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Difference Between Men and Women in Societty


Submitted By sinful86
Words 781
Pages 4
The Difference between Men and Women in Society
Over the year’s stereotypes, views and places of men and women in society have changed a lot, some for better and some for worse. Some people tend to believe and follow the crowd maybe because certain things were taught to them growing up and hearing it again from others drills it deeper into their minds. Others possibly could be due to the fact that they are not open minded about things like equality and giving other people chances to move above where they sit. Unfortunately that is how the majority of society is and it doesn’t always change for the better. Men and women both are the same in certain aspects but treated so different in many others.
A general setting in where this happens is in society. Before I get into what they are I want to talk about where they come from and what they are influenced by. The main contributor to this subject is the media. Things like music, television, movies, internet and even things like blogs can set an idea or thought and then kick it into motion. The thing that differs how an idea from present time to past time spreads is the media. In this time we have many more influences on society then 50 years ago. Our parents and elders are also a huge part of where we get our views on men and women I society because they get it from their parents and so on, it all goes back so far. Our culture is also so influential on everything we believe nowadays and our culture is what set the ideas for our grandparents and parents to follow. For example, what might seem right to someone of Hispanic decent possibly could not seem right to someone from an Asian background. All that combined is what makes us see the way we look at men and women today.
In today’s time there are still some views on the places of men and women in society that have been around since the 50’s and 60’s. I think the biggest one being that the women’s place is in the kitchen and only at home with the children. Now the men’s job was to work and put bread on the table, basically to be the provider. As time passed society has become more open to the idea of having women in the workplace and stay at home fathers but regardless of that many people still have that cemented into their mindsets that is should not be like that and everyone has their places. The reason for that being what I had stated before of what we were taught by our fathers and mothers and again the media. From a young age little boys and girls learn from not only what they hear but what they see. This is where television comes into play. Little girls are taught to be nurturing and loving and boys to be tough and sometimes even aggressive from TV shows and toys advertised. In a sense, women from the beginning are sort of put at a disadvantage because of how society has made them look, at times the weaker sex. At the same time resulting from that it also opens job opportunities for them in which women now dominate.
There are also some cases where now same as before there is discrimination in the workplace because of gender. Men might not be considered for a daycare position and women will, a women might not considered as a potential employee for a construction job and a man will. All because of how society has come up with ideas of how only this or that sex will be better suited for certain types of work in which some cases could possibly be true but only be true because of how they were brought up. Another big thing is that most of society sees woman as hormonal and emotional and wouldn’t trust them in higher positions to make big decisions due to the idea that they will make a bad one out of anger or spite. Some men could be more nurturing and some woman more physical. These views are what limit men and women not only in work or school but overall life.
What everyone needs to remember is that no one should be given a certain judgment or treatment because of what everyone else thinks or says. All people have the same abilities and same capabilities and should be given a chance to display it. Society has distorted that but with the openness of people today I see that changing very soon for the better.

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