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Deputy Strange Case Study

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Deputy Strange responded to the area of Interstate 95 and Fiske Boulevard in reference to a crash – hit & run. Deputy Strange activated his emergency lights. Deputy Strange was following proper directions, via New World mapping, to the location and using the right radio codes. Upon arrival, Deputy Strange assisted other deputies. After FHP arrived on the scene, the scene was turned over to the trooper. Deputy Strange cleared the call by turning it over to FHP. No officer safety violations were observed.

Deputy Strange responded to 1000 Genevieve Avenue in reference to an injured ill person. Deputy Strange followed proper directions to the location and used the right radio codes. Upon arrival, Deputy Strange parked in a distance and approached …show more content…
Deputy Strange followed proper directions to the location and used the right radio codes. Upon arrival, Deputy Strange parked in a distance and approached on foot. When contact was made with the DCF investigator, she provided allegations of possible lewd or lascivious from a staff member onto a juvenile client. The investigator also advised the incident was reported to the juvenile’s counselor and is a part of a previous reported case. Due to the previous case and the juvenile already reported it to her counselor, Deputy Strange contacted the on call SUV agent and provided the information as a courtesy call. When contact was made with the agent, she advised to go ahead and have the investigator make contact with the juvenile. The agent stated she would make contact with the investigator at a later time. When contact was made with the juvenile, the juvenile refused to cooperate with providing the information she provided her counselor. There was another juvenile involved. This juvenile was a possible witness. When contact was made, she proved she was not a reliable witness to the reported allegations. Per the agent, Deputy Strange cleared the case with CAD Comments. No officer safety violations were

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