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Coming Of Age Symbolism

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So personally I loved the book "First Part Last " was an outstanding book. If you're a good reader and love to get into the book I suggest that book for you. What kind of stories do you like? Do you like fiction novel, fiction, nonfiction, do you like the stories that make you wanna not stop reading and just keep going till you read the very last word ? The symbol I'm going to relate to the topic “Coming of Age” is Feather. Bobby was man enough to lay down and make feather so he can grow up and take care of her. When you have a kid it's proudly time to give up the teenage years and move among adult life. The faster he moves towards adult life he will be able to provide feather a promising home. See what I'm saying it all narrows down to the point of "Coming of Age". …show more content…
When Nia handed Bobby that red balloon she was pretty much saying my life, my freedom, my love is all for you. I personally think it's her giving Bobby her innocents all around. I think she wants to be with him for the rest of her life because he is the father of Feather. This red balloon is a great symbol of love and having so much meaning to it as in its time for Bobby to be a dad. That's how this red balloon ties back down into the topic of "Coming of Age". The third symbol I'm going to use is one of Bobby's best-loved things to do was go graffiti on relinquished town walls. He and his running buddies which are K-Boy and JL would go and do it just for the trouble. The way i'm relating this to “Coming of Age” is if Bobby wouldn’t have developed if, he would still be out tagging forsaken walls around town. But Bobby is flourishing up and being a man because he has Feather now. Bobby is taking care of Feather by himself and it's hard being an only parent at a young age like

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