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Driving While Black


Submitted By Jluv1989
Words 408
Pages 2
DRIVING WHILE BLACK: BIAS PROCESSES AND RACIAL DISPARITY IN POLICE STOPS. criminology. (2006). driving while back bias process and racial disparity in police stops, 40(3), 709-739. Retrieved from
In 2000 a study was conducted for local and state police officers to estimate the degree of racial disparity in vehicular stops. In this study four mechanisms that might influence discrimination and racial disparity are racial profiling, race sensitive police deployment cognitive bias and stereotyping and prejudice where taking in to consideration. The data show that Blacks, Hispanics, and non-Whites, in general, have higher stop rates than Whites for over 50% of the sample. In fact, some law enforcement agencies have extreme disproportionally scores in which Blacks and Hispanics are two to thirteen times more likely than Whites and non-Hispanics to be stopped. While the non-White disproportionally scores are certainly influenced by the high Black stop rates, these scores were also high compared to Whites.
Based on the article do you think the different racial population can explain why blacks and Hispanic are stopped more than whites?
What do you think should be done to officers accused of making vehicle stops solely biased on disparity?
What do you think can be done to stop racial disparity in vehicular stops?
Racial Profiling and Police Subculture
Racial Profiling and Police Subculture. (2011). candaian journal of criminology and criminal justice, 53(1), 75-78. Retrieved from

This article takes a look in to racial profiling as well as it affect on the public. The article suggest that the affects for racial

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