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Submitted By kval25
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Pages 4
In the southern region of New Jersey there are many small suburban towns, one including Woodlynne. Woodlynne is an extremely small town and is very often overlooked due to its size. Woodlynne is a residential area even though the surrounding towns are rich with businesses. Currently the council people and local government are working on creating more business within the small town in order to draw more people. Woodlynne is made up of many different types of people, homes, and small businesses and had an extensive history behind it. Woodlynne is made up of about 2,686 people as recorded in 2009; it is a very small town ("Woodlynne, new jersey," 2011). It is said that the population has decreased 5%, but that can be a result of the recession and the increase in taxes. The income per capita in Woodlynne, New Jersey is approximately $19,682. Woodlynne is very diverse and is made up of 48% White or Caucasian, 23% African-American, 12% Asian, 1% Native American and 16% Other/Mixed ("Woodlynne, nj profile," 2011). The town is made up of %51 females and %49 males. The estimated median income in 2009 was $49,594 which was an increase from the previously recorded $39,138 in 2000 ("Woodlynne, new jersey" 2011). After analyzing the average income, as defined by socioeconomic status levels, Woodlynne is considered a middle-class neighborhood. Although a fairly small town, the government body of Woodlynne was more of a Republican-Conservative position. This has changed with the election of a Hispanic mayor, Jerry Fuentes. He is much more focused on creating programs within the township to better the youth and keep adolescents off of the streets. He has a proactive standing in attempting to reduce crime, because although Woodlynne is a small town it is high in crime which can be a result of being closely neighbored to Camden city (one of the highest crime cities). Woodlynne is of a small population, but a lot of the people are familiar with one another. Being a part of the community, I can say that we all agree on attempting to be neighborly to one another. We all keep an open eye in ensuring that there are no intruders to property. We, as a community, enjoy the smallness of our town and how it is still so independent from other towns. We attempt to keep it safe, by having neighborhood watch people to make sure that the streets are safe for the younger population of our town. Woodlynne is a historical town it has one of the oldest log cabins in the surrounding area, which is now used as a library. Woodlynne also has a small public school that is both of elementary level and also middle-school. Once students graduate the middle-school they attend Collingswood High School. I attended the school and can say the teachers are all exceptional educators and that attending Woodlynne Public School helped me advance myself in all areas and subjects in order to move on to the next level. Not only did I learn to play sports and also competed in a double-dutch league, but I also graduated with honors. Being in Woodlynne School taught me a lot about different cultures which I had been ignorant about and also educated me about them as they observed many different cultural traditions. The town is intermixed and everyone gets along for the most part. Although it is not in our town, Our Lady of Lourdes hospital is approximately 1.5 miles away and there is also a town supermarket and various corner stores which have many of the basic necessities. As mentioned, crime is a serious issue in Woodlynne mostly drug trafficking. To eliminate this issue the town has organized neighborhood watch groups and the police in our town have a maintained curfew for the town and standing on corners is prohibited. Citations are given to people if caught standing on corners after a warning. Also the police are always patrolling the town and can be very strict. They are very responsive to the people of the town in emergency situations and react in a quick and timely manner. Some protective factors of the Woodlynne town are the effectiveness of the programs created by its residents. There are Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, summer programs for children up to age 12 and also an etiquette program for young women. With proper budgeting many other towns will find it very productive to have programs such as these. The town also has many senior citizen events such as luncheons, crafts, and dances because there are many senior citizens in our town. It is good to have proactive programs that include not just the youth but also the elderly. Woodlynne’s prospect is a great one. The growing population and creation of a business industry within the town will not only supply jobs for residents but also attract more people to the town. The youth and elderly are considered when creating a safe, fun and effective environment. The government council people alongside the mayor are doing everything necessary to protect our community. Hopefully, with the bettering of our economy we will have many more opportunities in Woodlynne and can perhaps create a high school where teenagers can attend instead of having to commute to the next town and also an update in the old library.

Works Cited
Woodlynne, new jersey. (2011). Retrieved from
Woodlynne, nj profile. (2011). Retrieved from

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