to all customers regardless of their geographical location. This product is recommended for people of all ages. For more information regarding direction of use, reviews, or any other enquiries feel free to visit website anytime. Nature Greens Company is an online company that provides its customers with high quality dietary and nutritional products. This company is based in the US and all of its products are natural. There are those products that are made from natural fish and there are those that are made from coconut oils. Nature Green ensures that its customers...

Words: 321 - Pages: 2

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A Feasibility Study on the Commercialization of the Coconut Cream Pie

...Background of the Study The Philippines remains as the world leading supplier of traditional coconut products. The Industry is also finding new products and uses for the “Tree of Life”: Coco Peat, geotextiles, activated carbon and virgin coconut oil. The coconut industry is a dominant sector of Philippine agriculture composes of 12 Million Hectare of farm lands, 3.25 Million is devoted to coconut and 68 out of 79 provinces are coconut areas. One of the provinces that have an abundant supply of coconut is Tagaytay. Coconut industry gives an opportunity for the locals to create and develop a lot of products that is made from coconut. The coconut is known for its great versatility as seen the many domestic, commercial, and industrial uses of its different parts. Coconuts are part of the daily diet of many people, which lead to the reinvention of an ordinary Cream Pie into Coconut Cream Pie. The original ingredients of Coconut Cream Pie are package refrigerated pie crusts sugar, cornstarch, egg yolks, butter, sweetened flaked coconut, vanilla extract, and whipping cream. Marisol Amparo Habelito, an entrepreneur, comes up with the idea on how to make the procedures of the Coconut Cream pie become easier and affordable. Instead of using expensive ingredients, Marisol used crushed biscuits, filling of sweetened strips of coconut meat and heavy cream on top as alternative ingredients. The Coconut Cream Pie by Marisol Amparo Habelito was initially sold at Marisol’s residence in front of...

Words: 8008 - Pages: 33

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Uses for Coconut Oil

...122 Uses For Coconut Oil - ww w.D e lici ou sO bse ssi on s.c om 1. Eat a spoonful when you need an energy boost. 2. Use it as the base for a homemade body scrub. 3. Use to condition your wooden cutting boards. 4. Use as a super conditioner on your hair (apply to dry hair, leave in as long as possible and then shampoo as normal). 5. Use as a styling agent if you have really dry hair. Just rub a tiny bit on your palms and apply to your hair and style as normal. 6. Keep a little container in your purse for lip moisturizer. 7. Add a spoonful to your dog or cat’s food. Coconut oil is great for our furry friends! 8. Replace nasty, unhealthy vegetable oils in your kitchen with coconut oil. 9. Make healthy Magic Shell ice cream topping. 10. Use it for oil pulling. 11. Use a tiny dab on your underarms for a natural deodorant. 12. Use coconut oil instead of shaving cream. 13. Add to your bath tub for a moisturizing soak (a couple drops of peppermint oil is wonderful!). 14. Use as a makeup remover. 15. Use it to help sooth chicken pox, shingles, or other rashes or skin irritations. 16. Use it to treat athlete’s food, ringworm, or other fungal or yeast infections. 17. Take a spoonful with your vitamins to help improve absorption. 18. Spread a thin layer on cuts or burns to speed up healing. 19. Take up to 5 spoonfuls per day for improved thyroid function. 20. Add a spoonful to your smoothies for extra nutrition and flavor. 21. Use on the delicate tissue...

Words: 1597 - Pages: 7

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Coconut Oil and Calamansi Peeling

... just like our skin needs special care and attention. One way of caring our hair is by using hair oil. This research is about the possibility of oil extracted from calamansi peeling as preservative for hair oil. Hair oil is commonly used by people who have dry hair especially girls. Hair oil moisturizes the scalp, it provides hair into the sebacious glands and promotes hair growth. The calamansi peelings we need in this study is abundant in thePhilippines. We can directly find them in our kitchen, etc. Calamansi peeilings contain a preservativecalled Pectin that is generally used in preserving jams and jellies. In this study, we commonly use the extract of calamansi peelings which has pectin to preserve the fragrance of the coconut oil and which at the same time gives an additional fragrance to the oil.This study employs the importance of this experiment to our economy in the country. B. Statement of the Problem This study will determine the feasibility of the Oil Extracted from Calamansi Peelings as preservative for Hair oil. In so doing, the characteristics will be compared to commercial hair oil. Most specifically, the researcher aims to: 1. Compare the product to commercial preparations in terms of fragrance C. Hypothesis There is no significant difference between the product and commercial hair oil. D.Significance of the Study The increasingly high prices of goods and cosmetics nowadays are the...

Words: 414 - Pages: 2

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Pharmacy Cardiotonic Activity of Coconut Water (Cocos Nucifera)

...Recent Research in Science and Technology 2011, 3(4): 155-157 ISSN: 2076-5061 PHARMACY CARDIOTONIC ACTIVITY OF COCONUT WATER (COCOS NUCIFERA) Hemanth Sairam Pattigadapa∗, M. Ramesh, C.H. Praneeth Sagar, U. Bhaskar Rao, G. Lakshman, M. Ankaiah, J. Balu Naik 1Sree college of Pharmacy, Nayakulagudem (vil.), Khammam (Dist.), A.P. (State), India Abstract The coconut (Cocos nucifera) is a member of the family Arecaceae (Palm family). Various parts of this tree is used in the treatment of, cancer (due to hexane fraction of coconut peel), indomethacin-induced ulceration (coconut milk).Coconut water consumption reduces diastolic blood pressure (due to the presence of potassium).In the present work fresh coconut water, dilution 1:1(coconut water: distilled water), are used to evaluate cardiac activity on the isolated frog heart and are labeled as T1, & T2 respectively and compared with Digoxin (S1) as standard solution. It was found that sample T1(Undiluted coconut water) showed better response as compared to the diluted coconut water(T2).These preliminary studies confirm the cardiotonic activity of the coconut water(Cocos nucifera). Keywords: Physical properties, Jakekur, Water, Quality Introduction The cardiovascular system includes the heart, blood vessels, spleen, and lymphatic system. The main function of this system is to maintain homeostasis by acting as a transportation system that carries needed materials...

Words: 2058 - Pages: 9