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Collaboration Argument Essay


Submitted By dlight37
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Pages 3
In the library there are many “evidence and arguments that collaboration pays dividends. Library impact research demonstrates that collaboration is essential in maximizing the positive impact of library media programs on student achievement and school success. Unfortunately, both the organizational structure and the culture in most schools discourage collaborative efforts among faculty members. Conference participants wishing to promote increased collaboration in their schools may need to draw on a variety of material to use in crafting their arguments.” (Hartzell, 2007 p 2)
“This sampling of resources is divided into three sections: (1) resources specific to teacher-librarian cooperation and collaboration, (2) resources relating to some deliberately targeted collaboration opportunities, and (3) resources regarding the general nature of workplace collaboration, especially in the school setting.” (Hartzell, 2007 p 2) Teacher-Librarian Collaboration Teacher-librarian collaboration is at the heart of effective library media practice. Research results indicate that students develop higher quality information literacy skills when instruction on those skills is integrated with subject matter studies, and an argument can be made that the learning of the subject matter itself is similarly enhanced. (Hartzell,2007 p3) Deliberately Targeted Collaboration One area of school librarianship often neglected in discussion of library functions is how the librarian can assist in helping

particular populations in the school, both directly and through working with other faculty members. (Hartzell, 2007 p 4) Collaboration General Resources Collaboration is difficult to achieve in schools. The culture resists it and the organizational structure discourages it. These sources offer some insight into the challenges of fostering teacher collaboration with anyone. (Hartzell, 2007 p6) Here is some example of argument and collaboration between library, school and principals:
“Principals, teachers and librarians don’t always see each other clearly. Perspectives: Librarian sees library media center as center of school. Teacher sees classroom as center of school Principal sees school as constellation of interacting elements.” (Hartzell, 2007 p9) Professional preparation Librarian: Little administrative perspective irony, because librarians reach every program Administer facility and budget Facilitate instruction with and through others Teacher: One adult in one room with one group of students for one period of time Administrator: No significant library study outside of law. Negative potential: censorship, copyright violation.(Hartzell, 2007 p9) Little or no interaction in the broader field How many teachers and administrators read librarian publications and attend librarian conferences? How many librarians write for teacher and administrator publications and present at teacher and administrator conferences? Result: Many teachers

and administrators don’t think of librarians as integral to school success or to their own personal professional success. Opportunity loss: Inaccurate librarian evaluation, teacher forms, teaching function, revert to stereotype, low return on librarian investment, staff reductions, staffing by non-professionals, budget cuts or elimination. (Hartzell, 2007 p 11) Why Should Principals Support School Libraries? Principals should support school libraries because it is in both their students’ and their own best interests to do so. Quality library media programs can enhance students achievement, committed librarians can help principals enhance their own administrative practice. (Hartzell, 2007 p14) How Can Principals Support Libraries? Educate themselves to library and librarian potential. Reconfigure the librarian’s job to maximize realization of that potential. Hire high-quality, forward-looking, energetic, innovative librarians. Provide budget resources adequate to new roles and demands. Effectively and accurately evaluate both the program and the librarian on jointly developed criteria recognizing library media work as simultaneously integral to instructional quality but distinct from classroom teaching itself. (Harezell, 2007 p15) In the conclusion I would like to say that argument and collaboration explain importance of the open dialogue between libraries, schools and principals for the achievement of the best results in educational process, and administration functioning.

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