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Deal You Meal Wisely


Submitted By brent247
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Deal your Meal Wisely
The production of food has been constantly evolving throughout the course of history.
Originally, nature, man, and food worked in a unified cycle to create a sustainable and organized system. But as the demand for food dramatically increase, people revolutionized the production of food by transitioning from a strict traditional agricultural production to modern industrialization of food. For instance, in order to meet the rising demands of consumers, food producers learned how to use industrial procedures and chemicals such as fertilizers or growth hormones to enhance the food cultivating process for a larger volume, quantity, and profit.
Today, we live in a world where food production is slowly drifting away from its natural ways, instead, an industrial business that is responsible for one of the largest grossing categories in our economy (“Food processing...” 1).
Wendell Berry, an author and an environmental activist, provides interesting thoughts in his essay, “The Pleasures of Eating”. Berry expresses his concerns about how consumers naively buy their food, without having the knowledge of where and how the food is even produced.
Berry proposes that consumers need to be aware that eating is included in the agricultural system due to the fact that all food is grown. The food industry is being contested by Berry because he makes a point that they have been controlling the food we consume by which causes consumers to give up their “freedom” in the topic of eating. To “eat responsibly” is Berry’s simple suggestion in order to have a much more pleasurable eating experience, and to break free from the “traps” imposed by the manipulative food industry. The essay is wrapped up by the provision of some guidelines to avoid jeopardizing our health . Berry urges consumers to

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participate in food production by either growing our own food, preparing our own meals, buying directly from a local farmer or gardener, learning about food production, and being aware of abused animals or plants.
Many would and have argued that processed foods are not as beneficial to one’s self, and the only other option is to go is organic or natural as others would call it. Even though it would be very difficult for most consumers to escape the “trap” of the food industry, as berry suggests in his essay, his point of having awareness of the quality of the food consumers decide to obtain needs to be emphasized since having this knowledge could help benefit one’s well­being. I believe that this point is appealing because it is important to become aware of the consequences of the choices we make about the food we consume. It could be harmful if one is not responsible and knowledgeable about the additives used in their food such as preservatives or sweeteners and the quality of products consumers ingest. In addition, everyone desires to increase their longevity. By having good background about the quality of food before the choices of consuming it, there is a higher possibility of decreasing the risk of any diseases connected to having a poor diet.
The majority of the consumers in this modern time are naive about what really is included in their food. Berry emphasizes the fact that most consumers don’t even bother to ask any questions about the quality of their food:
They pay, mostly without protest, what they are charged. And they mostly ignore certain critical questions about the quality and the cost of what they are sold: How fresh is it? How pure or clean is it, how free of dangerous chemicals? How far was it transported, and what did transportation add to the cost? How much did

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manufacturing or packaging or advertising add to the cost? When the food product has been manufactured or "processed" or "precooked," how has that affected its quality or price or nutritional value? (1)
If one is really concerned about their health, one should at least have the curiosity about the ingredients added and especially the nutritional value of their food. Consumers should choose food, organic or even processed, with extreme care by reading the labels on the packaging. This is a great start to the journey of getting healthy because it will lead to smarter eating, and a much healthier lifestyle. By constantly practicing this, it will eventually turn into a habit.
Focusing one’s diet on fresh produce is ideal in order to alleviate the consumption of unnecessary and potentially harmful ingredients our bodies digest. Processed food contains chemicals and possible residue of pesticides that can destroy the natural genetic makeup of that particular food (Kenner). The further a food product is from its organic form, the less it retains its beneficial nutritional qualities. For instance, vitamins and minerals would end up dissipating with the use of fertilizers. Another reason why processed food should not be the source of one’s diet is due to the fact that they contain preservatives that are used to increase their shelf life. Some of these chemicals could increase the risk of getting food­related health issues such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Berry also suggests to “prepare your own food” because it gives you the total power to control the quality of the food you are consuming (4). By exercising this, you will have the “freedom” to eat because you are responsible and in control of what nourishes your body. It gives you a peace of mind, knowing that the food you eat will be beneficial because it is free of unnecessary and potentially harmful chemicals.

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When a healthy lifestyle is practiced, one will increase his chances of having a much longer life. One can start a healthy lifestyle by the choice of natural products. Eating right with the incorporation of exercising regularly can help a person maintain a healthy weight. By staying in good shape, it is guaranteed that you will have more energy. It could also improve one’s self­esteem because you will look better since you won’t have excess fat in your body. Building muscle is also a product of having a healthy lifestyle. Incorporating healthy habits is beneficial because it leads to an increase in our longevity. Doesn’t everyone desire more time with the ones they care about? That should be a solid reason to start a healthier style of living.
It is difficult for many to embrace change, generally speaking. But change in your diet should be taken seriously because your precious life is on the line. Berry’s persuasion of consuming more naturally grown food should be exercised more often by the majority because it will only benefit one’s health and well­being. The fact that the food industry is one of the highest grossing industries in the world, makes Berry’s point that the food industry’s “[concerns] are not quality and health, but volume and price” is a game changer (3). It shows to show that the industry pays more attention towards making larger profits rather than the population’s health and well­being. As I said, it would be difficult for the majority of people to escape the “trap” the food industry set which Berry mentioned in his essay. But one individual should at least try some of the tips Berry provided, especially preparing your own food and having knowledge about the origins of the food you buy because this puts a huge emphasis on a start of a healthy and improved lifestyle. The more you “control” the quality of the food you consume by preparing your food from scratch, the better service you will be providing for yourself or for your family.

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Works Cited
Berry, Wendell. "The Pleasures of Eating." Wendell Berry, 29 June 2009. Web.
12 Sept. 2015.

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"Food Processing and Nutrition."
. Government of Victoria, n.d. Web. 15 Sept.
Grayson, Lee. “Top Ten Highest Grossing Industries”.
. Demand Media, n.d. Web.
15 September, 2015
Kenner, Robert. Food, Inc
. Magnolia Pictures. 2008. Film.

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