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Crm Strategy


Submitted By rajkiran386
Words 3065
Pages 13

VOL 4, NO 6


Performance evaluation of Pakistan State Oil (PSO) as a Public Engine Lubricant Company: Market Research of PSO & Competitors in Karachi City
Rizwan Raheem Ahmed; Danish Obaid & Ahmed Afraz Arif

Institute of Business Administration (IBA) – Karachi, Pakistan
Abstract This report is based on the market research conducted for PSO’s car engine lubricants. The contents include the methodology adopted for conducting research, stages of questionnaire development, findings and assessment of research result, Strategy plot and recommendations based on result assessment and strategy plot. On almost all brand health parameters PSO lubes are not performing well. Brand adoption funnel suggest PSO lube brands have stuck at consideration to trial stage and following appeared as the main factors behind the bottleneck:
     Expensive brand Poor corporate image Does not offer good services Mechanics do not recommend it No advertising and no promotions

PSO brands also performing significantly lower than Shell on specific attributes (Pack, Quality, VFM and Purchase intentions) as highlighted and validated through hypothesis /significance test. Key Words: Engine Lubricant, Market Research, Strategy Plot, and Brand Adoption Funnel 1. Introduction PSO is the largest oil marketing company of Pakistan. It has market share in local market as below:
   78% in Black Oil (Furnace oil) 57% in White Oil (Petrol and diesels) Overall approx. 65% market share in POL products

Improving market share of PSO’slubes products, strategic alignment with car manufacturers and strong presence & footprints of foreign brands are the current challenge in High End Lube Market. The Lube Oil Market Potential is Estimated as 365,000 MT per annum in which 33% contribution is of OMCs

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