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Do You Know Who Your Best Sales People Are?


Submitted By viviandcunha
Words 652
Pages 3
Lynette Ryals, Iain Davies (2010). Do you know who your best sales people are? Article of Harvard Business Review Dec 1, 2010.

Lynette Ryals and Lain Davies argue in their article despite the increase in the number of sales people taking on greater roles of business development and relationship management, they do not seem to be giving their best to achieve better results. To get a better picture, Lynette and Lain closely watched around eight hundred sales professionals during their live meetings which when completed brought to light eight different sales type. Among the eight just about three sales people were consistently successful in producing a desired result. The rest did not perform up to the mark.

Lynette and Lain conducted a survey according to which the percentage of sales meetings conducted which successfully ended up with a sale came up to just about 9.1%. Salespeople who always were performers and exceeded their targets was just one out of every 250.

Lynette and Lain identified seven behaviours, out of which only four were related to sales success. By mapping how salespeople relied on each behaviour, they came across eight types of salespeople. These eight different sales typewere categorized into two groups out of which the Experts, Closers and the Consultants were placed in the first category called The Best. The Storytellers, Focusers, Narrators, Aggressors and Socializers fell in the next category called The Rest.

The effective skill set related to a success sale consists of rising to the challenge, meeting group, customer interaction, presentation and rapport, company presentation, the sales pitch & the story telling. The three effective types of salespeople include Experts, Closers, and Consultants. Experts (9%) are very good at all the seven skills. Closers (13%) can pull off big product sales, but their smooth-talking style does

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