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Depression Vs Exercise

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When people feel mildly or moderately depressed much of the time, they tend to lack motivation to exercise. Yet research has confirmed that being active lightens mood and reduces feelings of depression. Although it can seem too difficult to step into the swimming pool, get on the bike or head to the gym each day, making the effort is likely to pay off significantly.

Expert Insight

Researchers conducted a review of studies regarding the effects of exercise on people with chronic depression and published their findings in 2004. The studies indicated that combining exercise with antidepressant medication was more effective at relieving symptoms than only relying on medication.

A 2013 article in Harvard Health Publications reports that for some people, exercise is as effective as prescription medicine for …show more content…
This type of action in the area of the brain that regulates mood has positive effects.

Exercise has positive effects on neurotransmitters too. These chemicals in the brain allow nerve cells to communicate with each other.

Physical activity increases the release of serotonin, a brain chemical that brightens mood. That’s important to understand, since the most common antidepressant drugs work by maintaining an adequate amount of serotonin in the brain.

Exercise also stimulates the release of endorphin hormones, which actually are natural opiates that make people feel better physically and emotionally.

In addition, a sense of achievement is enjoyed when someone gradually increases time spent exercising each week and sees the positive results on the physique. This enhances self-confidence and self-esteem.

Vicious Cycle

Because depression typically reduces motivation to be active, these individuals tend to gain weight and become less fit. Weight gain and associated health problems make the person feel even worse about his or her life.

Types of

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