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Drink Driving Don’t Do It


Submitted By lyndseyr
Words 552
Pages 3
Drink Driving Don’t Do it
I believe that having a drink then getting in to your car and driving can cause a serious injury, our death. It is just the same criminal act as a cold blooded murder. Drink driving should be Zero alcohol limit that could reduce hundreds of injury and deaths on the road a year. We don’t drink before we go to work, so why would you drink after work and get behind the wheel and drive home?
People would say its because they had a hard day at work so they need a drink, but one drink leads to two, three and more .Before long, there several drinks in and time to go home. Do they get home in one piece?
“Statistics” say 88% of drink drivers will get home in one piece and not cause an accident; however the 12% that don’t have a accident . It may only be to a wall our road sign, you could also lose your licence: therefore you may need your licence for your job. It also could be a member of the family. Is drink driving as bad as we claim it to be? YES. There’s no excuse for it. Drink driving cause serious injury or death.
Each year numerous lives are lost due to irrational driving. The disregard for safe driving has been a predicament to Cheshire for years. For years police have relied heavily on speed cameras, breath testing and heavy fines as a deterrent against unlawful drivers. Over the years fatality rates have increased Cheshire police have composed a series of safe driving campaigns.
: Cheshire Constabulary report every year that eleven people die each year as a result of drunk driving.
: Young men in the 20s are four times more likely to be involved in drink driving accidents than other age group.
: On average three thousand people are killed or seriously injured each year as a result of drink driving. We all have choices that we make everyday.
Going out for tea our on your way home could be a families worst nightmare.
We all wish it wouldn’t happen to you. The driver has too much to drink and drive home, but never gets there. Wakes up the next morning not knowing what really happened the night before, until its too late. It’s the incense people and families that have to pick up the piece of a drink driver.
There are many countries around the world that are zero tolerance. In France driving under the influence is punishable by the equivalent of a $1000 fine, imprisonment for a year also loss of licence for three. Finland and Swedan automatically sentences drink drivers to one year jail sentence including hard labour. In Norway a drink driver is jailed for three weeks with hard labour and loss their licence for a year: However if they do it again, they lose their licence forever. In some counties, drink driving is punishable by death. All countries have a different laws and punishments, which keeps down accidents and serious injury all so deaths. So why is it uk still have high death rates caused by drink drivers. Are our punishments not hard core. People don’t take it serious enough until the worst happens, death .Don’t do it.
Information found (Cheshire Constabulary Police)

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