Premium Essay

Deviance and Social Power


Submitted By maiboys
Words 3198
Pages 13

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\eviance as a violation of social norms
Norms are rules and expectations by which members of society are guided.[2] . They are not necessarily moral, or even found grounded in morality; in fact, they are just as often pragmatic and, paradoxically, irrational. (A great many of what we call manners, having no logical grounds, would make for good examples here.) Norms are rules of conduct, not neutral or universal, but ever changing; shifting as society shifts; mutable, emergent, loose, reflective of inherent biases and interests, and highly selfish and one-sided. They vary from class to class, and in the generational "gap." They are, in other words, contextual.
Deviance can be described as a violation of these norms.[3] Deviance is a failure to conform to culturally reinforced norms. This definition can be interpreted in many different ways. Social norms are different in one culture as opposed to another. For example, a deviant act can be committed in one society or culture that breaks a social norm there, but may be considered normal for another culture and society. Some acts of deviance may be criminal acts, but also, according to the society or culture, deviance can be strictly breaking social norms that are intact.
Viewing deviance as a violation of social norms, sociologists have characterized it as "any thought, feeling or action that members of a social group judge to be a violation of their values or rules";[4] "violation of the norms of a society or group";[5] "conduct that violates definitions of appropriate and inappropriate conduct shared by the members of a social system";[6] "the departure of

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