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Feed Yourself Fit: The Plan
Table of Contents
Disclaimer …………………………………................................................................. 2

Overview of Program ………………………………………………………………………….… 3 – 6

Section 1 | 3 Week Meal Plan …………………………………………………………….. 8 – 14

Section 2 | Weekly Grocery Lists ……………………………………………………….. 15 – 18

Section 3 | Printable Meal Plan Calendar ………………………………..….…… 19 – 22

Section 4 | Meal Prep Guide ……………………………………………………………..… 23 - 25

Section 5 | Healthy Snack List ………………………………………………………..…… 26 – 27

Section 6 | Recipe Index ……………………………………………………………….……… 28 - 50

1|Fe e d Y our se lf Fit: T he Plan

Book Disclaimer
Please review the following User Agreement carefully before using Feed Yourself Fit: The Plan and/or Feed
Yourself Fit: The Routine e-book(s).
Because we are unaware of any pre-existing health conditions it is an absolute condition of sale that you consult with your doctor or a qualified medical practitioner before using or practicing any of the methods described in this e-book and/or beginning any workout program or diet plan. Natalie Jensen and Brette Nelson are not licensed medical care providers and represent that they have no expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating medical conditions of any kind, or in determining the effect of any specific exercise on a medical condition. The ideas, concepts and opinions expressed in all Feed Yourself Fit e-books and meal plan are intended to be used for educational purposes only. The books and meal plan are sold with the understanding that the authors and publisher are not rendering medical advice of any kind, nor are the e-books intended to replace medical advice, nor to diagnose, prescribe or treat any disease, condition, illness or injury.
You should understand that when you are involved in any exercise or workout program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or workout program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge the authors of Feed Yourself Fit: The Plan and Fee Yourself Fit: The Routine, Natalie Jensen and
Brette Nelson from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Natalie Jensen and Brette Nelson of Feed Yourself Fit e-books negligence. You agree to hold Natalie Jensen and Brette
Nelson harmless from any and all liability for all claims for damages due to injuries, including attorney fees and costs, incurred by you or caused to third parties by you, arising out of the activities discussed in these e-books.
The authors and publishers advise readers to take full responsibility for their safety and health and know their limits. Before practicing the skills described in this book, be sure that your equipment is well maintained, and do not take risks beyond your level of expertise, aptitude, training, and/or comfort level. You should be energetic and in good physical condition to do any exercise.
The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated the statements contained in the Feed Yourself Fit ebooks or the Feed Yourself Fit meal plan. Due to different brands/ingredients nutritional values might vary slightly from what you buy to what we have written and determined for the Feed Yourself Fit: The Plan meal plan. Copyright © 2014 by Natalie Jensen and Brette Nelson
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. All products and stores mentioned were used as a guide for informational purposes and are not sponsors of the Feed Yourself Fit eBooks.

2|Fe e d Y our se lf Fit: T he Plan

Overview of Program
Welcome to Feed Yourself Fit: The Plan! We are so excited for you to get started and to start seeing your body change! Within this book, all about how to feed your body, you will find an easy to follow three week meal plan with family friendly dinners, a weekly grocery list, a printable weekly meal plan calendar, a meal prep guide, healthy snack list and a recipe index!
This is not a crash diet. This is a kick start plan into a complete healthy lifestyle change in getting rid of the excess weight and keeping it off for good. We want you to take control of your health and change your body through changing your habits, not by going on some crazy cleanse or some diet that is impossible to live with longer than a month. We understand that changing how you eat can be difficult and that is why we have created a meal plan that has easy to make meals that satisfy, including family friendly dinner options for us moms with picky eaters (i.e. my husband). Our meal plan also includes sweets, because to be honest, who doesn’t like a little chocolate every now and then? As you continue working on changing your eating habits your cravings will also start to change. You might start to crave fruits instead of ice cream or a sweet potato instead of chocolate. This plan is here to help start those changes within yourself!
About Us. Hi! My name is Natalie Jensen. When I became pregnant I was beyond excited and couldn’t wait to carry this little baby in my belly. I figured I would gain what the doctors told me, the typical weight gain of 2530 lbs. As the weeks and months went by and the morning sickness stuck around, the weight kept piling on.
After giving birth to my son I had gained over 60 lbs. At first I was so consumed with being a new mom that I didn’t notice the extra weight. I would work out here and there in the beginning, but it wasn’t until around five months postpartum, when I still only fit in my maternity jeans that I realized the weight might not just fall off with nursing like so many other moms told me. I knew I was going to have to change my eating habits and my lack of exercise routine to get to where I wanted my body to be. I became dedicated and motivated and by changing my eating habits and exercise regimen, I lost 70 lbs.! I know how difficult losing weight and sticking to a routine and meal plan can be and that is why I wanted to create this e-book! To help and inspire other women and mothers who were like me! I want you to know that your fitness goals are possible, it just takes motivation and dedication. This is not something that will happen overnight, but if you put in the effort you will get results. When I started to create this e-book I knew I couldn’t do it alone so I sought the help of my friend and personal health coach, Brette Nelson.
Hello! My name is Brette Nelson. When Natalie asked me to join her in creating this e-book I was thrilled beyond words. I am a wife and a mommy to two beautiful girls, one four year old and the newest addition is three months old. Many of you are probably mothers and understand how difficult it can be to find a few minutes in the day to shower, not to mention cook and cook something healthy, well just forget it. This is why I loved the idea of this e-book. It is designed to make something that seems so difficult be a little simpler. Health is my passion and a part of my life. Growing up I would watch my mother do aerobics in the mornings, nothing fancy but enough to keep her fit, this is where my love for fitness began. I was a gymnast during my adolescence which only made my love for health and fitness continue to grow. I then attended
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Utah Valley University where I studied health and received a Bachelor of School, Health and Education degree. I love teaching in the classroom but I am currently taking a break so I can be at home with my girls. Because I am a health teacher I know that health in the home is most important and I hope that with the use of this e-book you will be able to create the changes you desire to live a healthy, happier and fitter lifestyle. Let’s start with the three week meal plan. For each day you will find an index that includes the nutritional facts for calories, protein, fat and carbs for each serving (serving size is 1 for each breakfast [excluding oatmeal pancakes] lunch and snack), all dinner recipes serve four people. These are extremely important when it comes to your fitness journey. Let’s break down why these are so important to your journey.
Calories. Calories are the fuel that your body needs to function properly. Calories come in different forms, such as protein, carbohydrates and fats. In order to lose weight you need to consume fewer calories than your body burns while at rest or through exercise but still enough calories to have energy and maintain proper function. Once you start lowering your caloric intake your body will be forced to burn fat to use as energy. We have set this meal plan to an average of 1400 calories per day. Anything below about 1,150 calories and your body will enter into a survival mode which will cause your metabolism to slow down. If you cut out too many calories your body will actually start burning your muscle to use as fuel. This is obviously not what we want and this will create that look of what so many people refer to as “skinny fat”, being thin with excess fat in all the wrong places. With Feed Yourself Fit: The Plan, our goal is to have this be a complete lifestyle change that is also an easy change to maintain. Again, this is about consistency to keep the weight off.
Protein. Our bodies need protein to help repair and build muscles and organs. Organs, muscles, nails, skin, hair and bones are all made up of protein. This is why it’s so important to get enough protein in our daily diet.
Aside from needing protein to function properly, it is a huge factor in your weight loss journey. As mentioned above, when lowering your caloric intake, your body will be forced to burn stored fat, therefore helping you lose weight. The problem is, your body could also burn muscle for energy opposed to using the extra fat first, leaving you with the dreaded “skinny fat” look. If you are eating enough protein during the day, this will preserve your lean muscle and burn the excess fat instead. While digesting foods your body actually burns calories in the process. Pretty cool, right? Protein requires the most amount of calories for your body to digest, meaning, by eating more protein during the day you will be burning more calories while at rest.
Carbs. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy your body needs. There are good and bad carbs. Good carbs are found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. We have structured our meal plan around these healthy carbs that are good for your body. We believe it’s important to have a healthy amount of carbohydrates in your daily diet. Although low-carb diets do work, it is found that the weight lost during a low carb diet actually comes back within 6 months. Why? Because low-carb diets are just hard to stick too and maintain. Instead if you start to differentiate the good and bad carbs, it’s much easier to keep weight off by eating the right kinds of carbohydrates. When eating breads, pasta and rice choose the healthy carbs found in whole grain breads and pastas and brown rice. Choosing healthy carbohydrates while lowering your caloric intake and working out, is the healthiest way to lose weight, keep it off and live a healthy lifestyle.
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Fats. All the fats included in this meal plan are considered healthy fat. Example, the fats in egg yolks and avocados contain fats that are utilized by your brain.
How often should I be eating? For this meal plan, we recommend eating every three hours and eating breakfast within one hour of waking up. However, we do not want you to starve yourself. If at any time within the three hour period you feel hungry, we suggest you choose a healthy snack from our healthy snack list or just eat your next meal a bit earlier.
We do not want you to stress over portions, when to eat or anything else. If you start to stress over this plan it can wreak havoc on your weight loss journey and actually cause you to hold onto excess fat. So please do not stress. As long as you are eating healthy meals every 2-3 hours your body will change. It’s all about consistency and staying dedicated.
Once you begin eating every three hours you should start to notice you will feel hungrier. Your body will begin to tell you when to eat next. This is good news and it means your metabolism is speeding up. Listen to those signals. The goal is keep yourself from ever feeling like you’re starving, you want to constantly fuel your body with healthy foods. I love the analogy about our metabolisms being like a fire. If you don’t put wood into a burning fire, eventually the fire will burn out. But if you add wood every few hours, the fire will continue to burn. By feeding our bodies healthy and nutrient rich foods every few hours our metabolism has no choice but to speed up and keep on burning.
3 Week Meal Plan. In this 3 week meal plan you will find in list form all your meals in list form. Here you will find the nutritional facts for each day and the nutritional facts for each snack. As you go through the weeks and find you love a certain days meal plan you can repeat that day later on throughout the week if you’d like.
Also, if you just really don’t like a certain snack that is listed, jump over to our healthy snack list and choose a snack with similar nutritional values.
Something we felt of great importance was to create and offer family friendly dinners, meaning a meal the whole family will enjoy. We know what a pain it can be to change your eating habits and especially getting those around you to change the way they eat as well. With our family friendly dinners you are getting the recommended calories, protein, fats and carbs to lose weight and create a lean body, while providing a delicious and satisfying dinner the whole family will enjoy. When you see an asterisk (*) next to a meal, this means you will want to add the ingredients listed next to the asterisk for your family to enjoy, i.e. Chicken
Taco Salad*. We give you the ingredients and recipe for a healthy chicken taco salad, but to make it family friendly, you will want to add tortillas, shredded cheese and Spanish rice for easy to make chicken tacos, for your family. Of course these are optional, if your family likes chicken taco salad, skip the family friendly (FF) ingredients and serve everyone a yummy chicken taco salad. Don’t see a * next to meal? Don’t worry, that meal is still a satisfying meal for the whole family, you just don’t need to add additional ingredients.

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During this plan we recommend you drink water unless otherwise stated for your meals. Try to get at least 64 oz. during the day.
The Grocery List. This plan is meant to be easy to follow and easy to plan for. A printable weekly grocery list will help with that. We have created an easy to read grocery list of everything needed for each week’s meal plan. We know a lot of the items on the grocery list might already be in your pantry, so simply print the list off and highlight what you need.
Printable Meal Plan Calendar. To make life a little simpler, we have created a printable meal plan calendar that you can put up on your fridge. You are much more likely to follow a plan when you can see it every day instead of going onto a computer/phone to check what you should be eating for each meal during the week.
We want you to succeed at your fitness goals and the first step towards that is to be able to easily see your plan. Meal Prep Guide. Within this guide you will find the proper ways of defrosting meats, different ways to prepare your meats and vegetables and how to store you prepped food for the week ahead.
Healthy Snack List. If you are feeling a little hungry in between meals, choose one snack from this list. It’s okay, we do not want you to starve yourself. So go ahead, pick a healthy snack and munch away! Also, if you’d like to swap out any snack during the day for a different snack, go ahead. Just choose something with similar nutritional values.
Recipe Index. Here you will find the recipes of all those yummy dinners we have provided.
We highly recommend you combine this meal plan with the Feed Yourself Fit: The Routine. A two week at home workout routine consisting of high intensity interval training (HIIT) targeted to get your heart rate up and create lean muscle while blasting off excess fat. There is also a one week gym routine for those wanting to really push themselves. These exercises consist of weight training to firm up and tighten your whole body.
And please remember, weight loss doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen! It didn’t take a day to gain the weight and it won’t take a day to lose it. Stay motivated, that is the key to your success!
Time will pass whether or not you put the work into yourself. So, over the next three months you can go hard, work at this and change your body or you can decide to not do anything and in three months you’ll be in the same spot. It’s all up to you!
Alright, ready for the best you?! Let’s get started!

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Alcohol and Caffeinated Drinks
We did not include these beverages due to the nature of our plan. In order to achieve a healthier lifestyle it is best to limit the amount of alcohol and caffeine consumed. However, we believe that all things are okay in moderation. If you feel you need your caffeine in the morning and/or something to relax you in the evening here are our recommendations.
Coffee. Like many people, a cup of freshly brewed coffee is a regular part of your morning routine. However, coffee can be a part of weight gain because of the add-ons like cream, sugar and other flavorings. To keep your coffee suitable for the Feed Yourself Fit Plan try to limit yourself to 1-2 cups of coffee a day. The best way is to prepare your coffee at home by taking it black. If you really feel the need for a creamer try almond milk for added flavor with fewer calories. Espresso shots are also another option.
Alcohol. At the end of a long day sometimes there is nothing more satisfying than a glass of wine. But when drinking any alcohol you need to be aware that it does have empty calories damaging the potential for a healthier, fitter you. When you take a drink of alcohol your body has to break it down first because it is an unhealthy substance making it so that the calories you have eaten throughout the day are stored as fat. There are however, healthy ways to still enjoy that evening glass of wine such as limiting yourself to one drink a day.
We will provide you with a list of lower calorie drinks. We recommend that when you drink these you accompany it with ¼ cup almonds.
Light Mimosa – 2 oz. minute maid light orange juice, 4 oz. champagne, juice of 1 orange. Calories-120
Blended Raspberry Cocktail – ½ cup ice, 8 oz. minute maid light raspberry passion juice, 1 ½ oz. vodka. Calories – 115
Grapefruit Martini – 1 oz. grapefruit juice, 1 ¾ oz. gin, splash of sparkling wine, sprinkle of sugar. Calories- 150
6 oz. Glass of White Wine – Calories 140
6 oz. Glass of Merlot – Calories 143
If you choose to have an alcoholic beverage in the evening simply replace it with the snack that follows dinner.

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Week One
Calories 1446 | Protein 138 | Carbs 138 | Fat 41
Breakfast: 1 cup Wheaties Cereal with ¾ cup 1 percent, 1 Banana
Snack: 1 container (3/4 cup) Greek Yogurt
Lunch: Plain Tuna – 1 can tuna with 1/2 tbsp. mayonnaise, 1 pickle (optional)
Snack: 1 Medium Apple with 1 tbsp. Peanut Butter
Dinner: Stuffed Pepper Jack Chicken with Squash (recipe on page 44) – makes 4 servings, eat ¼ of the meal
Snack: 1 Skinny Cow Fudge Bar

Calories 1269 | Protein 90 | Carbs 117 | Fat 50
Breakfast: 2 eggs, 1 piece of wheat toast, 1 tsp. butter for toast, 1 cup orange juice
Snack: 1 Quakes Apple Cinnamon Rice Cake
Lunch: 1 ½ cup Slow Cooker Chicken (recipe on page 43) with 1 cup broccoli
Snack: 1 String Cheese
Dinner: Creamy Spaghetti Bake (recipe on page 36) Recipe makes 4 servings, eat ¼ of meal
Snack: 1 Pack of Skinny Cow Chocolate Turtles

Calories 1547 | Protein 111 | Carbs 136 | Fat 58
Breakfast: 1 Scoop Syntha-6 Protein Powder with 1 cup 1percent Milk, ½ grapefruit
Snack: ¼ cup Dry Roasted Almonds
Lunch: Veggie Tostada (recipe on page 50) 2 tostadas is 1 serving
Snack: ½ cup Low-Fat Cottage Cheese
Dinner: Skillet Pork Tenderloin with Peppers (recipe on page 42) recipe makes 4 servings, eat 1/3 of prepared meal Snack: 1 Skinny Cow Fudge Bar

Calories 1298 | Protein 73 | Carbs 175 | Fat 44
Breakfast: ¾ cup Dry Oatmeal (prepared) with ½ cup Frozen Berries, ¼ scoop Protein Powder (mixed in)
Snack: Medium Apple with 1 tbsp. Peanut Butter
Lunch: Orange Chicken Salad (recipe on page 41) Recipe makes 1 serving
Snack: 1 Hardboiled Egg
Dinner: Mexican Sweet Potatoes (recipe on page 38) – Recipe serves 6, eat 1 ½ of the prepared skins.
Snack: 1 Bar Skinny Cow Caramel Truffle
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Calories 1376 | Protein 104 | Carbs 125 | Fat 51
Breakfast: 1 piece Whole Grain Toast, ¼ Avocado (smashed over toast), top with 2 tbsp. Salsa over the
Avocado and top with 1 Fried or Scrambled egg
Snack: ¼ cup Dry Roasted Almonds, Apple Cinnamon Rice Cake
Lunch: Avocado Turkey Patty (recipe on page 29) – Recipe makes 5 patties, eat 1 patty
Snack: 1 container (3/4 cup) Greek Yogurt
Dinner: Slow Cooker Pear, Carrot and Balsamic Chicken with Brown Rice (recipe on page 43) – serves 4, eat ¼ of meal
Snack: 1 Package Skinny Cow Chocolate Turtles

Calories 1390 | Protein 95 | Carbs 157 | Fat 49
Breakfast: 1 container (3/4 cup) Greek Yogurt, ¾ cup Protein Granola, 6 Strawberries or ½ cup frozen berries,
½ cup Blackberries
Snack: 1 String Cheese
Lunch: PB and Honey Toast. 1 Piece Whole Grain Bread, 1 tbsp. Honey, 2 tbsp. Peanut Butter Recipe makes 1 serving Snack: 1 Scoop Syntha-6 Protein Powder with ½ cup 1percent Milk
Dinner: Chicken Fajita Bowl* (recipe on page 31) Serves 5, eat 1 cup of prepared meal
Snack: 1 Skinny Cow Truffle Chocolates

Calories 1315 | Protein 101 | Carbs 137 | Fat 44
Breakfast: Chocolate Smoothie – 1 cup water, ½ scoop sntha-6 choc. Flavor, ¼ cup dry oats, ½ banana, 1 tbsp. peanut butter. Blend together.
Snack: 1 Quakes Apple Cinnamon Rice Cake
Lunch: Oatmeal Pancakes (recipe on page 41) Small batch makes 30 pancakes, eat 2 pancakes for your serving size. (If this recipe is too large for you, substitute one of the previous lunch meals)
Snack: 1 Hardboiled Egg
Dinner: Sunday Turkey Breast with Sweet Potato (recipe on page 46) Serves 4- depending on size of turkey breast, eat 1 cup of turkey, ½ cup carrots and 1 sweet potato
Snack: 1 Bar Skinny Cow Caramel Truffle

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Week Two
Calories 1493 | Protein 130 | Carbs 111 | Fat 59
Breakfast: 1 container (3/4 cup) Greek Yogurt, ½ cup Protein Granola, 4 Strawberries or ¼ cup Frozen berries
Snack: 2 tbsp. Almond Butter or Peanut Butter with 3 Celery Sticks
Lunch: ½ cup Slow Cooker Shredded Chicken, 1 Small Sweet Potato, ½ cup Green Beans
Snack: 2 Deviled or Plain Boiled Eggs (recipe on page 37)
Dinner: Chicken Zucchini Enchilada Dinner* (recipe on page 32) serves 4, eat ¼ of meal
Snack: 1 Scoop Syntha-6 Protein Powder with 1 cup 1 percent Milk, ½ grapefruit

Calories 1440 | Protein 102 | Carbs 150 | Fat 50
Breakfast: 1 Scoop Syntha-6 Protein Powder mixed with 1 cup Water
Snack: ½ cup Cottage Cheese and 6 Strawberries or ½ cup frozen berries
Lunch: 1 Full Tuna Sandwich (recipe on page 46) Recipe makes 1 serving
Snack: 2 tbsp. Almond Butter or Peanut Butter with 3 Celery Sticks
Dinner: Chicken Marinara Pasta (recipe on page 33) Serves 4, eat ¼ of meal
Snack: 1 Skinny Cow Fudge Bar

Calories 1379 | Protein 119 | Carbs 126 | Fat 28
Breakfast: 2 Eggs- prepared any way you like, 1 Piece Whole Wheat Toast, 4 Strawberries or ¼ cup frozen berries Snack: ½ cup Cottage Cheese and 6 Strawberries or ½ cup frozen berries
Lunch: ½ cup of Slow Cooker Shredded Chicken, 1 Small Sweet Potato, ½ cup Green Beans
Snack: 1 String Cheese
Dinner: Protein Burger with Sweet Potato Fries* (recipe on page 40) Serves 4, eat ¼ of meal
Snack: 1 Scoop Syntha-6 Protein Powder with 1 cup 1percent Milk, ½ Grapefruit

Calories 1430 | Protein 90 | Carbs 140 | Fat 60
Breakfast: Protein Fruit Toast. 1 piece Whole Grain Toast, 1 tbsp. Peanut Butter, 4 Strawberries, slice.1 Banana
Snack: 2 Deviled Eggs (recipe on page 37)
Lunch: 1 Open Face Tuna Sandwich (recipe on page 47) Recipe makes 1 serving
Snack: ½ cup Cottage Cheese and 6 Strawberries or ½ cup frozen berries
Dinner: Chicken Veggie Stir-Fry (recipe on page 35) Serves 4, eat ¼ of meal
Snack: 1 Quakes Apple Cinnamon Rice Cake
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Calories 1315 | Protein 104 | Carbs 132 | Fat 44
Breakfast: 1 Scoop Syntha-6 Protein Powder with 1 cup 1 percent Milk, ½ grapefruit
Snack: 1 Container (¾ cup) Greek Yogurt with 6 Strawberries or ½ cup Frozen Berries
Lunch: ½ Cup Slow Cooker Chicken, 1 small Sweet Potato, ½ Avocado
Snack: Cinnamon Apples (recipe on page 35) Serves 4. Eat ¼ of recipe (about ¼ apple)
Dinner: Chicken Taco Salad* (recipe on page 34) Serves 4, eat ¼ meal
Snack: 1 Dryer’s Outshine Strawberry Popsicle

Calories 1481 | Protein 121 | Carbs 142 | Fat 55
Breakfast: 1 Container (3/4 cup) Greek Yogurt and 4 Strawberries or ¼ cup Frozen Berries
Snack: 3 Deviled Eggs (recipe on page 37)
Lunch: Chicken Salad (recipe on page 33) Recipe makes 1 serving
Snack: 1 Scoop Syntha-6 Protein Powder with 1 cup 1% Milk, 1 Banana
Dinner: Lemon Chicken Dinner* (recipe on page 39) Serves 4, eat ¼ meal
Snack: 1 Skinny Cow Fudge Bar

Calories 1500 | Protein 100 | Carbs 136 | Fat 72
Breakfast: ¾ cup Dry Oatmeal (prepared) with ½ cup Frozen Berries, ¼ scoop Protein Powder (mixed in)
Snack: ½ cup Pumpkin Seeds
Lunch: Turkey Wrap (recipe on page 48) Recipe makes 1 serving
Snack: 1 Container (3/4 cup) Greek Yogurt
Dinner: Balsamic Vinegar Chicken Dinner* (recipe on page 30) Serves 4, eat ¼ meal
Snack: 1 Dryer’s Outshine Strawberry Popsicle

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Week Three
Calories 1445 | Protein 123 | Carbs 100 | Fat 60
Breakfast: 2 Eggs- prepared any way you like, 1 piece of whole grain toast, 4 Strawberries
Snack: Cinnamon Apples (recipe on page 35) Serves 4, eat ¼ of meal
Lunch: ½ cup Prepared Chicken Breast, 1 Small Sweet Potato, ½ cup Green Beans
Snack: 1 Container (3/4 cup) Greek Yogurt and 6 Strawberries or ½ cup Frozen berries
Dinner: Chicken Veggie Stir-Fry (recipe on page 35) Serves 4, ¼ of meal
Snack: 1 Scoop Syntha-6 Protein Powder with 1 cup 1percent Milk

Calories 1340 | Protein 83 | Carbs 135 | Fat 64
Breakfast: 2 Eggs- prepared any way you like, 1 piece whole wheat toast
Snack: ½ cup Cottage Cheese and 2 Strawberries
Lunch: PB and Honey Toast. 1 Piece Whole Grain Bread, 1 tbsp. Honey, 2 tbsp. Peanut Butter
Snack: ¼ cup Almonds
Dinner: Lemon Chicken Dinner* (recipe on page 39) Serves 4, eat ¼ meal
Snack: 1 Skinny Cow Fudge Bar

Calories 1392 | Protein 121 | Carbs 157 | Fat 33
Breakfast: 1 Container (3/4 cup) Greek Yogurt, ½ cup Protein Granola, 4 Strawberries
Snack: Tuna with Celery Sticks (recipe on page 46)
Lunch: ½ cup Prepared Chicken Breast, 1 Small Sweet Potato, ½ cup Green Beans
Snack: 1 Scoop Syntha-6 Protein Powder with 1 cup 1 percent Milk
Dinner: Tilapia, Rice and Veggie Dinner (recipe on page 45) Serves 4, eat ¼ meal
Snack: 1 Banana

Calories 1414 | Protein 101 | Carbs 140 | Fat 37
Breakfast: 1 Scoop Syntha-6 Protein Powder with 1 cup 1percent Milk, 1 Banana
Snack: 1 container (3/4 cup) Greek Yogurt, 6 Strawberries or ½ cup frozen berries
Lunch: Open Tuna Sandwich (recipe on page 47)
Snack: ½ cup Broccoli, ½ cup Cauliflower, Salt & Pepper to Taste
Dinner: Chicken Taco Salad* (recipe on page 34) Serves 4, eat ¼ meal
Snack: 1 Dryer’s Outshine Strawberry Popsicle

13 | F e e d Y o u r s e l f F i t : T h e P l a n

Calories 1402 | Protein 100 | Carbs 106 | Fat 63
Breakfast: Oatmeal Pancakes – If you have leftovers, use them (recipe on page 40) Small batch makes 30 pancakes, eat 2 pancakes for your serving size. (If this recipe is too large for you, substitute one of the previous lunch meals), 6 Strawberries
Snack: ½ cup Pumpkin Seeds, 1 String Cheese
Lunch: ½ cup Prepared Chicken Breast. 1 small Sweet Potato, ½ cup Green Beans
Snack: 1 Quakes Apple Cinnamon Rice Cake
Dinner: Chicken Strips with Sweet Potato Fries (recipe on page 34) Serves 4, eat ¼ meal
Snack: 1 Skinny Cow Fudge Bar

Calories 1400 | Protein 113 | Carbs 134 | Fat 52
Breakfast: 1 Container (3/4 cup) Greek Yogurt with 4 Strawberries
Snack: 3 Deviled Eggs (recipe on page 37)
Lunch: Chicken Salad (recipe on page 33) Recipe makes 1 serving
Snack: 1 Scoop Syntha-Six Protein Powder mixed with 1 cup Water. 1 Banana
Dinner: Lemon Chicken Dinner* (recipe on page 39) Serves 4, eat ¼ meal
Snack: 1 Dryer’s Outshine Strawberry Popsicle

Calories 1409 | Protein 112 | Carbs 108 | Fat 64
Breakfast: ¾ cup Dry Oatmeal (prepared) with ½ cup Frozen Berries, ¼ scoop Protein Powder (mixed in)
Snack: 1 Container (3/4 cup) Greek Yogurt with 4 Strawberries
Lunch: Tuna Salad (recipe on page 47). Recipe makes 1 serving
Snack: ½ cup Edamame
Dinner: Chicken Zucchini Enchilada Boat (recipe on page 32) Serves 4, eat ¼ of meal
Snack: 1 Skinny Cow Fudge Bar

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Week One Grocery List
**Highlight What You Need**

Apples – 2
Avocado – 2
Baby Spinach (bagged)
Banana – 1
Bell Peppers – 4
Carrots - 7
Cilantro – 1 bunch
Garlic – 1
Grapefruit - 1
Lime – 2
Onion, Red or White – 1
Onion, White – 2
Onion, Yellow – 1
Package of Strawberries and Blackberries
Pears – 2, medium
Romaine (package)
Roma tomato - 1
Sage Leaves, fresh
Sweet Potatoes, medium –6
Yellow Squash – 2
Dairy | Eggs | Meat | Fridge Items
Butter (I can’t believe it’s not butter)
Buttermilk -3 cups (24 oz.)
Chicken (boneless/skinless) – about 24 breasts
Cottage Cheese
Eggs – Dozen
Greek Yogurt – 3
Ground Turkey – 2 lbs. (separated)
Light Cream Cheese
Milk 1%
Orange Juice
Parmesan Cheese, Grated
Pepper Jack Cheese
Pork Tenderloin – 1.5 lbs.
Shredded Cheddar Cheese, Reduced Fat
String Cheese
Turkey Breast – 3-5 lbs.
Frozen Foods
Broccoli Florets
Skinny Cow Ice Cream Bars
Dry|Canned Goods
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Almond or Peanut Butter
Balsamic Vinegar
Baking Soda & Powder
Black Beans – 2 cans
Brown Rice
Cajun Seasoning
Chicken Broth - 1 can
Chipotle Peppers in Adabo Sauce
Corn – 1 can
Dry White Wine
Fajita Seasoning Packet
Garlic Powder
Green Beans Canned – 1 ½ cup
Italian Seasoning
Minute Brown Rice
Olive Oil
Onion Powder
Pasta (any kind)
Protein Granola (Nature Valley)
Prego Heart Smart Spaghetti Sauce
Quick Oatmeal
Raisins – about 1 cup (8 oz.)
Rice Cakes (we love the apple cinnamon) Salsa
Seasoning Salt
Skinny Cow Chocolate Truffles &
Caramel Turtles
Soy Sauce
Tomato Paste
Tuna (solid white in water) – 3
Wheaties Cereal
White Wine Vinegar
Whole Grain Bread
Tortillas (FF)

Week Two Grocery List
**Highlight What You Need**

Apples – 2
Avocado – 3
Baby Spinach (bagged)
Bananas - Bunch
Carrots – 3 or a bunch
Cilantro – 1 bunch
Garlic – 1
Grapefruit - 2
Green Pepper – 1
Lemons – 1
Package of Strawberries
Red Bell Pepper – 1
Roma Tomato – 4
Romaine (package)
Rosemary Herb
Small Sweet Potatoes –3
White Onion – 2
Yellow Squash – 1
Zucchini – 6
Red Potatoes (FF) - 3

Dairy | Eggs | Meat
Butter (I can’t believe it’s not butter)
Chicken, boneless/skinless – about 18-19 breasts Cottage Cheese
Eggs – Dozen
Greek Yogurt – 4
Hamburger – Ground, Lean
Milk 1%
Cheddar Cheese, shredded
String Cheese
Turkey Deli Meat

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Frozen Foods
Birds Eye Pepper Stir Fry
Dryers Outshine Strawberry Bars
Skinny Cow Ice Cream Bars
Sweet Potato Fries

Dry|Canned Goods
Almond or Peanut Butter
Barilla Plus Penne Pasta
Black Beans – 1 can
Black Olives-Sliced (2.25oz can)
Brown Rice
Chicken Broth - 1 can
Chicken Taco Seasoning
Chili Powder
Flat-Out Multigrain Wraps
Green Beans Canned – 2
Olive Oil
Marinara Sauce, Prego
Minute Brown Rice
Protein Granola (Nature Valley)
Pumpkin Seeds
Red Enchilada Sauce
Soy Sauce
Tomato Paste
Tuna (solid white in water) – 2
Whole Grain Bread
Tortillas (FF)
Spanish Rice (FF)
Canned Corn (FF)
Hamburger Buns (FF)

Week Three Grocery List
**Highlight What You Need**

Apples – 2
Avocado – 1
Baby Spinach (bagged)
Bananas – Bunch
Cilantro – 1 bunch
Garlic – 1
Grapefruit - 1
Green Pepper – 1
Lemons – 2
Package of Strawberries or any berry
Red Bell Pepper – 1
Roma Tomato – 2
Romaine (package)
Small Sweet Potatoes –3
White Onion – 2
Yellow Squash – 1
Zucchini – 6

Dairy | Eggs | Meat

Butter (I can’t believe it’s not butter)
Buttermilk -3 cups (24 oz.)
Chicken (boneless/skinless) – about 20 breasts
Cottage Cheese
Eggs – Dozen
Greek Yogurt - 3
Shredded Cheddar Cheese
String Cheese

Frozen Foods

Birds Eye Pepper Stir Fry
Broccoli Florets
Dryers Outshine Strawberry Bars

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Gordon’s Simple Bake Tilapia – 2 boxes=4 servings Skinny Cow Ice Cream Bars
Sweet Potato Fries

Dry|Canned Goods
Almond or Peanut Butter
Balsamic Vinegar
Baking Soda & Powder
Black Beans – 1 can
Black Olives-Sliced (2.25oz can)
Chicken Broth - 2 cans
Chicken Taco Seasoning
Chili Powder
Corn Flakes – Plain
Green Beans Canned – 1 ½ cup
Minute Brown Rice
Protein Granola (Nature Valley)
Pumpkin Seeds
Quick Oatmeal
Raisins (about 1 cup)
Red Enchilada Sauce
Soy Sauce
Tomato Paste
Tuna (solid white in water) – 3
Whole Grain Bread
Corn, canned (FF) – 2 cans
Tortillas (FF)
Spanish Rice (FF)

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Meal Prep Guide
How to Properly Defrost Chicken and Other Meats

Place frozen chicken/meat in a bowl of cold water, replace water every 30 minutes until defrosted.

Microwave unwrapped frozen chicken/meat on microwave safe plate according to your microwave defrosting settings.

Place frozen chicken/meat in bowl and place in fridge overnight.

How to Cook and Prepare Your Chicken
Crock Pot. Place 4 chicken breasts with 1 ½ cups of low sodium chicken broth or chicken stock in your slow cooker and cook on low for about 8 hours (4 hours on high). To know when the chicken is done, it should be super tender and easily shredded. You can also check the temperature to be sure, chicken temperature should be around 165 degrees (I use my favorite instant read thermometer for this).
Remove the chicken from the slow cooker and shred using two forks. Use this chicken in all of your favorite recipes that call for pre-cooked shredded chicken (suggestions above). It’s also great for quesadillas, tacos, and sandwiches. Use the chicken within 5 days or freeze leftovers in an air-tight container for up to 6 months.
Boil. Place chicken in a large pot, fill with water to cover chicken breasts completely. Boil for 16-20 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink and juices run clear.
Bake. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Add ½ cup of water to 9x13 (inch) baking dish. Place chicken breasts in dish in single layer. Season to taste with Mrs. Dash seasoning (optional). Bake for 45-50 minutes or until center of chicken is no longer pink and juices run clear.
Sautee. Cut chicken into 1 inch chunks. Heat 1 tbsp. olive oil in medium sauce pan over medium-high heat. Add chicken and sauté for 5-6 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink in the center and juices run clear.

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Preparing Meals for the Week and How to Store It
Preparing some of you food before the week, makes it easier to stick to a meal plan.
By putting lunches in Tupperware you can easily grab and go!

Chicken. We Recommend Preparing Twice a Week for Fridge Storage. (Sunday and Wednesday).
1. For chicken meal prep, choose one of the suggested cooking methods above.
2. Once chicken is cooked, let cool for a few minutes.
3. Cut chicken breasts in half (½ for each lunch or about ½ cup) and place each half in a separate
Tupperware container. This makes it easy to grab and go for the week ahead.
Sweet Potatoes. Prepare Once a Week for Meal Prep.
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2. Line cookie sheet with foil.
3. Wash potatoes and pat dry.
4. Pierce potatoes with fork in approximately five different places.
5. Line potatoes on foiled cookie sheet and bake for 30 minutes.
6. Turn potatoes.
7. Continue baking for another 30 minutes.
8. Potatoes should be easily cut into with a knife.
9. Remove from oven and let cool for five minutes.
10. Remove skin.
11. Cut potatoes into large chunks, place each half in separate Tupperware (or with prepared chicken) and store in fridge for lunches and snacks throughout the week.
Vegetables. If vegetables are part of your lunch, our favorite way to prepare veggies is to buy them in the frozen foods section. This makes it easy and convenient to toss into a microwave safe bowl and microwave according to package directions. You can prepare entire bags of vegetables and separate into Tupperware for the week or prepare them daily, for this reason, preparing frozen food is very effective.
Eggs. You can prepare deviled eggs and store them in the fridge for about 4-5 days. Also, if you’re like me and not a huge fan of eggs (I hate the yolk of eggs), I absolutely love egg whites and you might like them too. They are much lighter and easy to get down, in my opinion. You can find these in the cold section next the eggs at your local grocery store. They come in a pourable paper carton.
Making the Most of your Meals. We have done our best to include meals fit for families. Regarding the recipes, if you feel the dinners are too large for you or you’re not interested in it, you can substitute it with one of the lunches or prepare only half of the recipe. We tried our best to use the slow cooker chicken for week and week two.
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Healthy Snacks
Choose a healthy snack if you find yourself hungry or if you would like to swap out a certain snack for another, go ahead! Just choose something similar in nutrients to the snack you want to swap.
2 cups Popped White Popcorn - 61 calories, 2g protein, 12g carbs, 1g fat
1 Small Baked Sweet Potato - 56 calories, 1g protein, 13g carbs, 0g fat
1 Banana – 105 calories, 0g protein, 27g carbs, 0g fat
½ cup Blueberries - 40calories, 0g protein, 9g carbs, 0g fat
6 Strawberries - 23 calories, 0g protein, 5g carbs, 0g fat
½ cup Broccoli - 35 calories, 2g protein, 5g carbs, 0g fat
½ cup Cauliflower -30 calories, 1g protein, 5g carbs, 0g fat
Tuna with Celery Sticks (recipe on page) – 100 calories, 12g protein, 1g carbs, 6g fat
Greek Yogurt – 100 calories, 13g protein, 11g carbs, 0g fat
1 Medium Apple with 1 tbsp. Peanut Butter – 179 calories, 5g protein, 25g carbs, 8g fat
Skinny Cow Fudge Bar - 100 calories, 4g protein, 22g carbs, 1g fat
1 Quakes Apple Cinnamon Rice Cake – 50 calories, 1g protein, 11g carbs, 0g fat
String Cheese – 80 calories, 7g protein, 1g carbs, 5g fat
¼ cup Dry Roasted Almonds – 160 calories, 6g protein, 7g carbs, 13g fat
½ cup Low-Fat Cottage Cheese – 100 calories, 12g protein, 5g carbs, 0g fat
1 Hardboiled Egg – 70 calories, 6g protein, 0g carbs, 5g fat
2 tbsp. Almond or Peanut Butter with 3 Celery Sticks – 208 calories, 8 g protein, 11g carbs, 16g fat
½ cup Cottage Cheese and 6 Strawberries - 123 calories, 12g protein, 10g carbs, 0g fat
Dryer’s Outshine Strawberry Popsicle – 70 calories, 0g protein, 17g carbs, 0g fat
Cinnamon Apples (recipe on page) - 66 calories, 0g protein, 17g carbs, 1g fat
½ cup Broccoli, ½ cup Cauliflower, Salt & Pepper to Taste – 65 calories, 3g protein, 10g carbs, 0g fat
Greek Yogurt and 4 Strawberries – 123 calories, 13g protein, 14g carbs, 0g fat
½ cup Edamame – 90 calories, 8g protein, 2g carbs, 8g fat
½ cup Prepared Chicken – 170 calories, 25g protein, 0g carbs, 7g fat
1 Sautéed Zucchini (chopped) with 1 tbsp. Soy Sauce - 43 calories, 3g protein, 7g carbs, 1g fat

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Recipe Index

Avocado Turkey Patty____________________________________________________
Calories 269 | Protein 20g | Fat 14g | Carbs 7g
(This is delicious and could also be used for dinner. You could simply add a bun for a turkey burger or if you’re in the mood for a protein style burger wrap your patty up in some lettuce and add a tomato)

1 tbsp. Olive or canola oil
1 Avocado chopped or sliced
½ Lime (the juice)
Salt and pepper to taste
1 lb. Ground turkey
½ cup reduced fat grated cheddar cheese
½ onion (red or white)
1. Mix together the avocado, lime juice, and ¼ salt and pepper in a bowl
2. Mix together the ground turkey (uncooked) cheddar cheese, chopped onion, some salt and pepper with your hands until just combined form the turkey mixture into 5 patties
3. Heat a skillet with the oil on medium/high heat cook each patty for about 8 minutes on each side
4. Place the patty on a plate and top with avocado mixture and onion (you may also add tomato and lettuce) Makes 5 patties. Serving size is 1

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Balsamic Vinegar Chicken with Vegetables*______________________________________
Calories 330 | Protein 22.2 | Fat 18.9 | Carbs 20.5
1 lb. Boneless skinless chicken breasts
1/3 cup Balsamic vinegar
¼ cup Olive oil
1 Garlic clove, minced
1 tbsp. Rosemary
1 Medium onion, chopped into large chunks
3 Carrots, cut into 3 inch pieces
*Family Friendly*
Add small red potatoes for the family
3-4 Small red potatoes, cut into fourths
Mix olive oil, balsamic vinegar, garlic and rosemary together and transfer to a large Ziploc bag. Add chicken and place in fridge for 1-2 hours.
Preheat oven to 400. Place chicken in glass baking dish. Arrange vegetables in single layer around chicken (make sure not to let the vegetables touch the chicken). Pour marinade over chicken and vegetables. Bake chicken for 25-30 minutes, until chicken is thoroughly cooked and no longer pink.
Remove chicken and bake vegetables for another 5-10 minutes until tender.

Serves 4. Calories listed are for 1 serving.

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Banana Oat Bars
Calories 60 | Protein 3 | Fat 2 | Carbs 10
2 Smashed Banana
1 cup Dry Oats
1 tbsp. Peanut Butter
Cinnamon (optional)
1. Mix all ingredients together. Form a ball or form it into bars sprinkle with cinnamon
2. Bake at 350 for 12 minutes

Serves 10. Serving size is 1 bar. Calories listed are for 1 serving
Chicken Fajita Bowl*_________________________________________________________
Calories 350 | Protein 25 | Fat 10 | Carbs 45
3 Boneless, skinless chicken breasts
2 Bell peppers, any color
1 Medium onion
1 Fajita seasoning packet
1 Lime
1 tbsp. Olive oil
*Family Friendly*
Add Tortillas, cheese and sour cream to make a family friendly dinner
Optional Toppings for Everyone: Lettuce, salsa, avocado, cilantro,

1. Slice your chicken and cook in the olive oil in a skillet over med/high heat
2. Once chicken is cooked add in fajita seasoning
3. Slice your bell peppers and onion and add them to the chicken mixture cook for about 5 minutes until vegetables are softened
4. Serve over ½ cup brown rice and top with avocado, lettuce, salsa, cilantro and a sprinkle of cheese

Serves 5. Calories listed are for 1 serving.
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Chicken Zucchini Enchilada Boat*______________________________________________
Calories 342 | Protein 32 | Fat 19 | Carbs 12
(I know these sound weird but they are actually my husband’s favorite dinner!)

4 Zucchini
1 tbsp. olive oil
2 Garlic cloves, minced
½ cup green peppers, diced
2 Boneless skinless chicken breasts cooked and shredded
¼ cup cilantro chopped
1 tbsp. tomato paste
3 tbsp. water
1 tsp cumin
½ tsp. chili powder
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 can red enchilada sauce
*Family Friendly*
Add Spanish rice to make a family friendly dinner.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Bring six cups of water to a boil. Cut zucchini in half, length wise and scoop out the middle leaving approximately a quarter inch thickness around the edges. Chop up the removed portions of zucchini, add cut zucchini halves into boiling water and cook for about one minute. In a large sauce pan add oil and heat over med-high. Add in garlic and bell pepper, cook for approximately two minutes. Add in zucchini, cilantro, cumin, chili powder, tomato paste and water and cook for three minutes. Add shredded chicken and cook for two more minutes. In a large baking dish, add half a can of red enchilada sauce. Then, place zucchini boats in a single layer and spoon chicken filling into the boats. Poor remaining enchilada sauce onto the boats and sprinkle with shredded cheese. Cover tightly with foil and bake for thirty minutes until cheese is melted.

Serves 4. Calories listed are for 1 serving.

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Chicken Marinara Pasta_____________________________________________________________
Calories 454 | Protein 36 | Fat 9 | Carbs 58
2 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, cut into 1” strips
2 tbsp. Olive oil (separated)
1 Jar Prego marinara sauce
3 Cups Barilla plus penne pasta
2 Zucchini, cut into ¼” – ½” disks
1 Yellow squash, cut into ¼” – ½” disks
Heat 1 tbsp. olive oil in large sauce pan over medium-high heat.
Prepare penne pasta according to package.
Add cut chicken to large pan and cook 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally, until chicken is no longer pink and cooked thoroughly. Once chicken is cooked through reduce heat to low and add jar of marinara sauce. Heat 1 tbsp. olive oil in small sauce pan over medium heat.
Add cut zucchini and squash to small sauce pan and sauté for 5-7 minutes. Once cooked, reduce
Drain penne pasta and add to chicken and marinara sauce. Let simmer.

Serves 4. Calories listed are for 1 serving.

Chicken Salad_______________________________________________________________
Calories 297 | Protein 23 | Fat 16 | Carbs 15
½ cup Chicken or ½ chicken breast
2 cups Baby spinach
½ Avocado, sliced
3 tbsp. Balsamic V
Add all ingredients on bowl, drizzle with balsamic vinegar.

Serves 1. Calories listed are for 1 serving.
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Chicken Strips with Sweet Potato Fries*__________________________________________
Calories 371 | Protein 33.6 | Fat 11.1 | Carbs 34
3 Boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into strips
2 Eggs, beaten
1/3 cup All-purpose flour
3 cups Cornflakes, finely crushed
1 tsp. Poultry seasoning (optional)
1 tbsp. Water
½ Package of Ore-Ida frozen sweet potato fries
*Family Friendly*
Serve with dipping sauces for the family (ranch, BBQ, sweet and sour)
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place cornflakes into Ziploc baggy and crush up, using a rolling pin. Mix cornflakes with flour and poultry seasoning. Beat eggs with water, dip chicken strips into eggs and then roll in cornflakes, pressing down to cover completely. Place covered chicken strips on lightly greased cookie sheet. Bake for 30 minutes until chicken is cooked through and no longer pink.
Bake fries according to package.

Serves 4. Calories listed are for 1 serving.

Chicken Taco Salad*__________________________________________________________
Calories 252 | Protein 29.6 | Fat 11.8 | Carbs 7.3
3 Boneless skinless chicken breasts
Chicken Taco Seasoning (we love McCormick’s)
4 cups Romaine lettuce, chopped
1 Avocado, diced
2 Roma tomatoes, diced
2.25 oz. can Sliced Black Olives
1 can Black beans
*Family Friendly Dinner*
Add tortillas, shredded cheddar cheese and a package of Knorr Spanish rice for the family
Prepare chicken as directed on McCormick seasoning packet ***or in crockpot***
Add ½ cup cooked chicken onto 1 cup bed of romaine lettuce. Top with tomatoes, olives and avocado.
Serve chicken on warm tortillas with toppings and a side of Spanish rice for the family.

Serves 4. Calories listed are for 1 serving.
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Chicken Veggie Stir-Fry _______________________________________________________
Calories 322 | Protein 25.6 | Fat 9.1 | Carbs 36.1
(Easy to prepare and tastes great!)

1 lb. Boneless skinless chicken breasts
2 cups Minute brown rice
2 Garlic cloves, minced
1 12oz. bag of pepper stir-fry (we love bird’s eye)
2 tbsp. Soy sauce
1 tbsp. Olive oil
Heat oil in large skillet over medium-high heat. Add chicken and cook until no longer pink, about 7 minutes. Add stir-fry mix and cook for 5-6 minutes, until veggies are tender and chicken is thoroughly cooked. Serve over bed of brown rice. Drizzle with tablespoon of soy sauce.

Serves 4. Calories listed are for 1 serving.
Cinnamon Apples____________________________________________________________
Calories 66 | Protein 1 | Fat 1 | Carbs 17
2 Medium apples, peeled and cubed
½ tbsp. Cinnamon
½ tbsp. Butter
Add butter to medium sauce pan and heat over medium-high. Once butter is melted, add in cubed apples, stirring to make sure apples get coated in butter. Cook for 1-2 minutes until they become golden. Add in cinnamon and stir. Reduce heat to low and cover for 10 minutes or until they become tender. Serves 4. Calories listed are for 1 serving.

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Creamy Spaghetti Bake_______________________________________________________
Calories 423 | Protein 33 | Fat 17 | Carbs 33
(You may use any type of pasta when preparing this meal I have made it with angel hair noodles bow ties but my favorite is corkscrew they are my daughters favorite)

1 cup Pasta of your choice, dry (to obtain calories I used Garofalo noodles found at Costco)
2 cups Prego heart smart spaghetti sauce
1 lb. Lean ground turkey
1 tsp. Garlic salt
Pinch of salt and pepper
1 tsp. Italian seasoning
½ cup Light cream cheese
½ cup Grated parmesan cheese
1. Cook pasta according to directions on package, only to al dente.
2. Meanwhile, heat a large skillet over medium heat. Add ground turkey, garlic salt, salt and pepper. Brown the ground turkey until cooked through. Stir in your spaghetti sauce.
3. Drain and place cooked pasta back into your pan. Add in the cream cheese and Italian seasoning.
Stir until cream cheese is melted (this is easier if your cream cheese is at room temperature, but it will still work if it isn’t).
4. Lightly grease a 2-quart casserole dish (a 9×13 baking dish would work too). Spread a small amount of meat sauce in the bottom of the dish.
5. Put spaghetti on top of sauce and top with remaining meat sauce. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese on top. 6. Bake for 30 minutes on 350 or until bubbly.

Serve and enjoy!

Serves 4. Calories listed are for 1 serving. Be aware that this does make quite a bit.

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Deviled Eggs________________________________________________________________
Calories 80 | Protein 6 | Fat 5 | Carbs 1
(I’m not a huge fan of eggs, but LOVE deviled eggs. I hope you love them too! If you’d prefer you can choose to just eat plain boiled eggs, which are good too)

5 Eggs
1 ½ tsp. Mayonnaise (or more to taste)
½ tsp. Mustard (more or taste)
1 tsp. Relish (optional)
Paprika – for garnish
Place 6 eggs in medium pot and fill with water until eggs are completely submerged. Bring water to a full boil. Remove from heat, cover and let sit for 15 minutes. Drain and place eggs in bowl of ice water.
Peel egg shell under running cold water and set aside. Once all eggs are peeled, cut eggs in half lengthwise and carefully remove yolk into a separate bowl. Add mayonnaise, mustard and relish into bowl with yolk. Blend ingredients together until creamy. Spoon mixture back into empty egg white shells. Sprinkle tops with paprika and place in Tupperware for fridge storage. Prepared eggs can be stored in the fridge for 2-4 days.
Serving size is 1 prepared egg (2 halves)

Fit and Fabulous Ranch Dressing_________________________________________________
(Are you craving ranch try this on any of your salads)

1 cup Non-fat plain Greek yogurt
½ cup Low fat milk (1%)
½ tsp. Onion powder
½ tsp. Parsley flakes
½ tsp. Salt
1/8 tsp. Garlic powder
1/8 tsp. Black pepper
Mix all ingredients together and serve on top of any salad (shake well)

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Sweet Potato Mexican Skins____________________________________________________
Calories 216 | Protein 6 | Fat 4 | Carbs 38
3 Medium sweet potatoes
1 can of corn, rinsed and patted dry
1 can of black beans, rinsed and drained
1 tbsp. Butter
½ Yellow onion, chopped
2 Canned chipotle pepper in adobo sauce, minced or pureed
¼ cup Light cream cheese
¼ cup Light sour cream
1 tsp. Salt (+more to taste)
½ cup Cilantro, roughly chopped
6 tbsp. Shredded cheese (pepper jack, cheddar, Colby jack…anything will work)
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Bake the sweet potatoes for 45-60 minutes.
2. While sweet potatoes are baking, place corn in a heavy cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat with no butter or oil. Sprinkle with salt and other
Mexican seasoning (as much as you want). Do not stir! Let corn roast for several minutes before stirring. Let it roast for a few more minutes before stirring again. Continue this for about 10 minutes, until corn is browned and roasted on the outside. Set aside in a small bowl with the black beans.
3. Sauté the onion in the butter over medium heat until soft and translucent. Set aside.
4. Remove sweet potatoes from the oven when fork-tender. Let cool for 5-10 minutes. Cut the sweet potatoes in half. Scrape the flesh of the sweet potatoes out, leaving the skins intact. Sometimes leaving a thin layer of potato inside of the skins helps them hold together better.
5. Mix the flesh of the sweet potatoes with the cream cheese, sour cream, chipotle peppers, and salt. You can use a mixer or just a spoon, depending on how soft the potatoes are. When well-mixed, gently stir in the black beans, roasted corn, sautéed onions, and cilantro.
6. Scoop the filling into the skins and top each with 1 tablespoon shredded cheese. Broil for about 5 minutes or until cheese is melted.

Serves 6. Calories listed are for 1 ½ potato skins. Each serving size is one skin.

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Lemon Chicken with Brown Rice*________________________________________________
Calories 313 | Protein 24.2 | Fat 9.1 | Carbs 36.4
(This is mine and my family’s favorite dinner. It’s quick and easy and tastes so good)

3 Boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 tbsp. Olive oil
2 Garlic cloves, minced
1 Onion, diced
1 Lemon, juiced
Zest of the juiced lemon
1 ¾ cups Chicken broth
2 cups Minute brown rice
*Family Friendly Dinner*
Add frozen broccoli or canned corn for family.
Heat oil in large skillet over medium-high heat. Add chicken, cook about 5 minutes. Add garlic and continue cooking 3 minutes, until chicken is no longer pink. Add in lemon zest, lemon juice, rice and chicken broth. Bring to a boil, remove from heat, cover and let stand for 5-7 minutes. Fluff with a fork and serve. Prepare frozen broccoli according to package and serve with chicken and rice for family.

Serves 4. Calories listed are for 1 serving.

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Protein Burger with Sweet Potato Fries___________________________________________
Calories 248 | Protein 25 | Fat 7 | Carbs 15
(Homemade hamburgers are a favorite at our house, especially paired with sweet potato fries!)

1 lb. lean hamburger
2 roma tomatoes, sliced
1 avocado, sliced
1 head of romaine lettuce leaves
Mustard (optional)
*Family Friendly*
Add cheese and hamburger buns for family friendly dinner
Preheat a large sauce pan over medium-high heat. Separate hamburger meat into four equally sized balls, then press down on the top of the ball to make into a patty. Smooth and shape the patty until its circular. Place burger patties on the sauce pan and cook for three to four minutes or until meat is no longer pink. Wrap hamburger patty in two romaine lettuce leaves. Add a slice of tomato and three to four avocado slices. For family friendly option add cheese and use hamburger bun in place of lettuce leaves. Serves 4. Calories listed are for 1 serving

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Oatmeal Buttermilk Pancakes___________________________________________________
Calories 248 | Protein 25 | Fat 7 | Carbs 15
3 cups rolled oats
3 cups buttermilk
Combine oats and buttermilk mix well and soak in fridge overnight.
3 eggs lightly beaten
6 Tbsp. melted butter (cooled)
¾ cup raisins
Cup flour
3 Tbsp. sugar
1 ½ tsp baking soda
1 ½ tsp baking powder
¾ tsp cinnamon
3/8 tsp salt
Add eggs, butter, and raisins to oatmeal / milk mixture. Sift dry ingredients together, add to oatmeal mix. Stir together until moist. Can add up to 3 tbsp. more milk or buttermilk if dough is too dry or thick. Cook on lightly greased griddle on med heat
Makes about 30 pancakes.

Serves 15. Serving size is 2 pancakes. Calories listed are for 1 serving.
Orange Chicken Salad _________________________________________________________
½ cup slow cook shredded chicken
2 cups Romaine lettuce
1 Small mandarin orange or ½ can sliced almonds
1/8 cup Crumbled feta cheese
2 tbsp. Orange salad dressing (recipe on page 41)
Toss all ingredients into a bowl and enjoy!

Serves 1. Calories listed are for 1 serving
41 | F e e d Y o u r s e l f F i t : T h e P l a n

Orange Salad Dressing_________________________________________________________
(Quick and easy to top any chicken salad)

¼ cup Orange juice
1 tbsp. White wine vinegar
1 tsp. Olive oil
Mix all ingredients together and serve on top of any salad

Skillet Pork and Peppers_______________________________________________________
Calories 567 | Protein 48 | Fat 30 | Carbs 17
(Did you know that pork tenderloin is just as lean as skinless, boneless chicken breasts.)

1 Large pork tenderloin (about 1.5 lbs.), trimmed
3 tbsp. Olive oil
1 Small onion, thickly sliced
2 Bell peppers red yellow or green, sliced into wide strips
6 Garlic cloves, smashed
8 Fresh sage leaves
2 tbsp. Tomato paste
1/3 cup Dry white wine
2/3 cup Low sodium chicken broth
¼ cup Grated parmesan cheese
1. Slice the pork into 1 inch thick pieces; season with salt. Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat; add 2 tbsps. of olive oil to the skillet. Add the pork and sear over high heat until browned, 2 to 4 minutes per side.
2. Use the remaining 1 tbsp. olive oil to cook the onion and peppers over medium heat just until tender
(you may use the same pan that you cooked the pork in or a separate one)
3. Now transfer the pork onion and peppers to a plate. Reduce the heat to medium and add the garlic, sage and tomato paste to the skillet. Cook, stirring until the tomato paste turns dark red about 1 minute. Pour in the wine and bring to a boil add the broth and bring it to a simmer. Add the pork peppers and onion to the skillet sprinkle with cheese. Transfer the skillet to the oven and broil until the pork is cook through, 4 to 7 minutes.

Serves 4. Serving size is 1/3 of meal. Calories listed are for 1 serving.
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Slow Cooker Pear, Carrot and Balsamic Chicken_____________________________________
Calories 150 | Protein 23 | Fat 2 | Carbs 12
(Not the best looking dish but it makes up for it in taste)

1 ½ lbs. Boneless, skinless chicken breasts
2 Medium pears, cored and sliced thick
2 Carrots, peeled and cut into 2 inch pieces
¾ cup Balsamic vinegar
1 tsp. Salt
½ tsp. Pepper
2 cups Brown Rice
Place all ingredients into slow cooker and let cook for about 4-6 hours on low.
Serve over ½ cup brown rice for each serving.

Serves 4. Calories listed are for 1 serving

Slow Cooker Shredded Chicken__________________________________________________
Calories 323 | Protein 24.6 | Fat 8 | Carbs 42.1
(Not the best looking dish but it makes up for it in taste)

4 Boneless skinless chicken breast (frozen or thawed)
1 ½ cup Low sodium chicken broth or chicken stock
1 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Pepper
Place all ingredients in your slow cooker and cook on low for about 8 hours (4 hours on high). You’ll know when the chicken is done when it is super tender and will easily shred. You can also temp it to be sure- chicken should temp to 165 degrees (I use my favorite instant read thermometer for this).
Remove the chicken from the slow cooker and shred using two forks. Use this chicken in all of your favorite recipes that call for pre-cooked shredded chicken (suggestions above). It’s also great for quesadillas, tacos, and sandwiches. Use the chicken within 5 days or freeze leftovers in an air-tight container for up to 6 months.

Serves 6. Serving size is 1 ½ cups. Calories listed are for 1 serving.
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Stuffed Pepper Jack Chicken with Squash___________________________________________
Calories 295 | Protein 44 | Fat 11 | Carbs 5
½ cup Pepper jack shredded cheese
2 cups Baby spinach
4 Boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 tbsp. Olive oil
1 tbsp. Cajun seasoning
4 cups Yellow squash (2 medium)
1. Combine the cheese and 2 cups of the spinach in a bowl. Cut a deep hole in the thickest part of the chicken breast. Stuff the spinach and cheese mixture into the chicken. Brush the chicken with olive oil and season with salt and the Cajun spice blend.
2. Heat a large cast iron skillet over high heat for about 5 minutes. Cook the chicken until blackened for 3 to 4 minutes turn the chicken over and cook the other side. Transfer the skillet to the oven and bake at 375 for about 10 to 15 minutes or until the thickest part of the chicken breast registers 155 on the thermometer.
3. While your chicken is baking cook the remaining 2 cups spinach and squash with olive oil in a pan over medium heat, season with salt and cook until the squash is just tender, 2-3 minutes.
4. Slice your chicken and serve with the squash and spinach mixture, Enjoy!

Serves 4. Calories listed are for 1 serving.

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Tilapia, Rice and Vegetables
Calories 323 | Protein 24.6 | Fat 8 | Carbs 42.1
Gordon’s Simple Bake Tilapia (single serving is 1 filet)
2 cups Minute brown rice
2 Zucchini squash, chopped
1 Yellow squash, chopped
1 tbsp. Olive oil
Bake tilapia according to package. Cook minute rice according to package.
During last 10 minutes of fish cooking, heat oil in medium skillet over medium-high heat. Add chopped squash and sauté until squash becomes tender, about 6 minutes. Serve tilapia on bed of brown rice and pair with sautéed squash.

Serves 4. Calories listed are for 1 serving.

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Turkey Breast with Carrots____________________________________________________________
Calories 308 | Protein 27 | Fat 15 | Carbs 30
(Growing up my family always threw in a beef roast pork roast or turkey breast for Sunday dinner in a Dutch oven pot and let it cook for 2 to 3 hours according to how big the roast was this is one of my Sunday favorites because it fills the house with a delicious home cooked meal smell, add rolls to the dinner for your littles and it is the perfect Sunday meal and the best part is that it doesn’t take you all day to prepare)

3-5 lbs. Turkey breast
1 tbsp. seasoning salt
2 tsp. Garlic powder
1 tsp. Onion powder
1 Gravy packet (optional, use the gravy packet that comes with the turkey breast. Some are sold with one) 1 cup Water
5 Carrots, peeled and cut into 2 inch pieces (or use a bag of baby carrots)
1. Place turkey breast in a Dutch oven pot (oven safe pot with lid) pour gravy packet and water onto the turkey
2. Sprinkle seasonings over the turkey breast
3. Place carrots around the turkey
4. Cover your pot and bake @325 for 2-3 hours

Serves 4-6, depending on size of turkey breast. Serving size is 1 cup of turkey, ½ cup carrots. Calories listed are for 1 serving

Tuna and Celery______________________________________________________________
Calories 100 | Protein 12g | Fat 6g | Carbs 1g
Divide tuna mixture in half and store half in Tupperware in fridge or use for kids’ lunches.
1 can tuna (solid white, in water)
1 tbsp. Mayonnaise
Drain can of tuna and rinse with water. In a small bowl empty tuna and mash shred with a fork until shredded. Add mayonnaise and mix together. Take 2 cleaned celery sticks to dip in tuna.

Serves 1. Calories listed are for 1 serving
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Tuna Salad__________________________________________________________________
Calories 231 | Protein 26 | Fat 12 | Carbs 5
1 can of tuna (solid white, in water)
1 tbsp. mayonnaise
¼ cup chopped celery
1 cup baby spinach
1 cup romaine lettuce chopped
Salt and pepper (to taste)
Drain can of tuna and rinse with water. In a small bowl empty tuna, add mayonnaise and chopped celery and mash with a fork until shredded. Add spinach, romaine and salt and pepper to taste.

Serves 1. Calories listed are for 1 serving

Tuna Sandwich______________________________________________________________
Full - Calories 344 | Protein 21 | Fat 37 | Carbs 15
Open Face – Calories 254 | Protein 17 | Fat 19 | Carbs 14

1 can tuna (solid white, in water)
1 tbsp. Mayonnaise
1 tbsp. relish (optional)
½ celery stick, chopped (optional)
2 pieces of whole grain bread (toasted optional)
Drain can of tuna and rinse with water. In a small bowl empty tuna, add mayonnaise, relish and chopped celery and mash with a fork until shredded. Spread evenly on toast and enjoy.
Open Face – 1 Piece of bread. Full – 2 Pieces of bread

Serves 1. Calories listed are for 1 serving
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Turkey Wrap_______________________________________________________________
Calories 308 | Protein 27 | Fat 15 | Carbs 30
8 slices of deli turkey meat
1 slice of flat out multi-grain wrap
½ avocado mashed
1 cup of baby spinach leaves
1 tbsp. mustard (optional)
Open multi-grain wrap and spread mashed avocado and mustard. Place spinach and turkey meat, wrap tightly, cut in half and enjoy.

Serves 1. Calories listed are for 1 serving

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Vietnamese Pho____________________________________________________________
Calories 340 | Protein 24 | Fat 5 | Carbs 50
(Simply delicious! You can create a chicken pho or a beef pho just substitute chicken broth instead of beef and cooked shredded chicken)

8 ounces Rice noodles
12 ounces Lean beef sirloin
Salt and pepper to taste
1 Medium onion, halved
1 Piece of ginger root, unpeeled, halved
3 cups Low sodium beef broth
3 cups Water
5 Garlic cloves
1 Cinnamon stick
3 Green onions
2 Jalapeno peppers
½ cup Fresh basil
2 tbsp. Fish sauce
1 cup Bean sprouts
3 Limes, cut into wedges
1. Prepare the rice noodles as directed on the label.
2. Meanwhile, place a large pot over high heat. Poke the meat all over with a fork to tenderize it and season with salt and pepper. Sear the meat until charred, 2 to 3 minutes per side then transfer to a plate. Add the onion and ginger to the pot; cook about 4 minutes. Add the broth, 3 cups of water, the cloves and cinnamon; reduce the heat and simmer for 20 minutes.
3. While your broth is simmering thinly slice the green onions and jalapenos (remove the seeds!) and tear the basil so it is just the leaves. Thinly slice the meat. Drain the rice noodles.
4. Add the fish sauce to the broth and boil 5 minutes. Discard the ginger cloves and cinnamon stick so you are left with just the broth. Remove and slice the onion. Add the noodles and meat to the broth.
Serve in bowls and top with bean sprouts basil and limes.

Serves 4. Calories listed are for 1 serving

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Veggie Tostada____________________________________________________________
Calories 248 | Protein 10 | Fat 2 | Carbs 44
2 Tostadas
½ cup Black beans
¼ cup Corn
1 cup Romaine, chopped
1 Roma tomato, chopped
2 tbsp. Salsa
Layer ingredients on top of tostadas. Enjoy!

Serves 1. Calories listed are for 1 serving

50 | F e e d Y o u r s e l f F i t : T h e P l a n

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