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Submitted By lisafred
Words 1134
Pages 5
Diabetic Nephropathy

Introduction My grandmother means the world to me even though she may not know it. When my grand mother reached her early 40’s she was diagnosis with diabetes. My grand mother today is now 70 years of age. Through out the years of her having diabetes it has made her mentally strong but physically weak. From day to day, and through all the years my grandmother’s body broke down slowly but surely. Along with her diabetes my grand mother has also been diagnosis with high blood pressure and high cholesterol. But like I stated earlier she became mentally strong and more capable to deal with whatever life had in store for her. Unfortunately 1 year ago my grandmother once again was diagnosed with another disease called Diabetic Nephropathy. This disease became very dangerous to my grandmother’s life and thank God that she is the person that she is because she continues to fight.

Definition Diabetic Nephropathy is a disease that damages the kidneys. The damages that are done to the kidneys are usually the result of complications that come from having diabetes. Diabetic Nephropathy can also be called Kimmelstiel-Wilson disease or diabetic glomerulosclerosis. But regardless what name you give this disease it still takes the same toll on a person’s body by damaging their kidney.

Etiology According to , the exact cause of Diabetic Nephropathy is unknown. But through different studies the caused is believed to be caused by high uncontrolled blood sugar usually found in diabetic patients. In some cases it can be caused by your genes or family history may play a role. The kidney is very important to the body it filters the blood of the body helping the body to maintain homeostasis. Each kidney is made up of hundreds of nephrons that act as filters. The nephrons have a group of tiny blood vessels called glomerulus’s. Together these structures help remove waste from the body. To much waste build up is caused by high blood sugar levels which lead to the development of damaged glomerulus blood vessels. The glomerulus then becomes thickened and scarred. Slowly the glomerulus begins to leak protein albumin which passes through the urine.
A person with diabetes with certain risk factors such as being African American, Hispanic or American Indian origin; with family history of kidney disease or high blood pressure can be at risk for getting this disease. Also poor control of blood pressure, poor control of high blood sugar, type 1 diabetes before age 20 and even being a smoker can lead to the development of Diabetic Nephropathy disease.

Signs and Symptoms In the beginning stages of Diabetic Nephropathy there are not really any signs or symptoms. But as the disease reaches its later stages the body begins to show signs and symptoms of the disease. In the later stages of diabetic nephropathy symptoms begins to show signs of a failing kidney. The symptoms and signs that may develop are feeling fatigue, foaming or frothing of the urine, frequent hiccups, general ill feeling, generalized itching, headaches, nausea and vomiting, poor appetite, or swelling of the legs. Also in the late stages around the eyes swell usually in the morning, along with general body swelling and unintentional weight gain from fluid build up. Every sign and symptom I mentioned I have seen it with my own eyes take place as my grandmother went through her late stages of Diabetic Nephropathy. Constantly I have helped my grand mother scratch and lotion her skin to soothe the irritation of itching from the disease. Her appetite is even horrible to think about because she hardly has one. A skeleton with skin and a huge stomach as if she live in a deprived part of the world which had no food. She is always sick and sleep a lot but she still fight this disease mentally it will never get the best of her.

Diagnosis In order to diagnosis Diabetic Nephropathy a doctor will send his patient for urinalysis testing Bun or serum creatinine to test levels of glucose and protein in the urine. If urine results come back with high levels of glucose and protein in the urine the doctor can assume that his patient might have Diabetic Nephropathy. In order to make a definite diagnosis with substantial evidence the doctor will have a biopsy of the kidney. A doctor can also get substantial evidence if urine results continue to come back with high levels of protein after many test; or if the patient has no other kidney or renal tract disease.

Treatment With any disease the goal is to keep the disease from getting worse, also preventing complications that come along with the disease this would be the same procedure for Diabetic Nephropathy. There are different ways that you can control this disease so that it does not become fatal to your life. For home remedies to control this disease you should keep your blood pressure and blood sugar under control with the right diet and exercise. If you’re unable to control these things at home your doctor can prescribe medication to help control you blood sugar and blood pressure. The medication that the doctor might prescribe to you to help control your blood pressure might be along the lines of these medications ACE inhibitors (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor) or ARB’s (Angiotensin receptor blockers). This drugs help reduce the amount of protein in the urine. According to these treatments combined together are the best actions to take when controlling this disease. A doctor may also prescribe medications like artificial insulin such as humilin to help control high blood sugar. Dialysis may also be necessary if renal failure occurs. The last option might be a kidney transplant but in most case it might be too late if this disease is found in the late stages.

According to diabetic nephropathy is one of the leading causes of sickness and death in people who have diabetes that have reached the end stages of kidney disease or kidney failure.
In this paper I have introduce you to the dangerous disease of Diabetic Nephropathy, by giving you the definition, etiology, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. I have also told you the story about my grand mother dealing with this disease. As for me I have learned a great deal about this disease, and have grown even more respect for my grandmother. Can you believe through this all she still stays strong and is still fights? Whatever Diabetic Nephropathy has in-store for her she controls and deal this disease its cards.

Kinn’s Medical Assistant 10th Addition
Human Body Health and Disease 4th Addition

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