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Doing Good by Doing Bad


Submitted By anumkhaliddar
Words 3064
Pages 13
Doing Poorly by Doing Good: Corporate Social
Responsibility and Brand Concept
Article Submission
Final Thesis Article
Author: Anum Khalid Dar
Submitted to: Mrs. Mehrukh Salman
Submitted on: 13 April 2015

The idea of brand concept has been used by almost every firm in the world but there has been very little research on what is the impact of brand concept on the consumer’s evaluation of the product. This paper discusses the relation of brand concept with CSR and how it leads to evaluation of the product. Three studies focuses on the relation of CSR and brand concept and the results gathered through experiments reveal that there is a conflict between CSR (selftranscendence) and luxury brand (self-enhancement), the paper also considers the mediating effect of disfluency that triggers a motivational conflict between CSR and self-enhancement which leads to less favorable brand evaluation. The paper also discusses that no such conflicting impact was observed in openness and conservation concepts. The key finding of this paper is the impact of different brand concepts with reference to CSR that leads to brand evaluation. Introduction
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has emerged as an extremely important concept and has gained the attention of many companies.
There have been studies on this topic which illustrates it importance and value that CSR activities can bring in for a firm. The McKinsey conducted a global survey with executives as there respondents with the objective to see how
CSR contributes to shareholder value. The results illustrates that a massive chunk of “76% of executive believes that CSR contributes positively to long-term shareholder value, and
55% of executives agree that sustainability helps their companies build a strong reputation”
(McKinsey, 2010).This shows that CSR is considered to be extremely important

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