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Community College Aspirations

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As a first year student attending the Illustrious Clark Atlanta University, I am a biology major with a minor in public health. Upon attending this university, I was dual enrolled by last two years of high school at Cuyahoga Community college receiving 30+ credits that has transferred with me. Taking general education course at community college really helped me get prepared for university. It not only eliminated the amount of money and time I have to spend it also put me ahead of the game. Choosing a major that fits me was very easy. I’ve always had an aspiration to become a doctor and a passion for taking care of and being able to educate people and biology with a minor in public health did just that for me. I love biology and all it

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Education Psychology

...Dramatic changes in the organizational structures and environments of workplaces have occurred in the United States in the last four decades. These changes have led to the development of education-for-work as a term that describes various efforts to enhance the capability of the workforce. Education-for-work encompasses all education, training, and development activities that (a) prepare people for work or assist them in current employment and (b) engage in the development and refinement of competencies, attitudes, and knowledge through formal and informal means (Nadler, 1985). Many approaches to education-for-work are based on models that were developed during the agrarian age and industrial revolution, and have been shaped by practice rather than philosophic principles. Education-for-work needs to adopt or develop well-defined philosophic principles that will guide, support, or create practice in changing workplaces. In order to meet the needs of the workplace of today and the future, education-for-work practitioners must be aware of the philosophies that promote both technical-vocational needs and personal development. Education-for-work practitioners must select and adapt appropriate philosophical views that will guide practice in terms of purpose; much like a master painter, who takes paint from a palette, mixes it appropriately, and applies the mixed paint to the canvas using experience and skill to complete the envisioned picture. Education-for-work practitioners must...

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