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Cormac Mccarthy's Blood Meridian

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Cormac McCarthy Literary Career

In Blood Meridian “Keep a little fire burning; however small, however hidden” Cormac is known to be the best novelist known in the twentieth century. McCarthy was born in 1933 into the realism literary movement. Cormac McCarthy’s love for his family and traveling greatly inspired his work and made him the novelist he is today.

Cormac is an intensely private man. He refused to engage in press interactions for his short stories. Being a private man gave him more time to better his writing. With all the free time and alone time he engaged his first novel. Before Cormac’s first novel was published he received a traveling fellowship from American Academy of Arts and Letters. He then used the money from his …show more content…
Caryn says that “Blood Meridian” is easily one of Cormac’s best work. He also said his novel contains a lot of intense graphic violence. The novel includes a tight prose style that lends itself a number of alternate readings. Caryn gives critical appraisal to the novel because it’s widely varied and burgeoning. While not his most famous work, McCarthy’s “Blood Meridian” is a complex and multi-layered reexamination of the mythology of the American West and its critically regarded as his best writing. Mythology is the collection of myths, especially one belonging to a particular religious or cultural tradition. American West is the region of the United States lying beside the Mississippi River. “Blood Meridian” has strong points and you can almost see the intense violence and graphic details. Gives great imagery and can easily be one of his best writings. “Finally, you fear blood more and more. Blood and time” (“Cormac List). Blood is horrifying and this just introduces you to how intense and graphic his novels are. “See the child. He is pale and thin, he wears a thin and ragged linen shirt. He stokes the scullery fire” (“Cormac Goodreads”). Cormac here explains and shows his true colors and how twisted he is as a novelist. “God made the world, but he didn’t make it to suit everybody, did he?” (“James Caryn”). The novelist is telling the readers that life is hard and it isn’t easy for just

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