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Counseling Psychology


Submitted By rosa10
Words 336
Pages 2
Counseling Psychology

Counseling psychology helps people with everyday problems and serious adversity. They listen to people problems and give advice on how to manage to cope with it. They do counseling/psychotherapy. They work with individuals of all ages, families and organizations. This career might have an interest on studying child abuse because it deals with a child and his/her family members or relatives who are cause the abuse. The counselor will study why there is child abuse in the first and why the person does the abuse since there is a reason why the individual is abusing the child.

Three perspectives would be behavioral, humanistic, and psychodynamic. Child abuse might come from the behavioral perspective because the individual might have learned to treat other the same way that person was treat. So they have learned from what they have experienced before. Humanistic perspective would be how that person was brought up to be or what their family said to them. As in not supporting them in decision or bring down their self-worth, and acceptance in society. So they think they can do the same since it was done to them so they will repeat the same process that was done to that individual. Psychodynamic would come into play as in the repressed memories to the one causing the abuse. They might think that by doing so to the child that they will get back at the ones who did it to them when he/she was a child to treat the child the same as well.

Some ethical issues that may arise would be confidentiality, boundary issues, and dual relationship. With confidentiality it become difficult to tell the authority what is going on without the child being in harm. Boundary issues would also arise because you can only disclose so much to still have a relationship with the child. Dual relationship might also arise because you can only get so close with the child and

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