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College Personal Statement


Submitted By kahlasnow
Words 310
Pages 2
Since the age of five years old I have wanted to be many things as I grew up but one career has stayed the same. When I was little I always liked to play with babies and just enjoy their time. I used to tell my mom all the time that I wanted to be the person to help deliver those babies. It was not until I had gotten a little older did I find out the appropriate name of the doctor that specializes in this. To become an obstetrician/gynecologist is and ultimate lifetime career goal of mine. I have dedicated my entire high school education to this career I plan on pursuing once I finish school. For example, I have taken all the required courses I need to get into college which is the first step in taking an action towards my goal. Secondly, I am now taking a dual enrollment class, Biology, which gives me an upper hand once I go to college by taking this course I receive a high school and college credit. When I attend college in the fall I will be majoring in Biology. I project to attend a four year university and keep at least a 3.0 gpa as long as I can. After those four years are up I’m going to go back to school to get my Master of Science in Biology which takes up to about five to eight years. Soon after i finish my Masters I will apply to medical school. Applying and finishing medical school would be the ultimate achievement in my life because it would prove how far I have gotten in my education and how determined I was to get there. By the time I am thirty-five years old I want to be in the career I have always planned to

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