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Demand Analysis


Submitted By Cynthia01
Words 270
Pages 2
"Demand Analysis" Please respond to the following:

From the e-Activity, if you were a manager in a tobacco company, analyze the elasticity of demand for tobacco products. Evaluate the factors involved in making decisions about pricing tobacco products indicating which would be the most influential.

Overall, recent research among adults indicates that roughly half of the impact of price on tobacco consumption results from reductions in prevalence, and roughly half results from remaining smokers smoking less frequently. Higher prices increase prevalence by increasing interest in quitting, quit attempts and successful cessation. Higher prices can reduce consumption among remaining smokers by reducing consumption by daily smokers. Recent studies also show that prices can reduce consumption by increasing the likelihood that smokers will smoke only on some days.

Using the same scenario above, discuss how the elasticity influence the short-term and long-term decisions of the company and the impact to the decision made related to profitability.

While demand for tobacco products is not as elastic as demand for many other consumer products research has consistently demonstrated that increases in the price of tobacco products are followed by moderate falls in both the percentage of people smoking and the amount or number of tobacco products that remaining smokers consume. The percentage of people smoking declines because tax increases discourage non-users from starting, encourage current users to quit and, also very important, discourage former smokers from starting again. Because increases in tobacco taxes result in higher tobacco prices for everyone, the effect of even small resulting reductions in tobacco use can be very large across the whole

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