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Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane, better known as DDT, is a chemical that became the first modern synthetic insecticide. Initially DDT was a means to fight against the spread of malaria, typhus, and other insect borne diseases that threatened individuals. However, it soon spread to become a way to control insects in crop and livestock production, and homes. This universal solution to insects however, proved to be not as perfect as many thought. Evidence began to emerge that the chemical posed not only harm upon the environment and the wildlife, but also potential human health risks; this prompting the EPA to ban its use in the United States. Some of the risks range from reproductive effects to carcinogenic (cancer causing) effects (“DDT - …show more content…
This paper will examine the historical origins of DDT as well as the support and criticism behind its use, additionally the impact on both the environment and its inhabitants, as well as on humans. The origins of DDT date back to 1874 when it was first synthesized. The use and possibilities of the chemical remained unknown though for many years. In 1939 Swiss chemist Paul Hermann Müller realized the chemical had insecticide properties, even obtaining a Nobel Peace Prize in 1948 for his findings. With the discovery the chemical commercialized quickly, the first through the Swiss company J. R, Geigy A.G. in 1942. DDT’s first widespread use began in World War II as a defense against typhus by killing lice for both Allied troops and civilians. While a means to control lice already existed, with pyrethrum powder, it was hard to obtain during the war as the powder was mainly obtained from …show more content…
The first of many lawsuits began with farmers and beekeepers who sought compensation for their losses and to stop the aerial spraying of DDT. A similar case in 1957 sought to stop the spraying of DDT over Long Island, this case gaining enough traction to go to the Supreme Court, though they declined to hear it. One of the people who played a massive role in the fight against DDT was Rachel Carson and her book Silent Spring put out in 1962. Carson’s book detailed the impacts upon the environment DDT created; the book became so widespread and known that it generated massive public support for the banning of DDT. The impact of her book and the public opinion created a decline in the use of DDT, which reached its maximum use in 1961 in the Unite States while globally it took until 1964 for use to decrease. The United States began the process of truly determining the safety of DDT in 1963 with the President’s Science Advisory Committee being charged with reanalyzing pesticides use. Because of the Committee’s findings, it was determined legislative action had to be taken to protect both the land and life; thus in 1964 the Federal Commission on Pest Control was created along with four additional governmental committees. Additionally, come 1970 the findings on the matter prompted the creation of the EPA, the Environmental Protection Agency (Husic and Kähler,

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