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Submitted By snorton924
Words 370
Pages 2
Congress only worked one day in October so they could spend time campaigning for the election in November. In the past four years, Congress has passed fewer laws than at any time since at least 1947 (Politics). To me, when there is only two parties there is always going to be some sort of gridlock when it comes to decisions that need to be made. Especially when our Congress is as polarized as it is. There are a few options for a tie breaker so-to-speak, such as an executive order from the president, but there is not a strong enough third party to break the tie or bring everyone to some sort of compromise. I don’t think this can be overcome with the existing structure of Congress. Maybe we should try a multiparty system, despite its complications. The text states that minor parties are started on single-issue items that their creators believe are not being represented by the Democrats or the Republicans. The Democrats or Republicans start to tune into what this minor party is advocating and then either side absorbs that single-issue into their stance. Americans need to learn more about our country’s political process. There are interest groups out there pushing members of Congress to compromise. There is a group called No Labels that has set out to develop a “national strategic agenda” with more than 80 members of Congress (Zeller). No Labels is seeking to overhaul Social Security, Medicare, restoring economic growth and Energy Policy. Citizens for Political Reform was started in May of 2013 by the Bipartisan Policy Center to start making noise about compromise in Congress. The president of the Bipartisan Policy Center, Jason Grumet, wants to motivate the people who have become frustrated with the gridlock. He also wants more people “to get involved and support members of both parties that are willing to compromise” (Zeller). I think if more American’s new about

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