Premium Essay

Dota Mortred Guide


Submitted By Assassin557
Words 1110
Pages 5
Mortred's Introduction

Mortred is a paper hero early in the game but later on has significant damage potential. If you play her well and have decent reflexes, you can easily take out an enemy hero before their friends can help them. Playing Mortred is about keeping a low profile in a game and capitalizing on shock value when the enemy does realize you are attacking them. While a well played Mortred is good, many players opt not to use her because she lacks the flashy abilities that attract players to other heroes like Faceless Void or Earthshaker. Remember though, no matter how good you are (unless your opponents are really stupid or underleveled), you cannot take on an entire team by yourself and going against 2 heroes of equal level is generally a bad idea barring having a disabler with you. With all the disclaimers out of the way, let's get into the meat of this guide.

Mortred's Info and Stats

+Extremely hard to run away from
+Has a passive that grants evasion and makes you usually not the target in teambattles
+Has the potential to deal extraordinary damage in a single hit which can play mind games with your opponents
+Phantom Strike allows you to escape or attack opponents and when combined with blur in a teambattle can confuse enemies
+Stifling Dagger has an incredible amount of utility: excellent for last hitting and avoiding nukes early on by being out of range, grants vision of enemies it hits (so if they run up a hill into fog you can still blink after them), can be used to save allies (by slowing the enemy while still keeping out of range of most of their abilities).
+Has above average movespeed
+Has great casting times

-Paper hero (low HP) for a lot of the game
-Disables can destroy her if your enemy is determined to kill you in a team battle and your allies aren't helping much
-Is allergic to blademail as all DPS

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