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Crazy Football Fans


Submitted By AaronELopez
Words 602
Pages 3
Lunatics Everywhere
Its Saturday morning, 8:00 in the morning to be exact, and it is game day. Put on your purple and gold, load the grill and fire up the car. College football Saturday, there’s nothing better. It’s East Carolina University vs. UNC Chapel Hill. Kickoff is set for 3:00 P.M. and
Greenville is rocking. It’s not just a rivalry around here, its bragging rights. As you arrive to
Dowdy­Ficklen Stadium it is a sea of Purple, the sweetest scene. Every now and then you will see someone in that hideous baby blue. But the purple, its everywhere! Ranging from face paint to overalls. Pirate flags everywhere you look. Its rivalry weekend, it’s insane.
As you look around you will see the dedicated. Also known as “the diehard fans”. These people are your most loyal and fanatic fans. We might not be a caliber team of The University of
Alabama but we are here too. Our fans will sure let you know that as well. No matter what team you watch, no matter their record, the fanatics will be there in support. These are my favorite types of fans, these fans will make your experience one to remember if it is your first game.
These fans will give you the time of your life. These fans are true fans, through everything.
We also have the student body or as we call them “The Student Pirate Club”. These students are students of the college. They might not always be sober, but at least they are there staying loyal to the purple and gold. Dowdy­Ficklen Stadium seats approximately 50,000 spectators. One of the biggest parts of that number would be the students. Seated in the

Boneyard, these students will sure voice themselves from the stands, usually at the referees. In
2011, one student ever streaked on the field. How dedicated could one possibly be? If you want to have fun at games, then get into the Boneyard.
Almost the best fans of all, the first timers. These fans are clueless as to what is going on.
These fans are the ones to think that the running back is supposed to run backwards. The type of fan to ask everyone what everything means. These fans can be very comical or very frustrating.
Every sport has these fans. These fans often come with their peers. Cheering when the other team scores and so on. These fans could often be on dates as well. What better to do then take your significant other to a fun football game with drinks? Movies are boring, putt­putt is cute for two holes. But football, football is always fun.
And then there is my personal favorite, the parent fans. These individuals, or couples, may have a son on the football team. The famous question that all these parents may ask you wonder? “Why isn’t my son Jonny playing? Jonny is a way better player and person that
DeAndre is.” These are the same people that when Jonny gets a cramp from running, they automatically think that Jonny is broken and beaten. They rush to the field and threaten anyone who touches their beloved little Jonny. These are the people that make sporting events bad.
Football as you can tell, is very diverse. Ranging from supportive to clueless and sometimes even straight up insane. If you are thinking about going to a game for any reason, watch some on TV so you aren’t that person that is looked at the whole time. Do everyone a favor, but have fun while you’re at it.

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