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这个事业叫 mface mface 是什么呢? 是一个社交网站 马来西亚的社交网站 你可以去玩玩 我可以肯定你有看过这个 mface 只是你没有注意罢了~ 然后呢 社交网站有 3 大因素 广告,游戏,还有视频娱乐 广告方面 mface 现在已经有很多大企业开始在上面打广告了 包括, yes,seamaster,paparich 等 游戏方面 mface 收购了全马最大的游戏资讯商 gameview 现在 gameview 专门为 mface 开发网页游戏 然后 mface 还有拍电影 我们的第一部电影 就是全马人都知道的 nasi lemak 2.0 辣死你妈妈

哈哈 这部戏就是出自于这间公司的 有我们公司赞助黄明志拍的~ 然后我们的第 2 部电影 在去年国庆日上映的 hantu gangster 鬼佬大哥大 也是黄明志的 那时票房全马第 5 在 KL 地区 有很多广告牌

你看 hantu gangster 旁边 就是 Mface 的 logo

到处都是 还有很多地方 然后呢 我们的第 3 部电影 即将在新年期间上映 叫做《冠军歌王》 我们 mface 特地请香港明星 吴孟达 吴孟达你应该懂是谁吧 还有台湾歌手 高凌风,黄小琥 mface 请他们来拍电影

马上就要上映了 会在中国,台湾,马来西亚,新加坡,香港同步上映 预计票房千万

这些钱 都会给我们会员分 我刚刚讲的都是他公司的一些发展 都很够力 所以我可以和你说 你肯定有看到过 mface 只是你不懂是做什么的罢了 所以忽略了 这个是 mface 的启动晚宴 一下子请了超过 60 多位的明星来 超轰动的 youtube 上还有很多关于 mface 的视频 你可以去看看 当时这个晚宴直接轰动了整个媒体界 因为那些记者竟然看到一个私人公司 一下子可以请到 60 多位明星来帮他造势 所以很够力 还有这个 这个是 mface 社交网站的介绍 你都可以看看 如果你在 KL 地区 你会看到很多 Mface 的广告牌

在联邦大道就有 还有南北大道 都有很多 ok 讲了他公司的发展 现在开始讲他如何赚钱

这个是他的配套 100 美金 200 美金 500 美金 1000 美金 2000 美金 5000 美金

我本身是 1000 的 我其实去年就加入了 但是那时搞不懂模式 所以没有理他 结果到现在我尽然一天赚 200USD =.= lol 哈哈 什么都没做都可以这样够力 xD 你加入后 他会给你广告空间点 AP 就是你可以用这个钱,去 mface 打你的广告 你有什么产品要卖 要宣传 都可以打广告 和在 FB 打广告差不多一样的~ 如果你没有用 你就可以和公司换成储值卡 卖给别人 或者送给别人 都可以 如果你有用 就自己收 然后第二个

公司会给你 SP sharing point 分红点 你 100 美金的 就有 1 个咯~ 你 5000 美金的 就有 50 个咯 公司一年有 19 次分红 每个月一次,共 12 次 每个季度一次,共 4 次 每半年一次,共 2 次 加上年终一次 共 19 次 有时公司业绩好 每天都会分红 公司会计算每个分红点分多少钱 例如每个分 10 美金 然后看你有多少个 SP 就拿到多少钱 不过这些都是小钱来的 最重要的 可以变百万的 就是接下来这个

【游戏代币】 GRC 什么是 GRC? 就是我们可以用这个 GRC 去买他公司的“股” 然后用一个模式 把我们的股不断地倍增 然后达到百万代币,财务自由。 等下我会告诉你要如何做~ ok 然后 后面的那 3 个奖金 是给要介绍人的人看的,给要做的人看的 我们先不看 因为我们要什么都不做都可以赚百万


这个是他的概念 一次投资,一直受惠 就是你一次加入,你就一直拿钱了 一直赚钱 你不要赚钱都不可以 一次加入就够了 他不会像某些公司 你赚了钱,叫你再拿多几万来 这个只要你一次加入,就可以解决你一生的问题 ok

然后 不用推荐也能赚钱 很多人都怕推荐 怕找人 在这个事业不需要担心 因为他不用推荐也可以赚钱 也就是说 不用做也可以赚钱 等下我和你讲的 都是静态收入 就是什么都不用做的 等下你一看我讲完 那个钱是很够力的 ok 然后他通过一个叫 3 出 3 进的模式 通过这个模式 你会发现你的股不断地倍增 不断的增值 然后你会发现这是一个没有输家的平台 因为全部人都赚钱 不可能有人亏钱 所以为什么我敢保证 要是你加入 没有赚到钱,甚至亏钱

我可以赔你双倍 因为我知道这个模式 不肯能不赚钱 哈哈 当你有了百万代币后,你就财务自由了 ok 废话不多说 我现在就开始和你讲解 如何用变百万 ok? 好的 继续~ 我现在开始讲重点了 我已 5000USD 举例 你会有 3000GRC 对不对? 3000GRC 可以买公司的股 我们的股 从 0.10 最低 然后每卖完 100 万股 就会涨 0.01 也就是一开始 是 0.10 卖完 100 万股 变成 0.11 又卖完 100 万股 变成 0.12 0.13

0.14 一直这样 公司总发行 6000 万股 也就是会涨到 0.69 但是公司会在卖到 5000 万股的时候进行拆分 也就是涨到 0.60 的时候就拆分 什么是拆分? 拆分是我们的核心来的 简单来说 就是我们的股价会从 0.60 拆分回 0.10 的价位 然后我们的股数乘 6 倍 明白吗? 我现在有 3000GRC 如果我在 0.10 加入的话 那我可以买到多少股? 3000GRC 除于 0.10 = 30000 股 我可以买到 30000 股 ok 这个时候 我们的股价起 0.01 我赚多少? 30000 股 X 0.01 = 300USD 我有 30000 股,股价起 0.01 ,我赚 300USD 明白吗?

很简单的数学来的 乘除罢了

所以写到这里 很明显了 是不是只要我们的股数越多 他的股价涨 0.01 我们赚的是不是就越多呢??
对吧~ 所以我们要做的就是 如何把我们的股数越弄越多呢? 其实很简单~ 我现在有 30000 股 起 0.01 我赚 300USD 然后他涨涨涨 涨到 0.60 就要拆分了 0.60 拆分回 0.10 是多少倍? 6 倍对吧~ (如果是 0.60 拆分回 0.20 就是 3 倍~) 所以股价跌回 0.10 但是我的股数乘以 6 倍

也就是 30000 股 乘以 6 = 180000 股 变成 18 万股了 对吧~ 就好像配股这样~ 但是我们的股价就变回 0.10 的价位了哦~ ok 现在我有 180000 股了 这个时候股价又开始涨了 从 0.10 开始涨 卖完 100 万股,就涨 0.01 对吧 180000 股 涨 0.01 我赚多少?? 180000 股 X 0.01 = 1800 美金 也就是说 股价涨 0.01 我就可以赚 1800USD 明白吗? 哈哈 当然 起 0.01 赚 1800 美金 太容易了 我们继续 又涨涨涨

涨到 0.60 在拆分回 0.10 又是 6 倍对吧 你现在的 18 万股 再乘 6 倍 180000 股 乘以 6 = ?? 等于 108 万股!~ 1,080,000 股~ 刚刚的概念有讲 - 百万代币财务自由嘛~ 你现在有百万股了~ 这个时候 股价涨 0.01 你就赚多少? 1080000 股 X 0.01 = 10800USD 够不够力? 就算一个月给你涨 0.01 ,你一个月有 10800 美金赚,你要不要?xD 可是 1 个月起 0.01 是不可能的哦 太漫长了 xDD 因为现在的速度是一天起 0.01!! 你要是现在就有 108 万股 你一天就可以赚 10800 美金叻~~~ 够不够力?xD 你一天赚的钱,胜过人家一年赚的钱了! 而且最最重要的是

你一开始只是放了 5000USD 罢了 对不对? 然后你是不是什么都没做? 一个人都没找? 对不对? 我刚刚讲的 都是静态收入 就是不用做也可以赚 对吧~ 所以你说够不够力~ ok 现在很多人会问 拆分 2 次 ,每次 6 倍 需要几久?? 8 年?10 年? 我给你算一下~ 现在一天起 0.01 从 0.10 起到 0.60 也不过需要 50 天罢了 对吧~ 但是我们讲保守一点啦~ 3 个月好了 拆分一次 6 倍,3 个月 两次就 6 个月 only 你现在放 5000USD~

什么都不用做 一个人都不用找 然后 6 个月后 他每天起 0.01 你就赚 10800 美金! 够不够力? 你一天赚的钱超过你本钱 2 倍还多(你本钱才 5000USD 罢了) 对吧~ 很多人看到这里都会觉得很夸张,怎么可能 xD 哈哈 不过我可以说这个是事实来的 这个模式 不是我们 mface 发明的 是一个新加坡人发明的 他在 6 年前 2007 年的时候 发明这个模式 带去中国做 然后直到现在 这个模式已经创造了好几万个 百万,千万,还有亿万富翁 而且现在跑了第 6 年了 依然很稳健的成长 那个公司叫做 SMI 你可以去查的

那个公司一开始什么都没有 只是叫你拿钱来,好像集资这样 然后就用这个模式运行 但是到现在 那家公司什么都有了 有很多很多产业 遍布全世界 28 个国家 很够力~ 而我们 mface 就是他模式的改进版 因为我们的老板 本身也是从这个模式里翻身的 2010 年 这个老板欠债 28 万 2012 年 他用这个模式短短两年时间 他现在的身价以是 3 亿马币 很多人都不敢相信 但是事实就在眼前 我每个星期去公司 都看到老板 老板都会亲自讲解这个模式 所以老板讲,钱不是赚回来的,而是变回来的! 你人生的第一个 100 万,可以靠流血流汗赚回来

但是你人生的 1000 万,再用流血流汗是很难达到的, 只可以通过一些模式去 变 回来~ 我们会员 都会上 去管理我们的股~ 只要成为会员就会有 ID 和密码~ 公司推这个模式到现在 半年时间罢了 已经造就了 30 多位的百万富翁了 就是已经赚了百万美金了 而且里面还有百万的股在不断地生钱 他们如何做到? 就是放 5000USD 然后开始做+找人罢了 半年的时间成功百万 而且公司一开始发展还比较慢 以现在的速度来看 几个月就百万了 不出奇 现在公司已经有 8 个国家了 马来西亚, 印尼,泰国,台湾,香港,新加坡, 中国,韩国 韩国是最近才开始启动的 每天的业绩达到 20 万 USD 下个站就是日本

japan 哈哈 公司今年要开发 12 个国家 现在才一月 就 8 个国家了 xDD 所以说这个模式只要你明白 真的很够力 还有一点忘记和你说~ 就是我们起 0.01 如果赚 10000 美金 就要去卖股套现 当你一套现的时候 公司会扣你 10%手续费 然后呢 会有 30%,也就是我刚刚讲的 3 出 3 进 是要买回去股的 就是有 3000USD 要买回去股 然后剩下的 6000USD 就是你可以拿进你银行的~ 为什么要这样做呢? 就是因为你有一个给你生金蛋的鸡,你不要把那个鸡杀掉,让他一直都有钱给你生出来 明白吗? 所以你就算卖完全部股 你永远都会有 30%在里面

不断地给你生钱 这就是为什么一次加入,一直拿钱 而我们的所有奖金,包括介绍人的奖金那些,都会有 30%是要买回去股的 然后剩下的 70%是可以拿出来的~ 这样子,我们的股,就会无意中越来越多 到时涨 0.01 我们赚的就越多~ 明白吗?

刚刚我讲的那么够力~ 都是讲静态收入 就是你什么都不做就有的钱 现在我们看看如果你要做的话~

也就是动态收入 那些奖金制度如何算 配套后面 3 排就是奖金制度 分别是介绍,对碰,和代数~ 广告奖金就是介绍 按照你配套的不同 你抽的%就不同 例如你是 100 美金的会员 那么你不管找任何配套都是抽 6% 如果你是 5000 美金的会员 那么你找任何配套的人加入都是抽 10% ok? 然后娱乐奖金就是对碰 对碰的%和介绍一样 封顶部分呢 例如你是 100 美金的 你一天的对碰封顶就是 100 美金罢了 如果你是 5000 美金的会员 那么你一天的对碰封顶就是 5000 美金咯~ ok? 然后游戏奖金就是代数奖金 就是你可以抽你下线赚的钱的 4% 然后按照你的配套 你抽的代数就不同

例如你是 100 美金的会员 你就可以抽你第一代每个人赚的钱的 4% 如果你是 5000 美金的会员 那么你就可以抽到第 6 代,每个人赚的钱的 4% 其实它就是很简单的传销制度 是给那些要找人的人做的 就和普通的传销制度的一样~ 只是他的对碰分,不会消失 其他传销的对碰分你没有重销就会消失~ mface 的对碰分永远不会消失 而且他也没有什么冲销~ 因为 mface 不是传销 xD 传销是你要做就有钱的嘛~ 除非你做到很够力啦 但是那些下面的人又很辛苦@@ 所以传销很多人都怕 而且传销还有一点 就是别的组织找的人赚的钱和你没关系 对吧 但是 mface 不一样 我们大家都是朋友来的 不管什么组织都是朋友来的~ 为什么呢? 因为今天就算你不做,

你找不到人 但是别的组织的人找到很多人加入 mface 请问对你有没有好处? 答案是肯定有的 为什么 因为人家一加入 就会触进股价涨对吧~ 卖完 100 万就涨 0.01 嘛~ 所以其他组织发展很快 我们的股价就涨得越快~ 这样股价起 0.01 我们是不是就赚钱? 对吧~ 所以我们全部会员,不管什么组织,都是朋友来的~ 今天你不做,别人做,你一样可以赚到钱~ 就是这个道理~ ok~ 哈哈 讲了这么多 看的人要慢慢消化啊~ 还有~ 我之前放了 1000USD 然后我现在什么都没做 几个月罢了

我现在就有 20000 股了 20000 股一天起 0.01 我就赚 200 美金 然后再过几个月 我就保守讲他 3 个月啦~ 就会拆分 6 倍 我的 20000 股 就乘 6 倍 20000 股 X 6 = 120000 股 我就有 12 万股了 这个时候起 0.01 我就赚 1200 美金!! 对吧?? 我放多少? 1000 美金吧了 再过几个月 他起 0.01 我就赚比我本钱还多叻~ 对不对 哈哈 这个是我的真实例子 我什么都没做就这样了 要是做的话不是更够力?xD 哈哈

我之前就是一直没动 不明白这个模式 所以才没有理的 结果最近我开账户一看 吓到我 做么这样够力的? 结果我又去公司了解 一了解不得了 公司最近做的东西实在够力 第一 mface 已经和亚洲最大航空公司 airasia 合作 亚航啊~ 我们 mface 可以再亚航的飞机上印 logo 类似这样~

已经签约了 18 个月 而且 不只是机身 就连机身内部的地毯,椅子,行李盖,杂志都是有 mface 的 logo 等于说是 mface 的専机 共有 6 架 都是从吉隆坡出发 飞往 而且 深圳,上海,成都,台北,印尼,泰国

我们 mface 也是唯一一个可以和亚航合作的私人公司 其他的私人公司找亚航,亚航不理的 只有我们 mface 可以和亚航合作 所以真的很够力 很快的我们就会在天上看到 Mface 在飞了~xD 第二 这个知道吧~ 美图秀秀~ 女生都很喜欢用的~ 他是中国最大的绘图软件 全世界有好几亿的人再用 腾讯公司,就是中国 QQ 的公司 要花 1 亿收购美图秀秀 结果美图秀秀不要 后来 反而跑来和我们 mface 合作 所以我们 mface 正式和美图秀秀合作 以后你用美图秀秀编辑的图片 可以直接上传到 mface 等等~ 目前正在开发中~ 第三

中国的 wechat 很多人都懂~ 其实中国还有一个叫米聊的聊天软件 Mitalk 在中国有几千万的用户 只是一直没有开发海外市场 所以现在 mitalk 打算要和 mface 合作 共同开发东南亚地区 所以这也是很够力的一个项目

还有很多新闻报道~ 我找给你~

还有很多啦@@ 哈哈 所以很够力~ 所以 mface 现在已经是知名品牌了~ 在吉隆坡 很多人都知道 mface 上次我和一个人讲 mface,他和我说他每天都有去玩~ 哈哈 当然不止这些 mface 现在还有举办达人秀 就是类似美国达人秀,中国达人秀的活动 这个是马来西亚的达人秀 原本这个活动是 astro 要搞得 但是 astro 觉得马来西亚没有什么达人 就放弃了 但是我们 mface 一搞 哇 超够力的~ 达人秀是全马巡回的 第一场在槟城 然后是 KL 马六甲 JB

知道最近又回来 KL~ 然后 27 号~会有一场复活赛 在 KL 的 time square~ 时代广场~ 你应该懂哦? 然后总决赛 在 3 月~ 云顶的云星剧场 到时更够力~ 关于达人秀的东西~ 你可以去 youtube 然后搜索 mface 可以看到一大推~

这个是 12 月在 sunway 的比赛 很够力~ 所以 mface 的造势活动都很够力的~ 在吉隆坡 真的很多人都知道 mface 因为到处都可以看到 报纸,杂志,一大推

中国报,星洲,经常会有登 mface 的消息的~ 我这里有搜藏很多 但是没 scan 到电脑来 还有很多商业杂志 都有 mface 的报道 很多国家都有呢~

这是其中一个剪报~ 报道 mface 的!~ 还有你记得去看看那些达人秀的 video 哦~ 你会觉得 mface 真的很够力~xD 很出名~

哈哈~ 讲了那么多~ 你要慢慢消化哦~xD 大概就是这些了,mface 的发展 与如何赚钱~ 其实说真的 mface 这个公司是很够力的~ 你可以放 100 万个心~ 至于这个模式 也真的是可以快速致富的~ 只要你明白这个模式~ 就够力了~ 哈哈 我也打到很累了@@ 你就先看看~ 有什么不明白的~ 就问我~ 真的 一定要抓住机会~ 我已经是知道这个模式的厉害了~ 所以分享给你~ 现在起 0.01,我就赚 200USD 所以如果你不加入这个模式,你是真的体会不到这个模式的厉害的~ 所以你看先~ 有什么不明白的~

就赶快问我~ 哈哈~ 不然到时候你真的会看到 mface 到处都是~ 在网上也是会大爆发~xD 那时就更够力了 哈哈

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Auteur Theory : Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan)

...Auteur Theory: Translated from the French, auteur simply means "author". There have been varied perceptions regarding this theory, its importance and effectiveness. Auteur theory is essentially “a method of evaluating films based on the director’s involvement and input”. The concept of ‘Auteur’ was first introduced by François Truffaut in 1954 in A Certain Tendency in French Cinema.(1) In this work he claimed that film is a great medium for expressing the personal ideas of the director. He suggested that this meant that the director should therefore be regarded as an auteur. According to him, there are three forms in which a director may be regarded as an Auteur. He agreed with André Basin’s idea that the film must be the direct expression of the director’s vision. The second aspect was that the director must be skilled with the camera. He believed the director is to camera as the writer is to pen. Lastly he believed for a director to be considered as an Auteur, he must leave behind a distinctive signature (based on Alexander Astruc’s idea), visually or as an idea in the film. (2) Years later, this concept was reintroduced by Andrew Sarris in 1962, in a publication titled “Notes on Auteur theory” (3). Accordingly, for a director to be considered as an auteur, the director must be well versed with the technical aspects of the film. The director must have a distinct style or a signature that distinguishes his films from the others. The movies must have a theme, an inner meaning...

Words: 1875 - Pages: 8

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Essay on the Movie "Pi" (1997)

...Essay on the movie "Pi" (1997) written and directed by Darren Aronofsky. Pi is a black and white movie that fits into Classicism form of film. Mathematician Maximillian Cohen (played by Sean Gulette) is a genius who leads a strange and lonely life. He shares a small apartment with Euklid, his homemade supercomputer. He's a mathematical genius who suffers from head-splitting migraine attacks, hallucinations, extreme paranoia, and some form of social anxiety disorder . After many unsuccessful treatments, he has become addicted to several painkillers . He is obsessed to find a pattern within the number pi. He thinks Mathematics is the language of nature, and believes everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers and that if you graph the numbers properly patterns will emerge. Max meets Lenny Meyer (played by Ben Shenkman), a Hasidic Jew who does mathematical research on the Torah. Lenny explains to Max how some people believe that the Torah is a string of numbers that form a code sent by God. Lenny's research is similar to real mathematical theories, which intrigues Max. Lenny also mentions that he and his fellow researchers are searching for a 216-digit number that is repeated throughout the text of the Torah. Max finds the 216-digit number code that he thinks it will unlock patterns in the stock market to predict future changes of how stock will increase or decrease. A Wall Street businesswoman Marcy Dawson (played by Pamela Hart) and a group of...

Words: 841 - Pages: 4

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Requiem for a Dream

...Darren Aronofsky's Requiem for a Dream (2000) will blow your mind. It may be one of the most disturbing films ever made, not in the sense of gore, but in the sense of commonplace situations that are relatable to any person in today’s society. Requiem for a Dream grabs you emotionally and gives you a slap on the face, with its intense drama and striking visuals. This is the simple story with a plot concentrating on addiction and human weaknesses, based on the novel by Hubert Selby, Junior. Aronofsky narrates the tales of four addicts. Three of them are young junkies, Harry Goldfarb (portrayed by Jared Leto); his girlfriend, Merion (Jennifer Connelly); and his buddy Tyrone (Marlon Wayans). The movie is memorable for Ellen Burstyn's role as Sara Goldfarb, the mother of Harry. Her most memorable quote, summing up most of her character: “Purple in the morning, blue in the afternoon, orange in the evening, and green in the night.” It shows that even things that are considered normal, such as medication prescribed by doctors, can backfire and jumpstart an addiction for naïve patients. Sara’s dream is to get back into a red dress, nostalgic of her younger days when she was thin and conventionally beautiful. A lonely house, a refrigerator, a television set symbolizes the empty and mundane life of the elderly Sara Goldfarb. Striving for her dream, she seeks medical help to go on a diet. The doctor does not hesitate to prescribe her four medications to take daily. She is hopeful about...

Words: 830 - Pages: 4

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Personal Perspectives Paper

...the Heart Performance Location: The Orleans Casino Performer: James Darren My wife and I have always liked James Darren, ever since his early days as Moondoggie in the Gidget movies of the 60’s. His smooth voice was very enjoyable weather he sang pop, jazz, or love ballads. We sort of lost touch with his music during the 80’s and most of the 90’s, until one day we saw him on Star Trek Deep Space Nine. He played a hologram named Vic Fontaine, a Vegas nightclub and casino owner from the 50’s. He was his own starring headline, singing Sinatra style love songs and ballads. Well in 2005, I found out James was in town, and I wanted to take my wife out to his performance on her birthday. We both thoroughly enjoyed the performance, and lived up to our expectations of a swinging, sophisticated cat who could still sweep a woman off her feet with just a song. We were especially touched by the tribute he paid to Sandra Dee who had passed away just a few months earlier. His tribute was very emotional and heartfelt, highlighting the associations they had together throughout the years. My wife and I missed the days when couples went out in style, dressed to the nine’s. Men dressed in suites or Tuxedo, and women in evening gowns. James Darren embodied that spirit of sophistication and class Born James William Ercolani, June 8th 1936 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. James Ercolani took the name Darren from a 1954 Kaiser Darrin, changing the letter I for an E. after an accidental...

Words: 321 - Pages: 2

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Business Invoice

...Monthly Summary and Invoice Date: 03/03/15 A 24 hour, 7 days a week service of Personal Care Support. Health Care Surrogate Provider: Peter L Izquierdo Consumer: Eugene Harmon Date of Services Provided: 02/01/15-02/28/15 Review from last month: Mr. Eugene was discontinued with In-Home supports and medical post-care from Gentiva Nursing Services on February 20, 2015 subsequence his results from his latest swallow test. The doctor said that he will have to be tubed fed for the rest of his life. A full test result will be mailed to your office detailing the procedures that were done and a full report explaining the outcomes of Eugen’s conditions. UPDATES: Coach continues be responsible for Eugen’s aftercare; insuring...

Words: 1039 - Pages: 5

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Master Piece Ng Iba

...The focus of this critique is on the film Black Swan, directed by Darren Aronofsky and starring Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis, and Vincent Cassel. A movie about a young woman’s consuming desire for perfection as a ballerina in the role of a lifetime. Throughout this film the mise-en-scene was raw and grainy with diverse camera angles that gave an out of control feel that added to the instability within the scenes. As the film progresses the viewer becomes increasingly unsure of the reality that the Nina character is experiencing. The tight quarters of the sets, apart from the practice room, emphasized and helped to showcase the pressure at the studio and the controlling atmosphere at home. The editing in this film was linear and showed the gradual and increasing mental instability of Nina. At times it was difficult to know where in her mental decline she was at and what she was experiencing versus what was only in her mind. Had the film been edited in a nonlinear fashion it would have added a tremendous amount of confusion for the viewer and destroyed the continuity of her experiences and gradual mental deterioration. Sound is effectively used in scenes depicting the reality of particular events. The harsh sounds of the cutting and clipping of Nina’s fingernails sounded like the snapping of small bones. The sound of grinding the bottoms of the ballet slippers in the resin box, the scraping, scratching sound of the knife slicing the bottoms of the shoes were...

Words: 327 - Pages: 2

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Telus Case Study

...TELUS is a leading national telecommunications company in Canada, with $9.6 billion of annual revenue and 12 million customer connections including 6.7 million wireless subscribers, 3.8 million wire line network access lines and 1.2 million Internet subscribers and 228,000 TELUS TV customers. According to the SWOT analysis of TELUS, TELUS started to diversify product and service. Therefore, customers who use mobile phone and home phone are primary target market. TV and Internet clients are secondary target market. Journal Article Summaries Telus's new generation An interview with Karen Redford, president of Telus Partner Solutions, is presented. She says that the company is on net more than 75% of Canada and 95% if wireless is included, with its partners. She mentions that the people behind Telus, including her, established themselves as the Internet protocol (IP) leader. She adds that Telus is not competing against big carriers in Canada and that it focuses only on providing business. Alan Burkitt-Gray. (2007, November). Telus's new generation: Karen Radford of Telus Partner Solutions. Global Telecoms Business,1. Retrieved October 11, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Complete. (Document ID: 1409567411). Telus goes to the washroom. The article reports that Telus Corp. is taking toilet humour to a new level in a campaign that promotes high-speed Internet service in British Columbia and Alberta. The telco is placing multimedia ads, done by DDB Vancouver, in bar and restaurant...

Words: 581 - Pages: 3

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...Darren Shan: Ironic Destiny Throughout the twelve book series of Cirque Du Freak Darren Shans character is put through hardships, emotional struggles, physical pain, and newfound experiences. Each book shows a specific way that Darren has changed. For example in the end of book 2 Darren changed from never drinking human blood to actually drinking the blood of his friend Sam, with his permission of course. Also through books four and six Darren begins to embrace his new lifestyle as a vampire and begins to like it unlike in book one to three where he despised vampires. At the end of book six Darren became a prince , actually the youngest prince in vampire history. To add Darren began to start liking the company of Mr. Crepsley, his master who made him a half vampire, while in book two he was planning on murdering him. To prove this even further Darren is heart broken at the death of his master in book nine. In book ten Darren states “My closest friend had been killed. My world torn apart. I didn’t care whether I lived or died.” This quote illustrates the relationship between Darren and his teacher and how strong it was. In addition Darren took his first life towards the end of book six. After he realized what he had done even though he killed the enemy he became nauseated and felt sympathy. But it became natural to him after his training with full and experienced vampires. These examples show the personal growth that Darren Shan has experienced throughout this series. He...

Words: 331 - Pages: 2

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Darren H. Goforth Argumentative Analysis

...HARRIS COUNTY, Texas — Several hundred police officers, local residents and volunteer firefighters gathered for a memorial service Saturday morning in the county park named for slain deputy Darren H. Goforth, an effort by organizers to keep the memory of the officer alive. Suspect in ambush killing of Texas deputy arrested Sheriff's deputy fatally shot in Houston while pumping gas The man charged with capital murder in his death, Shannon Miles, 31, has been in a state mental hospital since earlier this summer for treatment to restore his mental competency, his defense attorney said. "We come here today not to shed any more tears, but to remember and reflect on the man that he was and what his death meant to the community," said Tim...

Words: 395 - Pages: 2

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Social Work Case Analysis Model

...Presenting Problems Darren is a forty-five year old Caucasian male, who has come to career counseling because he is dissatisfied with his employment. Darren finds it hard to get along with supervisors and feels anxious when confronting challenging tasks. There are vocational issues, along with personal issues. Darren is going through a divorce and is currently unemployed. He explains he has never received what he really needed from his parents. There are different challenges Darren is experiencing at the same time. As his counselor, it is my duty to work through his issues using the Hill and O’Brien helping skills model. Stage One – Exploration Stage one; exploration is a critical stage in the counseling process, where the counselor and the client build upon their therapeutic relationship (Niles, Goodman & Pope, 2001). As Darren’s counselor, it is my responsibility to engage him in activities in order to build rapport, express empathy, and encourage story telling. In the exploration stage, it is essential to guide Darren in developing a comprehensive career...

Words: 557 - Pages: 3

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Acca P3 – Professional Level Business Analysis

...ACCA P3 – PROFESSIONAL LEVEL Business Analysis SMART Notes Prepared by Darren Sparkes Email: ACCA P3 - Business analysis These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus ©Darren Sparkes, 2010 1 Contents Page no. Paper 3 Examiners Approach…………….….... 3 Extracts from the Examiners report ……….…...4 Examination Technique……………….…..……..7 Background and examination format..…............9 Syllabus Overview………………………...........10 Strategic Planning………………………...….....11 Mission and Objectives…………………………12 Business & Professional Ethics..………….…...13 Internal Analysis……………….……………..…14 External Analysis……………..………………....15 Strategic Options……………………….……….17 Method of Growth………………………............18 Portfolio Analysis…………………………….….19 Strategic Choice & Change Management…....20 Marketing………………………………………...21 Organisational Structure…………………….….22 International Market Place.…………….……....23 Business Process Change…….…..…………..24 Information Technology……..…….……..........25 Quality………………………………….……......26 Project Management………………………...…27 Role of Finance………………………………...28 Review and Control………………………..…..29 Strategy and People……………………………30 ACCA P3 – Business Analysis These notes are not intended to cover the whole of the ACCA P3 syllabus © Darren Sparkes, 2010 2 Approach Required ‘Differentiation is important to individuals seeking to pass a management and strategy examination. It is the ability to link strategic and financial...

Words: 5838 - Pages: 24

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9 Day Love Story

...Jae- jane Darren- walter Ash- harrif Brandon- Brandon Uz- sir uzman Andy- dee an sheen- kyle kelly khan Chapter 1 * I just got home this March for my summer vacation after our two months of classes at the university. I was just a freshman collage experiencing my first heart break while still he is in the junior year of high school. DAY 1 POV- Jae Hindi palang ako nakakarating sa bahay naming from my long trip galing ng Manila then my nag text….. Beep.. beep beep From Darren (one my high school school mate) “San ka na ba? Excited na akong Makita ka! Para akong nabuhayan sa bag babalik mo.. May sasabihin pala ako mamaya sayo. Kita nalang tayo sa school 3 pm” Di hindi na ako naka replay kasi nandito napala sa gate ng house namin. Mama! Daddy! ^___________________^ Sabay hug ng Makita ko ang mga paren`1ts at kapatid ko. Hahahahah ang saya ko ^_^ Excited naman ang kapatid ko kaya kinalkal agad niya and back seat ng car. “ate thank you ^_^” sabi niya ng makita at makuha agad ang pasalubong ko sa kanya. Kulit kulit talaga niya kaya nga favorite ko siya. Then pumasok na kami sa bahay. Ligo muna.. Palit palit Then ayos ayos Agad naman akong pumunta sa school para dun sa sinabi ni Darren. Ilang minute lang naman ang layo ng school kaya nag lakad nalang ako total namimis ko din ang mga kapit bahay naming ditto…. “hi” sabi agad niya nung makita niya ako pababa ng kalsada, munghang saya saya naman niya. “ano kayang meron”...

Words: 3324 - Pages: 14

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Michael Brown Research Paper

...In Ferguson, Missouri, a man by the name of Michael Brown was shot in his hometown by a policeman. This event would lead to the growth in media inspection of police interactions with black people in the United States. (Chernega, 2016 p. 234-245). In August 2014, eighteen year old Michael Brown was killed in his hometown of Ferguson, Missouri by a white police officer by the name of Darren Wilson. Michael was shot multiple times on his right arm and shot twice in the head. This event increased the media observations of the police action with black people in America. Since then the media has been overflowed with accounts of African Americans who have been killed by white policemen. The death of Michael Brown changed the public’s information about police brutality, producing a chance for change. After the shooting of Michael Brown by the officer Darren Wilson, in St. Louis region, the universities and colleges were challenged with task of crisis management in the wake of events that happened in Ferguson, Missouri, in August of 2014 when Darren Wilson of the Ferguson police department shot and killed Michael Brown. The predicted liberation of the grand jury’s decision of whether or not to bring Wilson to trial generated months of civil...

Words: 634 - Pages: 3

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A2 English Lit & Lang Monolgue

...very special day (2.0) Fran I would like to just say you look beyond beautiful today and Darren (2.0) well  you can definitely scrub up well [laughter] For those who may not know me (1.0) I am Abi (1.0) Fran’s best friend and maid of honour  We’ve done everything together (.) well since we were six anyway [laughter] There’s been many days of laughter but the ones that I’m thankful for are the days of crying (2.0) Without those days we wouldn’t have the same cra::zy relationship we have now [Sniffles] Although those days of crying weren’t always the best (1.0) we never allowed them to shadow the sister like bond we hold (.) I have had the pleasure of watching you grow and evolve into the kindest, most intelligent, selfless woman I have ever met [faint crying] Which brings me to my next point (.) Darren I want to thank you  for making my best friend the happiest she has ever been (1.0) and I hope that your love, support and generosity stay through this passage of life which is known as (1.0) marriage [laughter] Guess what I’m trying to say is (.) don’t let life’s obstacles, challenges and fights stop you two continuing on this path of love (.) Always look back at this moment and if life gets too tough (.) always remember the love you hold (1.0) as that never changes (.) Love  is one of those things where you don’t get a choice (.) it choses you (1.0) and after watching Fran and Darren develop (.) I can say that love got it right [laughter] Even if we did get a choice I can...

Words: 484 - Pages: 2

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Sucha More V. Bauer Hike Hockey Inc

...Assignment 3: Case Study Name: Akashdeep Singh Nagi Parties: More V. Bauer Nike Hockey Inc. 2010 BCSC 1395 (British Columbia Supreme Court) Plaintiffs:- Sucha More, Cindy More and Darren More Defendants:- Bauer Nike Hockey Inc. and Bauer Hockey Corp. Facts:- Darren More at the age of 17 got his head injured in a Ice hockey tournament during a game in Victoria. While chasing the Puck he collided with the opponent team player and fell on his back with back of his head hitting the side wall. Inspite of wearing a head safety gear he faced severe brain injury. His parents prosecuted the head gear company, Bauer for low standards of their products. History of action:- The trial took place in the Supreme Court of British Columbia. Issue:- Darren...

Words: 276 - Pages: 2