Premium Essay

Designing an Effective Website


Submitted By relim
Words 3011
Pages 13
Designing an Effective Website When it comes to marketing your company or yourself online, it’s all about creating an effective online presence. This includes just about everything you do online, from the keywords you target to the blog posts you make, but centers around one essential element—your website. Nothing else matters if you don’t create an exceptional website experience; all the advertising and promotion you do is wasted if there isn’t an effective home to drive customers to. Developing your online home, then, is where web marketing starts. But what makes for a great website? It’s all about giving customers what they want,and in most cases, simpler is better. Your website is the nexus of all your online activities. Your advertising and promotions point customers to your website, and your blog, Twitter feed, and Facebook page are all offshoots of your website. It is the hub from which all your other activities connect. Creating an effective website, then, is imperative. And for your website to be effective, it most provide an exceptional experience to your customers. They must find what they’re looking for—and a little bit more. If you already have a website, good for you—you can skip this section and move ahead a few pages. If you don’t yet have a website, however, you need to get down to business. And there are a number of ways to do just that. When it comes to creating a website, you can spend a little money or a lot. Let’s start with the low-cost options first and then move on up the money scale. Website Design: Keep It Simple I’ve been dealing with website design since the advent of the Web in the mid-1990s, and here’s something I’ve come to expect. Call it the Internet equivalent of entropy; over time, web pages and websites become more complicated and as they become more complex, they become less useful. I’m not sure why this is.

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