Premium Essay

Controlling a Computer


Submitted By McSlurp
Words 543
Pages 3
R1. Describe the three strategies people often use to make security decisions. The three strategies or choices that individuals commonly use are Rule-Based Decisions, Relativistic Decisions, and Rational Decisions (Smith, 2013). Rule-Based Decisions are “made for us external circumstances or established, widely accepted guidelines” (Smith, Page Three). Then there are Relativistic Decisions that attempt to “outdo others who are faced with similar security problems” (Smith, 2013). Finally, Rational Decisions perhaps just as the title insinuates are “based on a systematic analysis of the security situation” (Smith, Page Three).
R2. What is the hunter’s dilemma? Perhaps a good example of the “Hunters Dilemma” is Relativistic Decisions (Smith, Page Three). The Hunters Dilemma can be described as you putting yourself into a situation where a “group of hunters with you encounter an angry bear” (Smith, Page Four). Certainly, the bear will be able to run faster than you and the new dilemma at hand is how to escape (Smith, Page Four). The sad honest truth is that it really is not the bear that you have to outrun but perhaps one or two of the other hunters that are with you (Smith, Page Four). This logic is very important, even though I have never heard of it referred to in this fashion. It did help me understand it better though and know I know what Relativistic Decisions refer to better now. The logic is that you do not have to be the safest or the most cautious person on the Internet you just need to attempt to be better at it than everyone else. For example, I personally believe that if you make it a hassle for a cybercriminal to breach your accounts or steal your data they take the simplest action, which is, move onto the next best target.
R3. Explain the role of “reasoned paranoia” in the security process. “Reasoned Paranoia” is perhaps best thought of as

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