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Dealing with a Newly Diagnosed Condition with a Poor Prognosis


Submitted By Chidera
Words 360
Pages 2
An emotional response mainly comprises of feelings or psychology changes, which may or may not be outwardly manifested; and often will trigger an action or behavioural. In receiving the diagnose of a new condition with a poor prognosis, the individual is more likely to experience emotional stress. He or she would be unable to communicate as effectively as this is an emotionally sensitive situation; solely due to unfamiliarity with such an encounter of change. Mixed of emotions of anxiety and frustration come into play, as news such as this signifies permanent change or possible death. Depending on whether or not loss of any functional ability is inevitable to this prognosis; the individual is also likely to experience feelings of depression. This depression and hopelessness, while understandable, can compromise the ability to cope with the pain and in most scenarios can prove detrimental to family relationships (NCBI, 2000).

Cognitive response is to do with the physiological processes of the mind with respect to the particular situation at hand. The mind, in situations such as these, is often incomprehensive, due to maybe unexpectedness and shock. Isaac Asimov, An American, professor and author of the early 1900’s once said ‘Life is pleasant, death is peaceful, it is the transition that is troublesome”. It is often thoughts of such transitions that bring about emotional stress within the individual. The individual within their stress will likely ruminate over the course of the prognosis and diagnosis and will tend to overemphasise the potential consequences of the current situation. This ruminative behaviour is often triggered by anxiety and anxiousness. When very severe, the individual can begin to experience dreams of the deceased and other paranormal experiences. Because a situation like this is often unfavoured and unexpected, the individual in an overall

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