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Dictionary Words


Submitted By nataliacurry
Words 648
Pages 3
Natalia Carneiro
Mr. Martinous
Comp 1 – C20
17th September 2015

Dictionary Project Set 2 Acerbic (adj) 1) Sharp and forthright 2) Tasting sour or bitter Ex: The comedian had an acerbic wit. Ex: She was acerbic; no one could handle her. Syn: Sarcastic, caustic Ant: Mild, kind

Auspice (noun) 1) A divine or prophetic token 2) A divination or prognostication, originally from overserving birds Ex: They are under the auspices of the Department of Education. Ex: Every auspice is favorable for the heroine. Syn: Support, guidance Ant: Bleak, doubtful

Bane (noun) 1) A cause of great distress or annoyance 2) Something, typically poison, that causes death Ex: Algebra is the bane of my existence Ex: Bane is Batman’s bane Syn: Plague, nuisance Ant: Friend, aid

Disinterested (adj) 1) Not influenced by considerations of personal advantage 2) Having for feeling for something Ex: A banker is under an obligation to dive disinterested advice. Ex: Her father was so disinterested in her progress that he only visited the school once. Syn: Unbiased, neutral Ant: Interested, engaged

Fatuous (adj) 1) Silly and pointless 2) Unreal, illusory Ex: Teachers that want students to fail are fatuous. Ex: Brazilians are fatuous about politics. Syn: Inane, stupid Ant: Sensible, reasonable

Laconic (adj) 1) Using very few words 2) Using or involving the use of a minimum of words Ex: I am laconic; I like to listen more than I like to talk. Ex: She was laconic, but very opinionated. Syn: Brief, concise Ant: Verbose, loquacious

Mendacity (noun) 1) Untruthfulness 2) An instance of lying Ex: Jim cannot find employment at a bank because of his mendacity. Ex: Edward’s mendacity makes him a big winner at the poker tables. Syn: Deception, deceit Ant: Honest, truthful

Obsequious (adj) 1) Obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree 2)Servilely compliant or deferential Ex: They were served by obsequious waiters Ex: The queen had obsequious servants to shower her with affection Syn: Fawning, ingratiating Ant: Unsubmissive, unservile

Peruse (verb) 1) Read something, typically in a thorough or careful way 2) Examine carefully or at length Ex: He has spent countless hours in libraries perusing art history books and catalogues. Ex: Laura perused a Caravaggio. Syn: Study, inspect Ant: Skip, skim

Poignant (adj) 1) Evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret 2) Sharp or pungent in taste or smell Ex: A poignant reminder of the passing of time. Ex: The book’s ending was poignant. Syn: Touching, moving Ant: Painless, dispassionate Rhetoric (noun) 1) The form of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures or speech and other compositional techniques. 2) Language that has an effect on its audience but lacking in meaningful content. Ex: A form of rhetoric. Ex: All we have from the opposition is empty rhetoric. Syn: Oratory, eloquence Ant: Inarticulateness

Tenacity (noun) 1) The quality or fact of being able to grip something firmly; grip 2) The quality or fact of being very determined; determination Ex: You have to admire the tenacity of males after being turned down; they keep on asking. Ex: It’s sheer tenacity that’s going to get me through school, soccer and my job. Syn: Persistence, perseverance Ant: Weak-willed, compelled

Ubiquitous (adj) 1) Present, appearing, or found everywhere 2) Existing or being everywhere Ex: Ants are ubiquitous. Ex: My family also seems to be hugely ubiquitous. Syn: Omnipresent, everywhere Ant: Aberrant, absent

Veracity (noun) 1) Conformity to fact; accuracy 2) Habitual truthfulness Ex: The police expressed concern about the veracity of their story. Ex: Voters should be concerned about Trump’s veracity and character. Syn: Fidelity, truthfulness Ant: Beguilement, deception

Zealous (adj) 1) Having or showing zeal 2) Great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective Ex: He had a zealous attitude for privatization. Ex: The council was extremely zealous in the application of the regulations. Syn: Fervent, passionate Ant: Apathetic, calm

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